Chapter 21

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Her POV...

Romma! You are the most stupid and the worst person in the world! Oh my God!! I seriously hate myself right now!! Why in the world did I do that?!! Waqqar must hate me now. Why, Romma, why?!  I had to prove my intentions to be pure to Waqqar. And that was exactly what I was going to do right now.

I searched the college hallways for him. I had wanted to talk to him ever since I stepped into class in the morning. But there were tryouts for the team and I had to attend. That alone took half my classes. And Everytime I had spotted Waqqar somewhere close, he would disappear the next second. I was irritated, but seriously, what else could I expect?

"Waqqar!" I called. He was locking his locker, almost leaving for home. He blinked twice as he saw me walking towards him. "Y-yes, Romma?" He questioned. He looked like he wanted to run away. And he wouldn't look at me. "Well..." I wasn't feeling less awkward either.

"Waqqar, listen, about yesterday..." I trailed off as I saw him go stiff. He froze on the spot. I gathered up some courage and blurted out. "I want you to forget all about it." He seemed to relax a bit.

"You know, Waqqar. I'm not used to keeping my distance away from guys much. I've never thought touching them is a big deal. That's why, I absent mindedly did that. I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again." I explained and he seemed to understand. He smiled at me, showing his perfect pearl teeth. My heart fastened it's pace and I felt as if it could fall out any moment.

"I understand Romma. It's totally okay." He shrugged a shoulder and ran a nervous hand through his dark hair. One lock fell over his dark eyes. And he stared down at me with that perfect smile and eyes warm as chocolate. "Don't worry about it, yeah?"

My stomach exploded in butterflies. My palms got sweaty. My face burned and heart sped faster.He smiled even more. I just stared at him. Realizing I was staring at him shamelessly, I lowered my gaze. "Thank you." I just simply said.

He nodded kindly. "Well, gotta go now. Salams!" He waved once and walked away just like that. I watched him go, frozen in spot. Even after he was gone, I stood there like an idiot. The last few weeks buzzed in my head like a video and suddenly, I clutched my chest and lost my balance. It all made sense to me now. I realized what was wrong with me. All that had been happening since the last  five weeks.

I now know. Why in the world didn't I realize it sooner. I, Romma Albasha, had fallen for Waqqar Mehmood...



"Iris!" I yelled in the phone. " I've fallen for him!"
"Huh? Who?" She didn't get it. I had fallen for a guy I had never thought I could like and she didn't get it. "Waqqar! That's who!"

She was silent for a second and then she giggled. "Well, it's about time." "Huh?" I was confused. What did she mean? "I mean, it's about time you realized you like him. You've been into him ever since I met you."

"What? No way. I never liked him before!" I defended. "Oh you did, Romma. It was always Waqqar this and Waqqar that. It was actually cute how jealous you got when I praised him remember?"

I thought about the day we went shopping and arguing with her about how Waqqar was not a cutie. Did I really have feelings for him then? Or maybe I always had feelings for him but never realized?!! Oh Allah!

"What should I do?!!" I asked her in panic. "Well just go up to him and tell him." I plonked my head against the table. "I can't do that! He'd freak out! He might reject me! No, he will reject me. He doesn't like girls like me!"

"Oh come on. There's a 70% chance he likes you back." Iris comforted me. I really hoped she was right. "But what should I do?!" I asked again. "Well, what do you normally do when you like a guy?"

I blanched. "I ask him out. Or flirt with him until he asks me out. Or just swap numbers with him and talk to him until he does." Iris was quiet again. "I can't do any of those things with Waqqar!" I wailed. "He'll never accept me the way I am."

"Calm down girl. We need to think of a plan." Iris said. She let out an evil laugh. "Don't worry. By the time we're done with him he'll be so in love with you that he'll accept you anyway."I grinned as she hung up. I was really glad for a friend like Iris. Now I just needed to see what she was planning. Hopefully, I could get Waqqar to see me in a better light.

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