Chapter 6

620 19 6

Meet me at our spot. 11 sharp.  ~K

I scanned the note one last time before leaving the room with Maddon.

"What do you think he wants?" Maddon asked.

"I'm assuming to apologize.  He never says to meet there unless it's something serious," I said.

"Where exactly is 'there'?"

"It's this painting in one of the hallways that pushes aside.  We used to hide from our parents in there all the time," I said and led Maddon through the winding hallways until we found the right one.

The clock chimed 11 times as I pulled aside the painting to reveal a small, dark space the size of a closet.  Kellan sat to one side with his knees drawn up to his chest.

"I'm not sure you can fit in here," I called back to Maddon.  "Maybe wait outside?"

"Okay.  Don't be long," he said and stood to the side of the painting. 

I smiled over my shoulder and crawled into the small space.

"It's a little tighter than I remember," I commented as Kellan pulled the painting back over the hole.

"Yeah, we haven't been in here in four years."

"Do you remember?" I asked.

"Of course.  We hid in here during the May festival when we didn't want to talk to Aunt Margaret," he said, letting out a laugh.

"Oh yeah!  Her and her pinching fingers!"

"And the wine.  Don't forget the wine!"

We both laughed, remembering the fun times when we were younger.

"So, what was the real reason you asked me to come here?" I asked, sobering up.

"When I told you that I fought with dad over you, I kind of lied.  I mean, it was over you, but it was a big deal not a little one."

"What happened?"

"I asked about the rebels and he gave his usual speech on how he has it handled and I challenged him about it.  I told him that if he had it handled, then they wouldn't be trying to attack us."  Kellan paused.  I couldn't see him in the dark space, but I could tell he was very upset.

"And then what?  Why do we have to keep this a secret?"

"He hit me, Brae.  Straight across the face.  It cut me up pretty bad, which was why I had to stay in my room.  I had to swear I wouldn't tell anyone, but I can't keep this from you."

"Kellan, I'm so sorry! I didn't think he would ever have it in him to hit you. Are you okay?" I soothed.

"I'm sorry about how I acted in your room.  I was just overwhelmed with it all and couldn't think of a story to make up."

"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about.  If this ever happens again, let me know right away."

"I will.  Do you promise to keep my secret?" he asked.

"When have I not?"

"You're a great big sister, you know," he said

"And you're my favorite little brother," I laughed.

"I'm your only little brother."

"I know," I said and reached as far as I could to ruffle his hair.

"I'm getting squished in here.  Let's go," Kellan said and pushed open the swinging painting.

The light blinded us as we climbed back into the hallway.  "Thanks for the advice, Brae." Kellan said as his cover story.

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