Chapter 38

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I stepped onto the mini stage at the town courtyard, smiling and waving to the crowd. Maddon stood hand in hand with me.

I took a deep breath and looked at the smiling crowd. People were crammed onto the cobblestone square, trying to listen. I prepared the speech that I had performed three times already, and would no doubt say many more times.

"Good afternoon!" I said to the crowd. They yelled back.

"As many of you know, I was recently crowned the queen of Thanes," I had to pause to wait for the applause to die down. "And becoming that, the rule of my mother and father has ended," I had to pause again.

"My father was a greedy man. I am aware that he robbed Thanes of its resources and money for his personal gain. I can promise you that I will never be like him. I am here today to reimburse this town, as well as the rest of the towns in the kingdom. I am donating a large sum of money to help rebuild the schools and homes, as well as sending food to those who need it. Materials are being distributed as we speak to help get this kingdom back on it's feet again."

The applause this time was deafening. I would need to supply hearing aids at this rate.

"My fiancé, Maddon, and I will be staying here to read to the children for the day. Anyone is welcome to stay."

Children pushed to the front of the crowd, eager to be read to.

"She actually forgot to say something," Maddon piped up.  "She's sending out some of our best educated castle staff to come and teach in each town," he said.

"Actually, that was his idea he's just not taking any credit," I laughed. Maddon blushed and looked at the floor.

We sat down on the edge of the stage and invited the children up. They climbed into our laps as they helped us pick a book.

I read the narration and Maddon made all the funny voices for each character. Even I had tears streaming down my face in laughter by the end.

We read until it was too dark to see the words, and then people brought out lanterns to continue. Soon, the children were pulled away for bed. I stretched and snuggled up into Maddon's shoulder.

"I told you that you would make an amazing queen," he said.

"And you're going to make a wonderful king," I kissed his cheek.

We got up from the edge of the stage and hopped in the cart to travel to the next village.

Our wedding had to be pushed back in order to make it all the way around the kingdom, but we were both more than happy to make that exchange. We still had so much planning to do anyways.

The next village went about the same, and we traveled another day.

I gave my speech to the hungry people of another village. Their spirit wasn't dwindled no matter what they looked like.

The children lost interest in the books, so Maddon took off his jacket and I rolled up my dress to help rebuild a school. We hammered in nails to the wood, pushed desks inside, and filled the room with books. 

"Braelynn," Maddon called when we were painting the outside white with rainbow stripes.

I turned my head and was splattered in the face with paint.

"Hey!" I called. I returned the favor and splashed him.

He ran over and wrapped me in his arms, painting the side of my face and neck. I screamed and reached back, sticking my paintbrush in his hair.

Our little battle sparked the rest of the people to have an all out paint war. Brushes and globs of paint were everywhere. We all laughed and screamed until the paint was gone.

The building was still mostly white, but was splattered with all the colors of the rainbow. It looked pretty cool if I do say so myself.

"I have an idea," I said. "Gather all the kids."

I had the kids make hand prints in the little left over paint we had. They made them in the shape of a rainbow.

"Excellent job, my queen," someone said.

"Please, just Braelynn," I said.

"Then, excellent job just Braelynn," they laughed and took their child home.

"You two look so happy together," another lady said.

"Thank you," Maddon answered.

"When's the wedding?"

"Soon, hopefully. Whenever we get back to the castle," I said.

"Best of luck to you two," she said.

It was a wonder that one person could be so happy.

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