Chapter 9

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It's been one month. One agonizing month since Maddon left to fight.

I spent my time planning the Christmas party to a tee. It was only 25 days away.

I was currently digging through one of my supply closets in the spare room, pulling out all my Christmas decorations. Mrs. Bruns was playing Christmas tunes on the piano.

I was in the festive spirit.

I hummed along to the tune and pulled out a bundle of lights.

My velvet forest green dress swirled as I carried over to the pile of 4 fully decorated artificial Christmas trees, enough red berry garland to go around the whole castle, and red and green ribbons.

"Oh, princess, I didn't think you would still be here," Holly said as she walked past the door. Mrs. Bruns stopped playing.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well with Mr. Maddon back, I thought you might be with him," she said making me drop the lights on the floor and run towards her.

I had told the three of them about him the same day I told Kellan. They were thrilled and have been coming up with ideas the whole time.

"Where is he?" I demanded.

"Miss I shouldn't..." Holly started.

"Tell me where he is!" I shouted.

"The infirmary!  He's in the infirmary," she said and bustled away.

I picked up the ends of my dress and took off through the castle. I didn't slow down until I was at the infirmary doors.

He was alive.

There was only one problem. The infirmary was huge. There were four branches of eight rooms each that held patients. I had no idea which one he was in.

"Excuse me," I confronted a passing nurse. "Where is Maddon Crosgrove located?"

She looked at me, but didn't say anything.

"Where is he?" I demanded.

"Princess..." she began. Why was no one telling me where he is?

"I demand you to take me to him!" I shouted. She jumped and I immediately felt bad.

"I'm sorry, but please, take me to him. No matter how bad it is, I just need to see him," I begged and she caved in.

"Follow me," she said and walked down the second hallway to our left.

"Third bed from the end on the left," she said and went to tend to another patient.

I hurried over there. The room was filled with groans and grunts from the other patients. Each person has their own cot and side table that was separated from the others by a stark white curtain.

I froze before I got to Maddon's bed. I should prepare myself for the worst, right? 

I took a breath and peeled back the curtain, stepping inside the small space.

Maddon slept peacefully on the bed. His sheets were stained red in spots, and there was a bandage around his head that was seeping blood. From here, I could see his black eyes and the deep scratch down his cheek. The rest of him was covered in a sheet.

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