Chapter 21

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Maddon was still lying in the bed when I came out of the bathroom, ready for the day.  I had given Holly and Lauren a week off to cope, and had rejected getting another maid.  I felt that it would dishonor Carrie.  She was irreplaceable.

He smiled at me and I crawled back into bed with him.  It was raining out today, melting some of the snow.  I didn't plan on leaving the bed.

Tears welled up in my eyes for what felt like the thousandth time.  I rolled my eyes and pressed the heel of my hands to my eyes.

"It's okay to cry," Maddon assured.

"I know, it's just.." I trailed off.  I sighed, nuzzling into his shoulder.

"Everything has happened so fast," my voice cracked.  "I feel like everything is spiraling out of control."

"I know," he said.

"With Ford, and the village, and Carrie, and us, I just feel so overwhelmed."

"Are you saying you want to take a break?" he asked, looking down at me.  We can't take a break if we weren't even together in the first place.

"No!  If anything, you are the only thing that's going right.  That's not what I'm saying at all," I exclaimed, kind of hurt I would just bail on us.

We fell into an awkward silence.

"Do you think think the rebels can act without their leader?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe.  We'll just have to wait and see.  I don't think Carrie was the main rebels, more of a town rally act," Maddon said.

"I think you're right.  The main rebels wouldn't outright kill a person.  That would show that they're just like us," I said.

"Right," he said.

"I'm glad you were my guard, Maddon," I whispered, kissing his cheek.

"Me too," he whispered, kissing the tip of my nose.

"What do you think will happen to us?  In the future, I mean," I said.

"I don't know.  Hopefully we can be together."

"We can be together, Maddon.  No one would find out," I said.

"But they could.  It's too big of a risk.  If I get taken away now, they'll never let me come back.  I would rather wait until it's safe, that way, there's no chance we'll be ripped apart."

"What if that never happens? Without my engagement to Ford, there's no way for me to be married for a year.  Our plan is ruined," I whined.  'What do we do until then?"

"This," he said, kissing my temple.  "We wait," another kiss.

I sighed and playfully rolled my eyes.

"I guess that'll do," I play whined.

"You guess?" he said, rolling over on top of me.  

He kissed the sweet spot under my ear, making my eyes roll back a little.  He trailed lower, down the side of my neck.

He had never done something so intimate before, and I was loving every second of it.  I arched my back to give him more access.  His kisses were sweet and light, and maddening.

"Do you still guess?" he said.

"What?" I breathed, unable to comprehend what he was saying.

"Thought so," he laughed, making me hit his shoulder.

"Meanie," I stuck out my tongue.

"You love it," he play sneered back.

"I do," I answered and things got real serious. He looked into my eyes like they were the only things in the world.

It wasn't quite an 'I love you' but it was close enough for us.

Maddon came down for another peppering of kisses and I knew I was done for.


Sorry it was so short. This is like my fifth update today!

What is the funniest joke you know my heart?

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