Chapter 13

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"No way!" Lauren squealed, clapping her hands. "This is so cute!"

"I'm so excited for you guys!" Holly said.

Carrie was silent on the other side of the bed.

Maddon stood behind me and had his hand resting on my shoulder as I told them what was going on.

There was no way I could keep this from them, not if Maddon and I wanted a chance of being together. We would need their help to keep our secret.

I had been worried that they would disapprove, but they couldn't seem happier at the news.

Lauren squealed again and clasped her hands together.

"We'll help in any way we can.  We can keep people out of the room and-"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here," Carrie interjected, holding out her hand.  "Braelynn, I need to talk to you alone."

"Okay sure.  Would you guys wait outside?"

Everyone except Carrie and I filed out of the room.

"What do you need?"

"I don't think this is a good idea; you and Maddon," she said.

"And why not?  I really like him, Carrie," I questioned.

"Do you?  Or are you just jumping at the first thing that comes at you? "

The hurt might not have been evident on my face, but it was in my mind.  Carrie is the oldest out of all of us and she has always been the voice of reason.  I trusted her advice with everything I had.  This time, I don't feel like listening.

"How dare you accuse me of this?  Maddon means more to me than you'll ever know.  What I feel for him is real."

"You are a princess.  He is a guard.  You two will never be together.  You are a foolish child to think so. Grow up, Braelynn.  It's about time you did."

"Leave," I demanded.


"Leave.  And don't bother coming back until you can learn to speak to me properly," I said.


"No.  I will not hear this.  Leave now.  And if you even think about telling someone about this, I will not hesitate to have you hanged for treason."

With one final sob, Carrie ran from the room.  My heart clenched.

I immediately regretted what I did.  I cared for Carrie like a sister.  She didn't deserve being sent away, she was only trying to help.

I groaned and flopped backwards on the bed.

The door creaked open and Maddon walked in alone.  I assume the others went after Carrie.

My heart sped up as usual when he came and sat next to me.

"Want to talk about it?" he asked.

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