Chapter 5, Nerves

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School was boring and same as always. Same old same old day. Archie picks me up , goes to school ,we walk to my locket then his ,then English class where we worked in our work books. In class Mrs Watson said our group assignment will be only worked on outside of class and is due in 3 weeks from yesterday.
Betty is back so at lunch when we all hung out it was like normal I talked mostly with Archie and Jughead with Betty. Although me and Jughead did occasionally glance at each other. We also occasionally shared glances during 5th period art where we sat from across from each other. In that class the desks shaped a U shape and instead of individual desks it was 3 long desks. Art was my 3rd elective as I also had fashion but that was 3rd period. Jughead had 3 electives also he took journalism 2nd period with Archie. My other elective was home economic with Betty 4th period and Jughead had wood shop 7th period.
I tried to focus on drawing a bird like I'm supposed too but I was finding it difficult.

"Don't forget to add a lot of shadowing"
Mr Jim said to the class. No his last name isn't Jim he is one of those teachers that has you call him by his first name.

After class as I was walking to the door I wasn't paying attended and bumped into Jughead and dropped my sketch book. He bent down and handed it back to me.
" Thanks "

"No problem so I was thinking how about after school I can take you home and we can work on our assignment and I'll just have Archie take Betty home"

"Uh sure"
This caught me off-guard not something is expecting but it does make sense.

"Cool I'll tell Archie his next class is next to mine it just makes more since this way"

"Yeah sounds good"

"Cool so I'll just meet you outside your last period"

"Sounds like a plan"
I tucked a she's a hair behind my ear and smile at him.

"Seen you then"

As he walked a away I felt nervous. Why do I feel nervous I spent time alone yesterday with Jughead so what is the deal. As I walked to 6th period history class I kept wondering what that feeling in my stomach was. It can't be nerves as I shouldn't have anything to be nervous about. Maybe it was the fact this would be my first time alone with Jughead in his car but that shouldn't make me nervous. I don't understand ever since yesterday after we worked on our project I've had this small thing like a buzzing in my stomach.
The bell rings and I snap out of it. I was in a daze almost ll of class and got little work done. Now it's time for 7th period and then time to go with Jughead. It made the buzzing feeling come back. When I was almost to class I saw Archie he waved at me and blew a kiss. His 7th period was down the hall from mine he'd usually like to walk me for my 6 to my 7 since it's close by but I guess he didn't feel like it today but it's no big deal I don't need to be walked to class. I blew him a kiss also and he smiled then went in his class. I looked around and saw Jughead leaning against a wall. His class is also close by he didn't see me and I went in class before he could. During all of Econ which is my most boring class of the day and we stay here where I usually don't pay attention I payed even less attention in today.
Tick tick
Time moved so slow as Mr. Mitchell went on and on about small business owners and yeah. My dad might have his own business and this stuff would interest me but it doesn't.
Tick tick.
235, 237
When will it just be 245 already like come on this class has felt like a hours.

Why am I so anxious for it to end. I start to wonder . Why do I want to work on a project with Jughead so bad . It's just homework. Then I wish time would slow down when
There goes the school bell and everyone rushes out of class. I sit there putting my things in my bag slowly.
When I walk out the class Archie comes over to me and puts an arm around me.

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now