Chapter 23, Alone Time

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When I first found out that I was going to have to  be here alone for about a week I was angry. I didn't want to be alone and i hate being on the outside of situations.  Why are my parents always having to keep stuff from me. The drive up here was long and boring but it did give me time to just sit and think things over and now i am not so mad. Well i am still mad over being on the outside and them having secrets from me but there is a plus side to me being here. I get time to clear my mind. It is alone time I need. I can read a book , go swimming, go hiking , catch up on tv shows. I really needed this time to think things over and being away from everyone gives me time to focus and not have anyone cloud my thoughts. The cabin isn't as big as my family's other ones it's 1 story and it has 3 bedrooms. It's surrounded by trees and plants there's a small lake next to it. The inside is nice but kinda dusty because this one doesn't have people that come over once in awhile to clean it with the upkeep. I think my dad has someone check on it once or twice a year only. It's nice though it's cozy. My bedroom looks almost the same as I left it it has some stuffed animals in the conner and my old purple comforter it's only a twin bed because I last stayed in here when I was like 12 or 13. There's also a stack of book on the desk. I decided to stay in the guest room because its a queen bed. My parents room has a king bed but i'd feel weird staying in their bed.

I set my stuff down and walk around for a bit just looking around . The I go and sit on the porch swing and look out to the trees this cabin looks so there's nothing but trees and on the other side of the lake is very pretty and very private. I haven't been here in so long. It's nice and peaceful. Usually my family when they want to send me away when my father has one of his meetings he would send Archie with me. He would trust him to keep me safe but ever since my family and his falling out a few months back they hate him and want me to break up with him. It broke my heart when they started to hate him. It was a difficult situation. I felt like i had to choose and I just couldn't. I never did. I just kept them at a distance hoping that someday they would make up. Now it is different things have changed and Archie doesn't even care about getting on their good side. He mostly just cares about football and work. He is getting a little back into music which is good. Im happy for him I want him to be happy and have other things on his mind. Another thing is now with everything that's happened recently Archie being close with my Dad is not the best idea. I look out into the beautiful view. I smile it looks so peaceful and relaxing the sunlight shines onto the small lake. Do you ever wonder what if. What if i just let myself go ? What if I did what I really wanted and not just what I think I should do? What if I let what I feel deep down out? It could be a recipe for disaster or make things better. I want to make people happy. I hate hurting people especially after a lot that has happened this past year. There's been so much pain that I'd hate to bring more hurt. I think thats why im still with Archie. We have been through so much together. When things were bad and times we're hard we were there for eachother. So how could I just walk away. I could never cause him pain it would kill me if I broke his heart. I still love him maybe it's not like how it was in a really romantic way but I care so much for him. It's good that i'm here I can clear my head and try to make things better. I head inside and turn on the porch light on and go to my bed to get some rest it's been a long day.

I'm sitting on the couch trying to decide what to do. I could stay here work and go to class and just try to focus on my day to day life or I can go after her. I can go to her cabin and try one last time to win her back and if she says no then I'll just move on but maybe spending some time alone she will change her mind and maybe I ll get her back. I know she probably won't leave Archie but if we need to have a secret relationship for a little longer i'll be okay with that. I just need to see what it will be like for a few days just me and her. No Archie no Betty no parents and other distractions no Riverdale. Just us. I think it will help us a lot to just figure out what we want. But that is a really long drive and im not completely sure where her cabin is at I have an idea but I can ask around and I think I remember her cabin number. But i'd have to leave now if I wanna be there before it gets too dark. So what to do. I don't waste to much time thinking it over so I text my dad that i'm going to be out for a few days that I will explain it to him more latter but not to worry. I fill the car with gas and then im on my way. This is probably a really dumb idea but I just need to do it. I need to know .

Thank you so much for reading and please don't forget to share and star (vote) . What do you think will happen next? Will Jughead and Veronica? Will Veronica listen to what he has to say? If your not following me please follow so you can get a notification when I post next and I'll love to hear some of your ideas for stuff you'd like to see what happens next.
So sorry I haven't posted in a month things just got crazy busy and I haven't had much free time. I've been dealing with family stuff plus I started a new job but things seem to be calming down I hope it stays that way because I miss having free time and I really miss writing.   Thank you again for reading ❤❤❤

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now