Chapter 24: Stay The Night

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There's a loud knock at the door and I just out of bed. Not the best way to be woken up. I walk towards the fireplace and grab the fire poker. I walk slowly to the window but it too dark to tell who is at the door. The porch light is out damit the light bulb probably died I don't even remember the last time it was changed . There is more knocks this time it's louder. I open the door slowly while holding up the fire poker.

" Whoa a familiar voice says don't hit me"

I lower the fire poker and the person comes in the cabin.

I say very surprised.

"Umm Jughead why are you here"

"I wanted to talk"

"You drove like 5 or 7 hours just to talk to mw why didn't you just call"

"Well this way I can see you and talk to you"

"It's like 2 am"

"Yeah sorry I should have left a little earlier but well I wasn't sure if I should come down here or not"

"Well i'm not going to send you away it's dark and you need some rest you can stay the night and let's talk in the morning"

"Thanks where can I sleep."

"Do you mind sleeping on a twin bed "


"Well you can sleep in my old room here i'll show it to you if you don't like it we can switch beds or you can sleep in my parents room"

" Im sure its fine"

I walk him over to the room.

"Ignore the stuffed animals in the corner"

He looks around and smiles.

"So this is your old room"

"Yeah but it's been a long time since I used it"

"Are any of your parents spies around"

"No they know better then to try and spy on me but I have protection plus a panic button"

" I saw your protection " he laughs pointing to the poker
"So were you actually going to hit me with that fire poker"

"If I needed to yes so watch out" I smile and turn away "So umm If you need anything i'll be in the room next door and we can talk more in the morning"

Jughead puts his bag down and I leave the room.

" Wait Veronica"

I turn around "Yes Jughead"

"Have a good night"

I smile again "Thanks You Too"

I go to my room and lay on the bed but the thought of Jughead being in the next room makes it almost impossible to sleep as now my head is racing and so many thoughts flud my mind. Why is he here? Well he said he wants to talk. Talk about what? Is this some big gesture to win me back. Don't be full of yourself veronica but he did drive hours to come here what am i supposed to think. What if my dad has a spy here ? He wouldn't but then again. If he does and he tells my dad Jughead is here that won't be good he hates him more than he hates Archie. I'm overthinking everything. I need to relax and try and sleep. I sit up and look out the window. The night view of the lake is so amazing as the moonlight hits the water. It helps me relax a little and  I lay back down. Just do not think about the fact that Jughead is in the room next door. Also forget the fact that you and him are all alone. okay . I tell myself this over and over until I go to sleep. My dream is more like a nightmare. Me and Jughead are making out in a empty classroom when Archie walks in and starts yelling.

"How could you Veronica You and my best friend. You just broke my heart"

"I didn't mean to break your heart i'm so sorry it just happened"
I tell him as i start crying
Jughead and Archie start fighting and Betty comes in.

"I always knew you were a selfish bitch who only cared about herself. Look you stole my boyfriend and cheated on yours"

"I'm so sorry im not like that but"

"But what you always try to prove that your not like your parents but it looks like you're just like them"

"I'm not them im not"
I say over and over.


I hope Veronica lets me stay and that in the morning she won't just tell me to leave. I know she's scared. I am also but I just need to convince her it will be okay. I walk over to her desk and a picture of her is on it. She must have been 9 or so and is sitting on a horse. She has this big smile on her face its adorable . I set it back down and glance around the room then i lay down. I'm so tired after that long drive I really need some sleep. I'm nervous for the morning but also kinda excited. If things go well everything could change for the better if not I just need to move on. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

My dream is more like a memory.  It is me and Veronica talking. She's bring up her plan to get Pops back and as shes talking i'm starting to really trust her. I used to think she was just like her father a rich greedy snob who doesn't care about anyone but themselves but in that moment I started to see the real her. The caring broken strong woman she is. Then were at pops and shes talking about giving my dad a job and I can't explain what i felt but it was grateful and I started to for the first time saw her as a friend. At that time me and Betty were still a couple and Veronica was deeply in love with Archie but it was a start to something. Next it's when me and Veronica were sitting on the couch and started making out and things start heating up. But then. I'm awake

Thank You so much for reading and please vote (like) and share it.  What do you think will happen with Veronica and Jughead will she send him away in the morning or will she let him stay awhile. What do you want to happen next? Also I have took some scenes/(background info) from Riverdale but a lot of I have made up. I like having a mix of stuff taken from the show and some stuff made up also a little is from the comics. Anyways thank you again and hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment below what you'd like to see next.

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now