Chapter 27, Veronica : The Time

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When it was just me and Jughead it was like something in me woke. I know it was only a few days but it felt like a lifetime. We barely spoke but in those few words it felt so good.

I'm at Pops right now. Archie is talking and has his arm draped across my shoulders he is laughing and and talking with Betty who is sitting across from us. Jughead is sitting next to her but he isn't speaking. I have no clue what Archie is saying my mind is off to last week when it was just me and Jughead. I asked him that night I came home to not stop. I didn't want him to give up on us. My heart wants him even if my head doesn't my head says stay with Archie. The all american good boy. He won't break your heart you can have a good life with him. I feel so alone in this. I have nobody to talk to about all of this. Like Betty no way it will be like hey Betty I'm in love with your ex we slept together when you were still dating also but should I leave Archie for him Yeah that's a no and it's not like me and Cheryl are close I couldn't tell her all of this I'm not sure she could keep it a secret or if she would tell anyone. Then there's Kevin. I probably could talk to him but he is also Betty and Archie's friend so i'm not sure how he would react to all of this. I feel so alone right now.

Archie takes his arm off me and starts eating his food. My mind drifted off and I didn't realize that the food came. I don't feel like eating anymore but I start to eat my salad just because it would look weird if i didn't.  After we all ate I ask Archie to take me home because I don't feel good. He asks what's wrong but I say I isn't anything big I just don't feel good. He shrugs and says okay. In the car I get a text from Jughead asking whats wrong. I tell him it's nothing. When we get to my house I tell Archie thanks ang go to my room. I know he probably wanted a kiss goodbye but maybe him thinking I was sick is why i didn't and not that kissing him is what makes me a little sick. That sounds bad but its just now anytime we kiss I feel a little sick in my gut and I feel like im betraying Jughead. We haven't slept together in a couple months and we had a fight about it the other day. I told him I just don't feel like doing it. He said we used to do it like rabbits what happened. I told him i'm going through stuff at home and emotionally i'm just not there. He said that sex could help me feel better but I told him I need time and why can't being with me without sex be enough. We stopped the convo there. I stayed in my room the rest of the night and morning. I told my parents I don't feel good and that I couldn't go to school. There was a little bickering back and forth but they ultimately just said okay and left. I got a text from Archie asking where I was I told him I'm still feeling sick and couldn't go to school when I got a text from Betty I told her the same thing when Jughead texted me asking if I was okay why wasn't in school I told him I wasn't feeling good he said what's make me not feel good I told him it's just a lot of things right now and I need a little break he asked if he could come over I said maybe later in the day. Kevin also texted me and I told him same thing that i'm not feeling good. He said he sensed something was wrong the other day when we were hanging out and what's up I told him I have a lot going on in my mind and did not feel like going to school and that maybe we could talk about it latter.  He asked if I wanted him to come over so we could talk and I told him okay.

Kevin got there not long after and when he did I didn't say much. We just sat on the couch in silence for a few minutes then he said

"Okay come on tell me what's wrong there's clearly something wrong"

I take a deep breath and look at him. I'm scared so scared to tell someone I've kept it inside for so long and it's eating at me I need to talk with someone and it's time now to finally let someone in. I don't know if telling Kevin is the best choice but I can't tell Betty and Cheryl isn't a good option either. Jocie would probably tell Archie right away. I can't talk to Jughead about Jughead and Archie is no way. So I don't really have another option I don't have much friends.

"If I tell you promise you wont judge me and that you won't freak out okay and you need to promise you won't tell anyone it's a secret a big secret"

"Is it that bad"

"Please promise"

"Okay I promise"

I take another deep breath and here it goes.

"I have been cheating on Archie"

And I feel a little sigh of relief but that's only part 1 wait till I tell him the rest.

Kevin's jaw dropped.

"Omg what for real"

I nodd

"With who"

"That's the big secret promise you won't freak out okay and that you won't tell anyone"

He nodded

"I've been having an affair with Jughead"

Kevin's eyes went huge and his jaw dropped again he just looked at me.


I nood

"Seriously Jughead Archie's friend and Serpents gang member Jughead"

"Is there anyone else named Jughead"

"Wow how did that happen"

I tell him everything from us getting assigned to work together to me starting to have feeling for him , our kiss , the first time we hooked up , and when we were at the cabin. I told him everything.

"Wow do you love him"

"I think I do but I feel so guilty about Archie and Betty what do I do."

" I don't think you should tell them yeah someday yeah possibly I really think you should at least break up with him"

" I know that's what I've been feeling but I just really don't want to hurt him"

"The longer you wait the more hurt he'll get"

" you are right I need to end this its time"

We talked for about an hour more when there was a knock at the door. I went to go see who it was and it was Jughead.

" it's Jughead"

"Well I should get going"

"You don't have to"

"You and him need to talk"
I open the door and Jughead looks surprised to see Kevin.

"Kevin what are you doing here"

"I could ask you the same thing kinda wired you coming to your best friends girlfriends house by yourself"

Kevin smiles at him and then me.
"Time to go you both need some alone time."

Jughead looks at me and says "what was that all about"

I tell him
" I'll explain to him inside"

He got mad I told him at first but then when I told him that I needed to talk with someone that is eating at me he understood. Then I told him I'm finally going to break up Archie and he smiled really big I asked when I was going to do it I said that's what I need to figure out I need to find this out right it is time to finally go through with it and break up with Archie. Then he left I needed alone time to think this over. I need to break up with Archie the right way and I have no clue what the right way is.


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The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now