Chapter 9, Forget It Happened

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I can still feel Veronica's lips. I'm laying on on my bed and put a finger to my lips. I can still feel her body  at i touch my arm . I can taste her. I want to say that i want to take it back. I want to say i regret it but I can't . I can say it but I would just be lying to myself.  I really suck. I cheated on Betty with her best friend. Yes it was just 1 kiss but still and honestly I also wish the kiss lasted longer i wanted to be closer to her . I wanted to be near her . That kiss just made me feel so connected to her. I know how bad this is . I'm falling for her. i really am if that wasn't obvious but now she knows i like her. i can try and say i was drunk but it was obvious i wasn't . she would have tasted it. I can say i was out of my mind but that just doesn't explain it. i will probably just pretend that nothing happened that's the best thing to do.  Then i get a text from Archie

"hey dude wanna hang out at Pops for a bit mine and Veronica's plans were cut short wanna grab a burger"

While i'd love a burger the thought of seeing Archie right now makes my stomach turn. How could i see my best friend after i just kissed his girlfriend.  I need to forget that the kiss ever happened but how am i supposed to do that when the kiss is all that i can think about .

I turn over and try to put this out if my mind but then i think about what she must feel. Veronica did kiss me back. Maybe she has feelings for me. Im crazy well am i but it might just have been in the heat of the moment and if she dose also have feelings what are we supposed to do about them.
I guess I still have all of tomorrow to think it over before school Monday.
I close my eyes and try to get some some sleep. Maybe I'll dream of her but that will make things worse.


I'm a idiot. I'm so dumb. Why how could I do that how could I kiss Jughead. I sit on my bed and hug my pillow. Now he knows I have feelings for him. And Archie my love how could I do this to him and Betty the best friend I ever had how could I do this to her. I sit up and smile when I think about the kiss. Such a bittersweet thought. I betrayed Archie and Betty but I enjoyed kissing Jughead. I have these feelings I don't understand but I like them . Around Jughead I feel free I don't feel the need to try and be perfect I don't need to watch what I say and do. I don't need to wear makeup and look my best. I can just be relaxed and he makes me feel better. I've been so stressed lately and when I with him it's like my worries drift away. But now I'm feeling the other thing again.


The guilt of liking my boyfriend's best friend and  who is also the boyfriend of my best friend. It's this weird twisted thing that when when I think about it makes my head spin.

I wanna text Jughead to tell him that nothing happened forget it and never think of it but I don't I can't . When I get to school I will pull him aside and tell him or i'll just ignore it and pretend nothing happened it's any other normal day. I need to do that . I cant hurt Archie and Betty. I love Archie and hurting him will kill him so it will kill me and if Betty would find out it would crush her and she the best friend I ever had how could I treat her like this.
so it is settled I can't think of Jughead anymore I won't hurt them. I need to forget him and move on with my life.  Tomorrow I'm going to hangout with Achie again and this time it's going to be great and everything will just go back to normal. Then when I get back to school the day after tomorrow I will act like nothing's wrong i'll smile and be me well the me I am at school. I hope it's not awkward.  It was one kiss why am I making such a big deal about it. Just a kiss 1 kiss that didn't even last long . Yeah it made my head spin but still I'm being dramatic okay why am I acting so dumb so over dramatic . Veronica move on and forget it put it on the back of your mind you have a lot more to stress about. I lay back down and get ready to fall asleep .
Monday is going to be a long day.

So sorry it took me over a week to post this. It's just that this past week has been so crazy. Sorry my life is really hectic at the moment.

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now