Chapter 29: Veronica , The Breakup

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Here we go. Archie and I just got to pop's and my nerves kick in. I'm looking around and luckly there aren't many people here but I can see some people from school and i try not to make eye contact.
"Lets sit here Archie"
I say as I walk over to a booth towards the back. I want us to be hidden. He noods and we both sit down. When i sit down i adjust my dress a little. Im not as dressed up as i normally would be on a date. Im wearing a simple all black dress. Not my usual one with the collar this one is like simple long sleeve black dress that ends just past my knees and I have no jewelry on. I put my hands on my lap hoping that Archie wont notice that my hands are shaking. The waitress comes over and asks us whatbwe want to order but I cant eat so I just say water for now. Archie orders a soda and says he needs a few more minutes to order the rest. She noods and walks away. I look at the ceiling and then the floor staring at my black vans. I didn't want to wear dress shoes. I just keep staring at different things trying not to make eye contact with Archie. Im not ready to do it yet and i know that if i look him in the eyes i will break down.
"Are you okay"
Archie asks and i nood.
The waitress brings us over our drinks and as soon as she sets down my glass of water I takd 1 long sip , drinking half of the glass.
"I'll bring you a refill soon"
She says and i smile and nood. I dont want to seem rude but i cant look at anyone right now. I feel like I'm going to go crazy soon. My heat is beating fast and my plams are starting to sweet. I need to relax and steady myself.
"Are you sure your alright you dont seem good"
Archie says with a puzzled tone. I want to look at him I look up for a moment but look away. I can't. I drink the rest of my water and call the waitress over for a refill.
"I'm fine Archie really I'm fine"

The waitress brings over a pitcher of water and refills up my glass. I tell her thank you and shes asks us if we are ready to order but i tell her that we need more time. She says okay and leaves. I go back to starting at the back wall past Archie. I need to do this soon. I know that i wouldn't chicken out I know that this is what needs to be done. I need to finally end things with him and it has to be done. Im just worried that the longer i wait the more nervous I wll be and the harder it will be for my to do this. I look around Pop's and see a group of kids laughing on the other side of the room. One guy puts his arm around a girl sitting next to him and she rests her head on his shoulder. I think back to Jughead he helps me clam down and relax my nerves. I think about our kiss from earlier. It was sweet and simple but also intense. I can picture his smile and my whole body seems to ease and my nerves feel so much better. This is a big reason why you need to do this Veronica for him and you. I take a deep breath and take another sip of water. I wipe my hands on my dress where my knees are and then set them on the table. I fumble with my thumbs for a second before grabing ahold of Archies hands. I finally look at at him. His face is relaxed. He dosent seem like he suspects anything. I wonder how he is feeling. I look to the side as looking at his face is to hard. I can't see his face when i do this. I cant see what his expression will be i cant look at him when I break up with him.
Im still holding his hands and i turn my head to the side and look at the ground. I know I should look at him. I should face him it's whats i should be doing right? I know it is. I look at him again anf i stat to fill a knot in my thought.
I can't keep putting this off. I need to spit ot out. Come on Veronica say it. Say it already.

"Archie we have been together for a whille now."

"Yeah almost 2 years"

"Yeah and we have had our ups and downs and we have tried to past all of them."
He isn't saying anything

"Sometimes it was hard so hard and even when were were angry we still had eachother even when we weren't together we were still friends. I always wanna be your friend I always am gonna want you in my life your the best"
His face looks so confused. He seems lost.

"I don't know why your saying this Veronica"

"Promise me that we will always be friends even if we piss eachother off and we are mad at eachother. We still need to be friends"

" I'm confused Ronnie why are you talking like this."

"Just please promise me promise that we will be friends and have eachothers side
Archie looks so confused and it's breaking me.

"Things have not been going well for us"
His hands pull away from mine

"We have been working on our relationship but its not working. I love you I truly do but were not ment to be together. I think you know this you just dont want to realise it."

He looms hurt. I start to cry

"How could you say that Veronica why are you talking this way dont say it"

I'm crying now
" I'm sorry Archie but we need to break up"

He stands up loudly and people start to stair and he either doesn't realize this or he doesn't care if his voice gets louder.

"Don't say that"

"I'm sorry but we work better as friends"

"We can fix us"

"We have tried "

"We can try again"

"Archie I want you in my life you mean so much to me but its best if were not a couple"

Archie stoms off and put my head in my hands as i cry. I know people are staring but i cant help but cry . I pull out a 5 from my purse and set it on the table before I walk out. Im not standing in front of Pops and im crying.
After crying for a good few minutes maybe like 10 minutes. I know i did what i needed to but it hurst that i hurt him. I pull out my phone and I'm about to call Betty. I want to talk with her about eveything but instead i call Jughead.

"I need to see you could you please pick my up in front of Pops"

"I'll be right there"
I stand there waiting a few minutes and then I see him pull up. I walk over and get in his car.

Thank You so much for reading and please vote (like) and share it. Comment what you think about this chapter and what will happen next. What do you think will happen next with Veronica and Jughead ? What did you think of the way that Veronica broke up with Archie and will Veronica and Archie be able to work things out and be friends.
Thank you again and hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment below what you would like to see next. 💙💛

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now