Chapter 17 : Party

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It's been awhile since me and Veronica broke up  and it seems like we feel back into out old rhytherm . We old spend time together in groups and we don't text or talk on the phone. We hardly look at each other . It's like nothing happened at all. Me and Betty have been ok. We haven't hung out much more we have a date here and there but I just can't put my heart in it. I feel so bad and I know I should put more effort in it but it's so hard. I have been spending time with Archie though. We have patched things up and I get what Veronica was talking about because when hanging out I feel so guilty sometimes. He talks about now that he is going to try harder and be more here. He wants to fix things and thought that he should get something simple but nice for Veronica as a im sorry gift  and wanted my help. I hate this I need to help him get her something it hurts. I need to keep reminding myself that she's his not mine. Veronica is Archie's girlfriend remember that remember you have Betty and He has Veronica. The more i say it over and over in my head it dosent make me feel any better but i stil have to remember it that shes his not mine.

I'm sitting in my car and I just pulled up to Archie's house Betty is already inside and I can't bring myself to get out of the car. Archie is throwing a big party and I know she will be in there. I wonder if she thinks about me the way I think about her. Stop it Jughead you can not be with her think of Archie and Betty.  I decided that it is time to just suck it up and go inside. I hate how pathetic o sound as I know it's for the best but I can not help if I feel this way okay. I enter the house and it is packed with people . Everyone is laughing and having fun. Music is playing and everyone seems like they are in a happy hyper party mood. Im not feeling in a part mood and i dont feel like having fun. Why did i come here was it to support Archie or was it to see Veronica. I have been trying lately with Betty but she feels distance and I can not tell if its my fault or are just in general no longer working. Maybe that's why i was able to open up to Veronica.

Archie comes over to me and smiles.

"There you are dude i was wondering when you were going to show up"

"You know me Archie i have to be fashionably late"

He laughs and we start to goof around and sing along to the christmas song. Were just enjoying ourselves and having a good time and then Betty comes over.

"There you are Jughead i have been wondering when you were at"

" I just got here not to long ago"

"Hey Archie " Someone yells from across the room so Archie leaves to go see what they want.

"So Betty are you having a good time"

"yeah it's been nice what about you are you having fun"

" yeah well like i said i haven't been here long but its nice"

There's some awkward silence .

"So Betty do you wanna dance"

" Im not feeling it i don't wanna dance'

"Come on its fun"

"You can have fun dancing without me"

" yeah i guess you're right so do you want me to get you a drink"


I walk off to the kitchen to get Betty a drink and then i see her.

Veronica is leaning against the wall with a drink in hand and talking with some of the girls from the River VIxens. She is smiling and laughing . I want to go up and talk to her but instead i just walk in the kitchen and get a drink for Betty when cheryl walks over to me.

The Right Kind Of Wrong, A Jughead and Veronica Riverdale Fanfiction (Jeronica)Where stories live. Discover now