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"How dumb are you?!" Michael screamed down the hallway. "Sir, the kids escaped, they're no where in Japan," Timothy explained, clutching his switch blade in anger. Michael looked down and saw he still had a map with him. "What are the odds that they're in America?" Timothy asked. Michael picked up the walkie talkie lying on the table and called, "Peter O'Donald come into room three for a second. I need to talk with you." "Should I go?" Timothy asked. Michael nodded and called, "Leave the door open for Peter, please! You have a habit of slamming the goddamn door, Timothy!"

 Peter walked in with his left hand over where his eye patch would be. "Where's you patch?" Michael asked, sitting down on a step stool. "Lost my eye patch, have to keep this wet rag over it so it won't get infected, Rose," Peter explained, sitting at the table in front of Michael. "So," Peter began, as he stood over his friend with curiosity. "What do you need from me?" "Where did you see the kids last?" Michael quickly asked as he looked down at his witch blade. "I saw them heading to America, sir. I snuck into their apartment room at night and looked at the tickets. Translate them to English, and I saw that they were heading to the sleepy and now run down town of Thunder Valley, Oregon. The town we took over a few years back, right when L.J. Rogerstone tried to join in our gang with his three members, he now has five and one is currently dying. Since we have many hideouts in Thunder Valley already, I think our best bet would to take the rest of the gang and head to Thunder Valley, sir," Peter explained, setting a picture of the plane ticket on the desk. Michael smiled a devilish smile, that only a snake would be able to hold. "Peter what would I do without you?" Michael asked as he smiled u at his friend. "You'd be lost. I'm the only one who's as quiet as a field mouse around here, and I'm the only one who actually know's what the fuck I'm doing. You're welcome," Peter added.

 "Well, alert the gang and tell them we're leaving to our old home. Thunder Valley, where I know Samuel will be waiting. Along with another one of our axis powers," Michael said, putting on his coat. "When do we leave, Rose?" Peter asked, before leaving the room. "Right now. And I know an old friend will be happy to see us," Michael added as Peter closed the door. "Wait," Peter began. "Who's the other one that we're getting rid of?" Michael paused, then turned around and said with a devilish smile, "Alexandra Guzman. I know she'll be happy to see us after what we did to her little girlfriend." Peter nodded and closed the door. "I'll find them," Michael began, "I'll find them if I have to wipe out all of that stupid helpless little town!" Michael slammed his burly fists on the table, then heard someone walk in. He turned around and saw Jasper standing right in front of him, with the most snarled face Michael had ever seen from him before. "Oh, hey De Luca," Michael said as he walked passed his old friend. Jasper stood in the doorway and stretched his buff arms outwards to block Michael's exit. "Michael," Jasper began as he spoke in his thick Italian accent. "This has gone on for long enough! I'm sick of traveling after getting my shit together in life, then having to drop it and leave. I was engaged Michael, ENGAGED! And you were married, but once you found out that Samuel was still alive, you made all of us drop everything and leave! And I'm sick of it!" 

Michael stared at Jasper with annoyed eyes, then laughed the most horrid laugh Jasper had ever heard from him. "Are you mad man?!" Jasper asked as he grabbed Michael by his shoulders and began to shake him. Michael stopped laughed, drew his gun, and said, "I want the Webb family out of my life for good, Jasper. And I know you were good friends with Mikey and Kat after the whole Vegas incident, but trying to protect their child won't work! And as long as I'm alive, that kid, won't hear the end of it." Jasper snarled his lip, aimed his fist to punch Michael in the face, but restrained himself and set his hand down. "Michael, it's been eleven years. Eleven, fucking years! Give it a rest, man. By now, Samuel's probably sixteen and still has PTSD from you!" Jasper screamed as he tried to grab the gun out of Michael's hands. Michael stepped out of Jasper's way, causing him to fall to the ground. Michael stepped on Jasper's back and said as he looked at Jasper with snake eyes, "You're slow, old man. And I reckon that you should keep your kisser shut before I feed it a bullet! Now get up, we have work ahead of us." Jasper grunted as he got up. But once he was up, he drew his gun from his back pocket, and tried to shoot Michael in the back. Michael stepped out of the way, drew his gun, and shot both of the windows in the room, the table, and right below Jasper's foot. "You have the aim of a storm trooper, Jasper. Work on that," Michael said as he walked out of the room. 

Jasper grunted as he banged his fists on the table out of agony. "Why can't he let the past behind him?" Jasper wondered as he ran his fingers through his thick, ebony hair. Jasper heard the walkie talkie on the table go off, and heard Timothy's voice call for him to grab his things and get on the closest flight with the group. Jasper rolled his eyes and sighed, as he stood up, looked at his gun, and threw it on the ground, stepping on it in the process. As the gun crumbled under his feet, Jasper walked out of the old room, saying to himself, "Nevermore." 

The Hunt: The Final Chase (3) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now