Chapter 21

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"Jonathan, we might need your help with something," Alex said, knocking on his bedroom door. Jonathan opened the door with tired eyes and asked, "What happened? Clancy burn the kitchen down?" "No, are you feeling alright dude?" Alex asked, seeing that his eyes were a bright red color. "Oh yeah, I had some trouble with the fireplace last night. But it's fixed," he said, rubbing his eyes. "Well, the issue is that Jeff, Samuel, and Marceline went for a walk this morning and we attacked by something in the woods. A man to be more frank with you. He cornered them in a house and tried to kill them, but Jeff knocked him out with a crowbar that was in this little shack down near the sewage tunnel. You have a solution?" Alex asked. Jonathan shrugged, "You have a shotgun?" Alex froze, shocked at what he said, "Yeah... but you want to shoot the man?" "He tried to hurt Marceline, he deserves to die," Jonathan said. Alex backed away down the hall, "I have a shotgun in the RV, be right back..." Alex ran down the hall and grabbed the gun and went back to Jonathan, knowing she couldn't fully trust him after what happened last year. She handed him the gun and he walked to the shack by himself. 

"Marceline, you about done in the shower?" Bailey asked. "Yeah, I'm dressed, just towel drying my hair," Marceline called, opening the door. Bailey shoved Marceline out of the bathroom and slammed the door. "It was only five minutes Bailey, chill out!" Marceline called. Marceline didn't get a reply, so she headed to her room to grab her shoes. Before she got to the staircase, she felt like she needed to go upstairs quickly. But she didn't and felt something was off behind her. Jonathan snuck up behind her and grabbed her by her right arm and kept it against her back. "Are you hurt?" he asked. Marceline tried to jolt herself away from Jonathan, but his grasp was oddly tight. "No, but you're giving me an Indian burn right now Jonathan," she said annoyed but also freaked out. Jonathan laughed and said, "Well, I've always had a tight grasp. I've used that in many ways that I can't number." As he finished his sentence, he lightly sniffed Marceline's hair and sighed with satisfaction on his face. "What are you doing?" Marceline asked, scared out of her mind but also ready to kick Jonathan in the gut. "I was just wondering why you've never been in a relationship before. You're quite gorgeous," he lied as he stroked her hair. Marceline realized what he was trying to do and jolted away from him and said, "I know what you were wondering. And it's not going to work on me." "You're very smart aren't you? Well, you've caught on very well to what I feel. And I wish you knew how much I find you to be, a damsel," Jonathan teased, grabbing her hands and pulling him close to her. Marceline tried to step back, but she tripped over the stair steps and nearly fell. She felt hands catch her by her shoulders and saw Isaac standing over her, helping her up. Jonathan walked away, but hid behind a door that was open.

"You okay, Marcy?" Isaac asked. She nodded, "Yeah, it's just, Jonathan's been acting weird. Weirder than he usually is." "I've noticed, C.J.'s noticed the most. But I wouldn't let it bother me if I was you," Isaac said as he helped her up. Marceline shrugged as he walked away and continued up the stairs. Jonathan walked behind her on the ends of his toes to stay quiet and when she hit the last step, he grabbed her arm again and pinned it against her back. "I find you to be a damsel Marceline, a gem, a lotus, Marceline. You're like a Greek statue that was crafted by a master. I've fallen in love with you," he whispered. Marceline was shocked, not flattered, and pulled away from Jonathan and said, "Jonathan, A: I'm not into you that way despite you trying to impress me. B: I find it creepy that you follow me. And C" I'm fucking fourteen! Not even fifteen yet, you bastard!" "You're fourteen? So was K.C., and we all know what happened to her when I came around," Jonathan said, as he grabbed Marceline by her shoulders. Johnathan leaned closely to Marceline and tried to kiss her on the lips, but she stepped back and tried to run the other way, but he was blocking the only exit. Marceline didn't know what to do, so she just stood there in shock, fear, and anger. She felt something outline the sides of her torso and saw Jonathan's hands around her, as his hands worked down to her thighs. She felt like crying, but didn't know what to do. Jonathan held Marceline close to his body in a forceful way as his hands stopped at her hips. "You understand that I love you, correct?" Johnathan whispered as he kept Marceline close to him. Marceline nodded as she gritted her teeth, "I can feel it on my left thigh, you fucking perv." Johnathan smirked as he tried to turn Marceline around for her to face him, but she stomped on Jonathan's foot as hard as she could, and ran downstairs as fast as she could, trying not to cry or panic as she did. 

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