Chapter 22

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"Hey Isaac, Isaac," Jeff whispered, nudging his friends shoulders to wake him up. Isaac opened his eyes, seeing that the others were asleep, and asked, "What the hell do you want?" "Help me make breakfast," Jeff said. "What you making?" Isaac asked as he sat up and put on his glasses. "My greatest dish, Pancake Surprise, Dicks 'n Shit," Jeff said sarcastically as he stood in the doorway. Isaac shot up when he heard pancakes, so he followed Jeff into the kitchen.

"Okay, hand me the Bisquick, Isaac, we're gonna be here a while," Jeff said, turning on the stove and getting a pan from the pantry. Jeff grabbed a bunch of things from the fridge, such as eggs, spinach, bacon, and sausage. "First you gotta cut some red, yellow, green," Jeff began as he cut the items," Cucumber, meat. SHIT, and whatever this this is," he added as he put everything else into the pan. "Uh Jeff, I think you put a roach in the eggs," Isaac said. "Isaac, just be a good boy and hold the Bisquick, okay?" Jeff said, as he turned up the stove. Once a pancake formed, Jeff yelled, "Then you gotta flip some shit!" And flipped the pancake with a fork. But the pancake went up too high and stuck to the ceiling and didn't come down. "Jeff, you fucked up," Isaac said. "Isaac you keep talking like that I'm going to suck your dick!" Jeff said as he shoved a cucumber slice in his mouth. "Lets go Jeff, you're killing time!" Isaac said, turning down the stove. Jeff grabbed a hammer from the pantry and yelled, "DEIXE AQUI PORTA!" And Jeff threw the hammer at the pancake that was stuck to the ceiling. It didn't fall, so Jeff started throwing random things at the ceiling, hoping that it'd knock the pancake down. Nothing worked, until Jeff tripped on his own socks and fell against the microwave door, causing the pancake to fall on a pan of burning cucumber and bacon. "Well, that worked," Isaac said, laughing. "Isaac shut up," Jeff said. Samuel walked in the kitchen a few seconds later, saw what was happening and said, "Not even gonna ask." And walked back upstairs to change into decent clothes. "Well, that was worth the price of waking up early," Isaac said, throwing out the empty Bisquick box. "Does this place have Eggos?" Jeff asked. "Ask Clancy, but I think so," Isaac responded. 

Everyone just had Eggos for breakfast that morning because of the pancake issue. Alex got back to working on the RV with Clancy while the others went out to explore the rest of the plot. The group came to the creek and decided to hang out near it. The creek was very narrow and clear, almost looked like a mirror. The creeks rocks were shinny in the sunlight, gave off luster. Frogs and tadpoles would do flips and circles in the water, and each bird that would sit at the creek would take a piece of grass or a worm, and fly up into one of the many willow trees. The grass was soft and lush, almost like a cleaned carpet. But the shadows from the trees was what made it all the more like a Salvador Dali painting.

 Clancy sat under a shady willow tree with Bailey and they both dozed off while the others looked at the water flowing. "I can see a few fish in there," C.J. said, running his hand through the water. Jeff shrugged, "Probably tadpoles. I heard a bunch of frogs out here last night." "That too," C.J. added, grabbing a stick out of the water and drawing in the dirt. Marceline picked at grass and set the blades on her knee. She felt someone put a hand on her shoulder, so she looked up and saw Alex, standing over her holding a Coke in her hand. "Hey Marcy," Alex said, handing Marceline the Coke bottle. Alex's hands were covered in dried car oil, with was normal since the battery had leaked. Marceline smiled and said, "Thanks." as she took the bottle from Alex. "Pretty day, huh?" Alex said, sitting next to Marceline on the grassy hill. Marceline shrugged, as she moved her short hair out of her face, "Yeah." "You feel better?" Alex asked as she took a swig from her Coke bottle. Marceline nodded, as she rested her hands on her knees, "Yeah, but I just wish that this happened less often." "What do you mean?" Alex asked, tying her shoe laces. "Well, at my old school lots of the guys were like Jonathan, but they didn't grab me anywhere. Well, one did, but I punched him because I wasn't afraid of him. But I'm petrified of Johnathan," Marceline explained, as she moved her side bangs out of her face. "Your hair's growing a little long than it used to be. You want me to cut it?" Alex asked, beginning to stand up. Marceline looked up at Alex and nodded, "Sure, my hair's never been to my jaw bone before." "Well, I used to cut Samantha's hair, and I cut my own. So just tell me how you want it cut and I'll do it," Alex explained, fully standing up. Marceline nodded as Alex helped her up. "C'mon, I haven't cut hair like yours before so this'll be fun," Alex said as they both ran back to the house.

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