Chapter 3

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"Man, it's coming down hard out there, huh?" Isaac said,  as he looked out the window at the heavy rain. Alex nodded as she drove, "Yep, I've had to drive through hail before and it fucking sucks." "Did any windows crack?" Isaac asked. "Why are you even up, Isaac? It's four in the morning," Alex asked as she barely looked behind her, mainly so she could keep her eyes on the road. He shrugged as she yawned, "Couldn't sleep." "Does the rain help you sleep?" Alex asked. Isaac shook his head, "Nope. Am I annoying you?" "No, but I'd like it if you went back to sleep, Isaac," Alex said, turning on the headlights of the RV in order to see thru the heavy amounts of rain. Isaac shrugged and walked back into the boys room, climbed onto his bunk bed, and went back to sleep. 

"Hey Isaac can you move over," C.J. whispered from the foot of the bed. Isaac looked at the foot of the bed, then groaned, "C.J, I'm trying to sleep." "I know, I'm just crowded in between the wall and your bread stick legs," C.J. explained, crawling to the foot of the bed. Isaac rolled over on his side facing the wall and went back to sleep, then was woken up by Jeff falling on the floor. "What happened?" Samuel asked, shooting up in bed like a freaked out fox. Jeff raised his hand in a limp motion, "I uh, I fell out of bed." "How'd you get over there?" Samuel asked, seeing that Jeff was all the way across the room. "Where?" Jeff asked, still trying to open his eyes. "There," Samuel said, looking at Jeff across the room. "Where?" Jeff asked again. "There, how'd you get over there?" Samuel asked, almost yelling. "Who we talking about?" Jeff asked, sitting up. "You guys shut up I'm trying to sleep, let me sleep!" Clancy yelled from under his covers. "Bitch nobody's trying to wake you up," Jeff said, getting up. "Whatever, you guys are so immature," Clancy mumbled. "Says the guy that reads Playboy magazines and jacks off to them in order to fall asleep," Samuel said, climbing off his bed in an annoyed manner. "Where do you think your going?" Clancy asked, annoyed by the bright light peeking through the cracked door. "I'm getting up to eat breakfast, also I didn't eat any dinner," Samuel said, walking out of the room. 

Samuel closed the door behind him and grabbed a paper bowl from one of the cabinets. "Morning Sam," Alex called from the front of the RV. "Oh hey," Samuel said in a tired voice. "Sleep okay?" Alex asked, stopping the RV at an old diner that looked to be shut down for a few years. He shrugged, "Yeah, I woke up to Jeff falling off his bed, he fell across the room though and I have no idea how he did it." "Good for him," Alex said, getting up from the driver's seat. Soon Marceline and Bailey woke up and did different things. Bailey sat on the couch while Marceline stood up to fix herself a bowl of cereal and grab an orange from the cooler that was in the small fridge. "Morning girls," Alex said, sitting on the couch with a carton of grape juice. 

"Marceline, why are you so pale?!" Bailey asked, seeing that Marceline was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a black sports bra. She shrugged, "I don't get in the sun a lot." "Samuel, are you staring at her?" Bailey asked as she began to stand up. Samuel looked up from his bowl of cereal and asked, "What? I just got up- oh, hey Marceline." "Samuel, how are you not noticing this?" Bailey asked as she stood behind Marceline, who was trying to enjoy breakfast before the day went wild. "Noticing what?" Samuel asked with tired fair eyes. "SHE'S IN A GODDAMN BRA, SAMUEL!" Bailey yelled, pushing Marceline in front of her. Marceline stepped on Bailey's foot, "Bailey shut the hell up!" "Just stating the obvious, put on a shirt," Bailey said. "Says the girl wearing a shear tank top and thin panties that show half your arse," Marceline mumbled as she peeled her orange at the small kitchen counter top. Bailey turned around with her lavender hair wiping back, "Excuse me?" "You heard me bitch, my shirt is dirty so I couldn't sleep in it," Marceline said, sitting in the booth across from Samuel. "I don't really care, Bailey. Also she's covered, so what's the big deal?" Samuel said as he walked over to the small trash can under the stove to throw away his bowl and plastic spoon. Bailey rolled her grey eyes and sat next to Alex on the couch. "Bailey, leave her alone. Look, I love you, but I hate your guts sometimes," Alex said, drinking a glass of milk. "Alex, she's way too pale and why is she a walking stick?! She probably never eats or something," Bailey argued with her arms crossed. "Bailey, I ate an entire box of Lucky Charms last summer because that was the only food we had in the house," Marceline said across the room. "So what? You probably threw it up later," Bailey said. "Nope, I run a lot. I was in track for three years, hun. Shot put, long jump, 400 and 1000 meter dash," Marceline corrected as she ate an orange slice. "And one more thing Bailey, wear a bra under your shirt. It's really shear," Marceline added as she gave Bailey a snarky smirk. "Oh shit," Samuel said, laughing under his breath. "You goddamn she-devil, Marceline" Bailey mumbled, walking into her room to change her shirt. "I prefer Banshee, bitch!" Marceline called back as Bailey slammed the door shut. 

"Don't listen to Bailey, her bark's worse than her bite. Plus she get's jealous of girls that are really thin and fair skinned. It's a habit for her," Alex said, getting off the couch. "The rain's died down," Samuel said, looking out the window at the lush green trees and soft-looking grass. Alex nodded, "Yeah, that means I can start driving again." "Hey Alex, does anyone else drive at this hour?" Jeff asked, walking out of the bedroom. "No, but I do see headlights in the mirrors," Alex said. She got a closer look and saw it was two black jeeps, with two men in each of them, speeding up to the RV fast. "Fuck, they have rose tattoo's," Alex said, speeding up. "Alex, what's going on?" Clancy asked, getting out of the room. "Everyone grab onto something, we've got some Bloody Roses on our trail," Alex explained, opening the glove box and pulling out a long hunting rifle. "Samuel, you know how to use one of these?" she asked. Samuel shrugged, "Yeah I think?" "Good, Marceline, you might want to put on a jacket because I'm about to open the sun roof," Alex added, before stepping on the gas peddle. Marceline grabbed a white jacket from her bag and ran back out to the front of the RV. "Samuel, the rain's stopped but it's still freezing. Be careful. Also, Marceline, you and Isaac help him out okay?" Alex said, opening the sun roof. Samuel climbed up with the hunting rifle in his hands, along with Marceline and Isaac following behind. Isaac handed Marceline a pair of binoculars and said, "Give him the signal, I'll watch for trees."

"Okay Samuel, shoot the tires! And if you have to, shoot the drivers!" Alex called from the RV. Samuel nodded, and aimed the rifle at the front tires, and shot each of them on the first jeep. "Got one!" he called. "Great, Isaac, you and Marceline direct him!" Alex called from the RV. Marceline tapped Samuel on the shoulder and said, "Hit the engine, it'll cause the jeep to go berserk." Samuel nodded and shot the front hood of the jeep where the engine would be, and Marceline was right. They all watched as the jeep skidded across the road and crashed into a large oak tree. "Well, that's a dead man right there," Isaac said as he saw the jeep catch fire. "Yeah, but as Robert Lewis Stevenson once wrote, "Dead men don't bite." Marceline jokingly quoted as she looked at the two boys. Samuel shrugged and asked, "Okay, which tire do I shoot?" "The right one, the left looks flat," Isaac said as he pointed to the jeep. Samuel nodded and shot the right tire, which made the jeep stop and break down on the road. But once the jeep had stopped, the driver stuck out a gun and shot the hunting rifle out of Samuel's bony hands. "Alex, uh, one of the guys is still making his way to us!" Isaac called from the roof. 

"Alright, you guys hold on to something on that roof! Everyone else here, hold on to your asses I'm about to drive at 90 miles!" Alex yelled, making sharp turns on the road. The road was straight for a while, until they came to a hill. Alex stomped on the gas peddle and almost made the RV jump off the edge of the road, but landed next to a large billboard on the side of the road. She hid the RV behind the billboard and turned off the headlights and made everyone shut up. Once Alex saw the jeep pass by, she slowly peeked out from the billboard, but heard another vehicle coming. She saw the other one in the distance and drove faster on the road. Everyone screamed or cheered for Alex's reckless driving, and soon the came to a stop at a fork in the road. Samuel looked over the billboard, and saw Peter on a motorcycle, going at least 85. Alex noticed and stayed hidden, then she made a sharp left turn and continued down the road, and fast. She soon collided with Peter's cycle and caused him to jump off the bike before it was crushed under the RV's tires. "Alex, that was FUCKING AWESOME!" Jeff yelled, raising his arms in the air and falling off the couch. "I think I'm gonna be sick," Clancy said, running to the bathroom. "Clancy, don't eat before a heist, you've learned that the hard way today," Alex called from the front seat. 

Samuel, Marceline, and Isaac jumped down, and they felt leaves and small sticks in their hair. "Great, anyone have a brush to get these out?" Isaac asked, pulling a long stick out of his hair. Marceline felt a walking stick in her bangs and saw it was missing three of it's legs. "Well, I just killed a stick bug," she said, holding the lifeless stick bug in her hand. "You mean yourself, Marceline?" Bailey said sarcastically. "Oh sure, I meant myself. Wopptie do!" Marceline said sarcastically. "Is that your catch phrase?" Bailey asked. "Yeah. Just kidding my new catch phrase is, I don't give a fuck," Marceline said, pulling leaves out of her hair. "Samuel, you have a knot in your hair," Isaac said, seeing a leave stuck in a large curl in Samuel's hair. "I know, it happens when you have curly hair, plus I just use my fingers to get knots out. It works," Samuel said, pulling the leave out of his hair. Samuel ran his fingers through his hair and the knot came out. "Well, he's not wrong. No pun intended," Jeff said. "So Alex, now what?" C.J. asked. "Now, the real fun of this hellhole begins," she said, fixing the mirror on the door.

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