Chapter 28

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The next day nobody heard a word from Marceline. All she did was come out of the room to eat, take a shower, or use the bathroom. After that, she went right back into the bedroom and hid under the covers. Everyone was freaked out, especially Samuel. The boys went outside to stretch for a while and hung out near a large oak tree, while Alex and Bailey took a break from driving. 

"Guys, this sucks major ass," Jeff blurted as they began to climb a tree. Isaac nodded, reaching a branch he could sit on, "Yeah dude, yeah." "I can't even think about Johnathan without wanting to shoot myself anymore," Clancy explained, joining Isaac on the thick, sturdy branch. Samuel climbed to a higher branch and let his feet dangle as he sat down. C.J. and Jeff stayed on the lower ground to watch for snakes or rabid animals. "C.J., that took guts to forcefully open a copperhead's mouth," Isaac said, throwing an acorn on the ground. C.J. shrugged as he rested his head on his knees, "I just don't want anyone to get hurt. I might be the youngest and least helpful, but I can still defend you guys, and myself." Samuel didn't say a word, he just stared at the RV and leaned against the trunk of the large oak. "Sam, you doing okay man?" Clancy asked, playing with a little green lizard that crawled on his left arm. Samuel shrugged, "I just... why are some men like that? Why do they objectify women? Why do they want to go so goddamn far to almost rape someone?" Jeff sighed, "Samuel, not all men are pigs. I'm not, Clancy isn't, Isaac isn't, and you sure as hell aren't one. C.J.'s too young to understand what I mean but, we're decent guys. Johnathan was more mature than us anyways. And stronger than us." Samuel looked down at Jeff and asked, "Should I tell Marceline I love her already? Or should I wait?" "Not this shit again," Jeff mumbled. "Speak up I couldn't hear you, bitch," Samuel said, dropping an acorn on Jeff's head. "Dear god man! In case you haven't noticed, Marceline wants to be alone right now. Whether you like it or not! Tell her later, because it'll fuck her up more than these past few days already have," Jeff explained, after throwing a rock at Samuel. Samuel protested, "So? I want to help her get through this!" "Samuel, I know you're more innocent than all of us combined, but you have to understand that if someone's almost raped or is raped, they want to be alone for a few days. Just gonna say that now," Isaac explained. Samuel sighed, "Fine, but I'm telling her soon." "I have an idea, hey Clancy, what day is it?" Isaac asked. Clancy shrugged, "Like, May fifth. Why do you ask?" "Her birthday is May thirty first, so, if this ends close to the end of May or the beginning of June, tell her on her birthday. That would make her happy for once," Isaac explained. Samuel smiled at the idea and nodded as he watched a few ants crawl on his white shoes. "Guys, c'mon inside!" Alex called from the RV. The boys climbed down from the large oak tree and ran to the RV, and climbed in. 

The day went by fast, a few of Michael's men chased down the RV, but they were able to shoot the tires and escape without a flat tire or an injured teen. Once dusk came, Bailey called it a night. So did Jeff, Isaac, C.J., and Clancy. Alex stayed up so she could drive, and Samuel couldn't sleep so he sat at the booth and looked out the window. It was hard to see anything interesting since it was darker than ebony outside. Soon, Samuel got hungry and grabbed the half-eaten jar of peanut butter and the package of Oreo's that they'd never finished. He sat down back on the booth and began to snack on the Oreo's with the peanut butter. "You doin okay Sammy?" Alex asked out of silence. He shrugged, "I'm just worried about... everything." "Mainly Marceline?" Alex asked. Samuel nodded, as he dipped an Oreo in the jar, "Yeah I, I feel so bad for her." "Hey, between you and me, she's worried about you too. She's worried that you'll get killed, because you mean a lot to her. And I mean a lot," Alex explained with a little smile. Samuel blushed and asked, "Do you mean, in the way I do?" "What do you mean by that Sammy?" Alex asked. "Alex, in case you haven't noticed, I like Marceline, a lot. I adore her, I pretty much love her. But at this point, I don't know if I should tell her now or wait," Samuel blurted, felling glad he got that off his chest. Alex smiled, "Aw, my little boy's in love." "Alex, please don't make it a big deal," Samuel said, annoyed. Alex giggled, "Alright dude, alright." 

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