Chapter 29

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Isaac was the first to wake up that morning, the rain and sleet woke him up from it hitting the metal roof of the RV. But to his surprise, Samuel, Alex, and Marceline were up as well.  He was more surprised to see Marceline up and out of the girls bedroom. "Hey guys, sleep okay?" Isaac asked, sitting at the booth across from Samuel, who was playing solitaire with the card deck Clancy had under his bed. Samuel shrugged, "I slept on the couch, then in the passenger seat the rest of the night. Also it's like, noon." Isaac looked at Marceline and asked, "Do you have your watch on you?" She shook her head and went to grab it from the bedroom. Alex continued to drive down the long, narrow road, until she stopped midway. 

"Alex, you okay?" Samuel asked, standing over her. Alex looked out the side mirror and saw a black jeep with three men with the Bloody Roses tattoo. "Fuck, it's the fuzz," Alex muttered, grabbing the double barrel shotgun from the glove box, then locking it. Isaac woke the others up and they all armed themselves with melee weapons. Everyone waited for Alex to signal for them to get out, once the door was unlocked, everyone darted out but stopped once Alex stopped. Soon, Peter O'Donald stepped out of the jeep with two other men following him. One of them, was the man that Samuel had shot in the head back at the warehouse. "Well, well, well, regret not killing me now, Samuel Mikey Webb?" Peter asked, unbuttoning his coat. Samuel gritted his teeth, "How do you know my full name?" "A little Brazilian bird told me everything that I needed to know about you," he explained, pulling a gun from his coat pocket. Samuel looked at Alex, who was aiming the shotgun at the man on the right, who aimed his gun at Jeff. "I swear to God if you shoot Jeff, Michael's fucking nephew, then you're getting two bullets in your head," Alex scorned, still aiming the gun. "There will be no need for gun violence," Peter announced. 

It was quiet for a few minutes, then, Isaac blurted, "FOR THE LOVE OF ANYTHING HOLY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM US!" "I only came here for one thing only, to tear you kids apart, limb, from, limb," Peter jeered, as he loaded his gun. "You just said there was no need for gun violence you son of a bitch!" Clancy called out. "Smart boy, but you won't last long," Peter began, walking close to Clancy, aiming the gun at his chest. "Time to die." Peter pulled the trigger, but the gun was stuck on safety mode so nothing happened. Bailey saw a large, dead tree limb that had fallen on the road, so she ran over and grabbed it. She ran up to Peter and swung the large stick, and hit Peter across the back of his head with it. Peter grabbed the stick, tore it in half, and kicked Bailey off the ground, she landed on the other side of the road, covered in dirt, mud, and gravel. Samuel loaded his gun and shot Peter in the arm, but then Samuel remembered he had a stun gun, all it could do was bruise skin, not puncture skin. Peter laughed, saying, "Is that all you got? A stun gun? No wonder Michael thinks you're weaker than his ex-wife." Once Peter finished his sentence, Jeff snapped, ran up, and socked Peter in the nose. "TELL MY UNCLE HE CAN BURN IN HELL IF HE THINKS MY AUNT WAS WEAK!" Jeff screamed, repeatedly throwing punches. "SHE WENT THROUGH CHEMO, RADIATION, AND AT THE SAME TIME, HAD TO DEAL WITH A LITTLE SHIT LIKE ME! SO NEVER, EVER, SAY SHE WAS WEAK! TELL THAT TO MY UNCLE, WHO HAS TURNED ME INTO THE RED AND YELLOW SNAKE THAT I AM!" Jeff added, this time throwing Peter onto the RV. C.J. looked at the RV, and saw the door was opened. He remembered that their guns were still out, except for the shotgun and Samuel's stun gun.

Once Jeff was done beating up Peter out of anger and hate, he got down on his knees and cried, while Isaac keeled next to him trying to calm him down. "Jeff, are you okay?" Isaac whispered, pushing back a few wispy hairs on Jeff's forehead. Jeff sighed a deep sigh, and sobbed in Isaac's arms. "She... meant everything... to ME!" Jeff cried out, "Just like Trevor, who I'll never see again!" "I know, shh. Hey, listen, we're all going through something, but, we just have to find a way to forget about it and move on," Isaac said in a soothing voice. Jeff cried once again, but not because he was sad, but because he had been stabbed in the side by Peter. Marceline grabbed the metal baseball bat that Jeff had in his hands, and wacked Peter across the head, twice, and screamed, "YOU SON OF A WHORE! IF YOU DON'T LEAVE I'LL BE THE ONE WHO KILLS YOU SLOWLY!" Marceline looked at Jeff's stab wound and saw that the gash wasn't as deep as she thought. She sighed and said, as she looked Peter in his only eye, "And I won't regret a second of it either." Peter backed up and ordered the men to fall back and drive away. Everyone stared at Marceline, who hadn't shown anything but melancholy for the past three days. 

She looked at the dirt and mud on her arms and hands and said, "I can't take this anymore. But I have the urge to murder that child-killing bastard." Samuel ran up to Marceline and tried to make her feel less mad and afraid. "Hey," he began. "Remember last night? When we were talking about life and shit? Well, we bonded by that, I saw you smile for the first time in days. And you look so pretty with a smile, please come back to that. Come back to that kind, funny, smart, and loud but quiet at the same time, person that you are." Marceline looked at Samuel, and smiled. "See," he began again. "You can be happy, even in a war zone." Marceline's smile soon vanished when she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. She felt behind her back, turned around, and saw one of the men had stabbed her in the back. Marceline couldn't feel her entire body, and that was when she fell to the ground, unconscious. Samuel caught Marceline before her head could hit the ground, and he looked up at the man, flipped him off with both hands, and shot him in the chest. "LEAVE, YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!" Samuel screamed, holding Marceline in his arms. 

Marceline felt the sharp pain leaving, but she still couldn't open her eyes. Her tears had made her long eyelashes stick together. "Samuel," she whispered. "I'm fine, I just can't open my eyes." Samuel touched his forehead against her's and whispered, slightly whimpering, "I'll get you inside. Don't worry, I can help you. I'm here." Those words, "I'm here." made Marceline feel safe again. Knowing that there were still people there, to help her. Jeff covered his side with his hands and ran over to Marceline the best he could. He looked at the wound and saw it wasn't very deep, but it was very close to her spine. "Sam, she needs to get inside. Alex said that there's a storm coming. Let's go man," Jeff said in a soothing voice. Samuel nodded and carried Marceline into the RV, to find Alex freaking out.

"Filho da puta!" Alex screamed, slamming the glove box shut. "What happened?" Bailey asked, wiping dirt off of her shirt with a wet paper towel. "Those bastards stole our guns!" Alex screamed. "That's why the door was open," C.J. said, seeing that they pried the door open with a crowbar. Alex banged her fists on the glove box and began to weep. "That's it," she mumbled, "we're dead. We're all, fucking dead!" Samuel tapped Bailey's shoulder and said, "Bailey, you mind helping Marceline? Please, she was stabbed by one of those bastards." Bailey nodded and said, "Set her on the couch, I'll get the bandages and peroxide. Hopefully it won't get infected." Samuel set Marceline on the couch and tried to keep her sitting up, facing him. "Marcy, can you see me?" he asked. She shook her head, "This is why I hate having long ass eyelashes, I can't see when I cry because they get stuck together." Samuel snickered, "Same here, I can rub your eyes so your lashes will separate." She shrugged and Samuel lightly rubbed her eyes with his thumbs to separate the lashes. Once he did, her bright, light blue eyes showed themselves from a sea of salty tears. He'd opened the stubborn gates. 

"Okay, in order to do this, I'll have to remover her bra, so boys, leave the room," Bailey called out. The boys shrugged and walked into their room, where they sat on their beds and waited. "I'm scared guys, I've known Marceline since I was in third grade. She's been my best friend since then," Isaac said, cleaning his glasses with his shirt. Jeff nodded, "Yeah man, she was my first crush." "How's your side doing?" Clancy asked. Jeff shrugged, "Bailey bandaged it up, but it still stings." "Let's hope you'll be okay," C.J. said. "Samuel, how worried are you?" Isaac asked. Samuel looked up, his eyes red, his cheeks and nose red, and his lashes were stained with tears. "What do you think? I love her to death guys, there I said it!" Samuel blurted. C.J. clapped his hands, "Good for you Sam, you finally told us the truth." "Don't make it a big deal please, also don't tell her," Samuel said. "Guys, will we die out here?" Clancy asked. Isaac rubbed his eyes and said, "Clancy, please don't make this a question that even God himself couldn't answer." Clancy nodded and tried to fall asleep, even though it was midday. 

A few minutes passed, and Alex knocked on the boys bedroom door to let them in. "Is she okay?" Samuel asked, shooting up from the bed. Isaac smiled at the thought of Samuel liking Marceline that much. "She's fine, Jeff, we might need you to help her walk," Alex added. Jeff nodded and got up from the bed. Jeff walked out of the room and found Marceline lying on the couch in pain from the stab wound. Jeff helped her up and nearly dropped her as she stood up. "Think you can walk to your room?" Jeff asked, slowly letting go of Marceline's arm. She shrugged, "Maybe, but I don't know." Jeff let go of Marceline and watched her as she walked into her bedroom, clutching her shirt's sleeves as she walked and closing the door. "God, I hope we can find Michael, and kill him," Jeff said, as he watched one of his best friends walk away in pain by the man who was the closest to Jeff's uncle. At this moment, Jeff had turned into a snake, but  the kind that protects rather than kills for the fun and sport of it. 

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