Chapter 14

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The group all headed up to the front of the club, with Alex in the front. Samuel looked up at the neon sign and saw it was in the shape of a large tiger head. Alex knocked on the door and a small window slid open showing the mouth and nose of a buff man. Once the man saw Alex, he nodded and slammed the window shut. Then the large door swung open, as the man let the group in. Samuel got a glimpse of him and saw that he had tattoo covered arms, and a rabbit tattoo on his neck. Samuel looked down as he walked avoiding eye contact with the man, who looked like he'd killed somebody before. Alex took out her pocket knife and cleaned it off with a silk cloth from her jacket. Everyone else kept their arms in hand and put them in their shorts and jeans pockets. The hallway they walked was long, giving Alex time to tell the plan to them again. Once they came to two large doors with a neon sign of a castle tower on it. Alex said, "Tonight it's ready, set, go." and she pushed the doors open. 

 Jazz music was playing over large speakers, along with a few people sitting at booths near the main floor. Alex looked to the left and saw a game table with several men siting there playing poker. To her right was a few of the Bloody Roses, sitting at a table taking shots and smoking. In the far back was none other than a large door that said, "Boss Room." "This way, and stay close," she said, beckoning the group to follow her. The music was very calming and the atmosphere was like a 1920's style bar. Everyone was dressed in old casual clothes and had dirty looks on their faces. Alex snuck a shot glass from the table full of Bloody Rose gang members, and chucked down the shot and threw it back on the bar counter as they walked. She knocked on the door and said, "L.J., it's me, Alex. You know, the Puerto Rican lesbian that saved your ass about a year ago?" The door cracked open, then it swung open by a tall, burly man. "Get in here, Alex," a voice called. 

Everyone walked in and saw a tall, thin and tan man sitting at a desk with a cigar in his mouth. "Hello again, Lui John Rogers," Alex said. "Who's the new ones?" L.J. asked, setting his cigar on the table. "The freckled one is Marceline, and the handsome one is Samuel," Bailey said. Marceline stepped on Bailey's foot and said, "Try me bitch." "I can tell that you're all needing something, what?" L.J. asked. "We might've found the whereabouts of Michael. We found this map about two weeks ago in an abandoned hideout of Michael's. Or as I call it, the place as to where we found Samantha's dead body," Alex said, setting the map on the desk. L.J. scanned the map, and grabbed a pen from his desk. "The hideouts in St. John are all abandoned, my gang burned them down around a month ago. The hideout near Birch St. is abandoned because of a flood in that area. And that leaves you with three different hideouts. And each one are in a perfect straight line," he explained, marking off certain hideouts. "Where are the last three?" Samuel asked, fixing his jacket. "Right here, young man," L.J. said, circling the three black X's that were in a straight line. Alex smiled and handed L.J. the money that was in the box. "Here," she said. "You need it more than we do. We have enough to get by. And I hope that you can get the fuck out of doge and find your nephews again." L.J. nodded and gave the money to one of the men in the room. "Alex, all I ask of you is to be careful. Michael's gotten stronger since last year. He took out all but five of my men. I've been hiding here ever since," he said, opening a drawer. He handed Alex a velvet box and said, "Open it." She opened the box and pulled out a Gock 47 pistol with several containers of amo inside. "You'll need it for when he tries to attack you. Be careful, Alex," he said, closing the drawer. Alex shook his hand and left the room. 

"So... now what?" Clancy asked. "I vote, we have a little bit of fun," Bailey said, fixing her bun. "Are you sure about that?" Marceline asked. "I mean, we are in a club full of gang members, and the dude at the entrance was a man that looked like he could snap somebody in half like a tooth pick. We could get killed in here," Samuel explained. "Okay fine, well I'm going to dance, if you want to come you can," Bailey said, grabbing Clancy's hand and running to the center of the room. Alex rolled her eyes and said, "I'm gonna go order a shot." Samuel and Marceline sat awkwardly at a booth and looked around. "Some place, huh?" Samuel asked. She shrugged, "Sure I guess? I'm just getting a weird vibe, Samuel. I've been having these dreams lately and I've been waking up and not being able to go back to sleep. One dream involved Alex getting stabbed by a tall black figure with glowing grey green eyes, another involved you getting attacked and Jeff getting his ankle dislocated. And in that same dream, I was on a bed I've never seen before, shirtless, and crying as some guy attacked you and Jeff. And we were all in this room with a broken down door and an old vanity dresser and mirror in the far left of the room. Once I woke up, I couldn't go back to sleep. That's when I thought that my dream was telling me the future, it runs in my family. We have some weird Irish blessing that makes some of our dreams become reality." "Really? Whoa that's crazy. My aunt had the coloring of an Irish gypsy because my grandma was one, but my dad looked more like my grandpa. And I look like my dad, only, he had freckles and lighter hair," Samuel said as he messed up his fluffy, curly hair. 

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