Chapter 35

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Later that night, the group went out into the woods to get fire wood, while Alex, Isaac, Jeff, Samuel, and Marceline stayed back. C.J. came running back to the camp, shouting out, "There's a wolf out there!" "Where's Clancy and Bailey?" Alex asked, shooting up from her lawn chair. C.J. pointed out to the woods, "They went to get the firewood, but they didn't follow behind me. I think they're lost!" "Did the wolf look rabid?" Alex asked, grabbing the only gun they had left. C.J. shook his head, removing his sweaty baseball cap from his dirty blond hair. "I'll go, you guys stay put," Alex said, following C.J. "Alex, wait! Keep a walkie talkie on you," Samuel called out, tossing her a small, black and blue walkie talkie. "Will do, Sammy!" she called back as she ran into the woods with C.J. 

About ten minuets passed, then a loud buzz came from Jeff's hoodie pocket. He pulled out the other walkie talkie and asked, "Alex, you there?" Her voice came over the device saying, "Yeah, they're fine. The wolf ran off because Clancy scared it by throwing a dead snake at it." "Thank Jesus! Okay, you close by?" Jeff asked. "Yessir we are," Clancy said over the walkie talkie. But once they came back, they didn't have any wood with them. "Where's the wood?" Isaac asked, walking out of the RV with a water bottle in his hand. "Dropped it," Clancy said, looking at Bailey. Bailey gave him a dirty look and said, "Well maybe you shouldn't let me carry the wood Clancy!" "Dammit, Bailey! It's freezing cold out here, and you just had to drop the firewood when Clancy threw the snake?" Alex asked. "What? It was a snake!" Bailey shouted. "It was a dead snake, a dead snake, you idiot!" C.J. argued. They all argued for a good ten minutes, until Marceline finally shouted, "How about we all shut the fuck up for once and we all get the firewood?" "That won't work, Marceline, it's hard to fine out here," Bailey remarked. Marceline walked over to a large oak tree and pointed at it, saying, "Bailey, this is wood. There are branches that can be used as firewood. Look around you for one, fucking, second and see how many sticks there are on the fucking ground! You can burn a fucking tree branch that's been on the ground for a few days!" Bailey rolled her eyes, "Well I'm not touching a filthy stick on the ground." Marceline covered her face with her hands in an annoyed manner, then said as she threw her arms in the air, "You know what? FUCK IT! I'm done! You want to freeze out here, Bailey? Then go right ahead. Be my fucking guest! Because I've been really fucking pissed at the world for the past week and nobody, except Isaac and Samuel, have noticed it! So I'm done, I'm done, I'm, fucking, done!" Marceline stormed away to the bridge, where she sat on the edge, and cried tears of anger. 

Everyone looked at Bailey who was mocking Marceline after her rant. C.J., being the angered little boy he was at that moment, looked over at Isaac and said, "Can I say a bad word?" "What?" Isaac asked. "CAN I SAY A BAD WORD?" C.J. asked again as he raised his cracking voice. Isaac shrugged as he sat in his lawn chair. "You know what Bailey, you're motherfucking dumb!" C.J. called out as he stared down Bailey. Bailey just rolled her eyes and said, "Someone control that kid, please? I'm going inside where it's warm." Alex was getting agitated as she overheard Bailey making fun of how Marceline reacted. Alex then walked up to Bailey and slapped her across the face. "YOU BITCH!" she began as she stared Bailey right in her deep grey eyes. "Can't you for once use your fucking head? Ou você vai ficar de pé e ser uma puta para pessoas como Marceline que passaram por mais um inferno que algum de nós neste mês? Ou você vai realmente ser uma pessoa gentil e ouvir uma vez na sua vida de merda?! Or do I have to speak English to make you understand? Because I know you speak Portuguese, and I want you to think about what you just said to her and how much it hurts for her right now!" Alex took a deep breath, put her hands on top of her head from stress, then said, "Anyone want to go with Clancy to get firewood?" Isaac, Jeff, and C.J. raised their hands. "I'll come," Isaac said, getting up off his chair. Alex looked at Bailey and said, "You go with them, I want to chat with Sammy for a bit. And you better pick up some sticks, and not just twigs and dead leaves." Bailey rolled her eyes and followed the boys into the woods with a flashlight.

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