Chapter 4

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"So Alex, what was life like in Thundery Valley before all this shit happened?" Samuel asked, lying on the couch and staring out the window at the light rain. Alex shrugged, "It was a lot like Winchester Bay. Nobody really caused any trouble, but me and a few of my friends from high school. No one was ever robbed, except for their lunch money, schools were doing pretty good. The town St. John held really fun Roma culture festivals with performers, palm readers, puppet shows, and everyone went to the towns cathedral for a huge dinner with music and dancers after the festival. Thunder Valley used to be a tourist town, but it turned into an actual town right before Michael came to town. I met Samantha at one of the festivals but I didn't know it was her because she didn't cut off all of her blond curls. She had curly hair but it was so mangled she just shaved one side of her head and kept the rest of her hair on the right side of her head. But right when school started for me, it would've been my freshman year, Michael came back and nearly turned everyone against humanity. My parents went on vacation, until I found out later that they were killed in a car crash. Since my brother's Russian friend was moving back to Bozeman, Montana, my brother went with him. But before he did, he told me to learn how to drive the RV. I knew how to since I was fourteen at the time, but I didn't know how to steer well. So I gathered all the money, food, and clothes that were left behind, including my mom's shawl, and filled up the RV's gas tank. I drove for miles until I met Samantha at the border of Thunder Valley. That son of a whore Michael had blocked off every exit from the town's people. He forgot to shut down the local airport however, but we couldn't get to the airport in time because two years ago, Michael came back with his new addition to the gang of douche bags, Peter O'Donald, and shut down the airport. 

"Then he shot up the high school that Bailey and Clancy went to, he burned down the town that K.C. and Isaiah lived in, but the worst thing he did, was bringing nothing but rabid animals and killing all the people living in Jonathan's town. Johnathan stayed hidden in his basement but he knew his brother, sister, and mother were all dead upstairs. And when K.C. went into his house to investigate, she found three dead bodies lying lifeless on the kitchen floor with bite marks and blood shot eyes. She found Jonathan, curled up in a ball in the corner of his basement and clutching a picture of his family and a shotgun. Before we found Jonathan and K.C and Isaiah, Samantha and I found Clancy and Bailey hiding out behind a Drug Emporium. We helped them and realized that there were more people like them out there. We found K.C. and Isaiah hiding out in St. John's cathedral. K.C. was covered in dirt from it raining earlier and she was almost kidnapped by the governor who was way too conservative and supported Nazi's, the Confederacy, the KKK, and all kinds of fucked up shit. He had taken over for his Democratic father who died in a house fire a few years before. The new governor was the definition of a redneck Nazi that hated everyone but white's and Americans. If you weren't blond haired and blue eyed then you would be dead or hated in a nutshell. He was like the second Hitler. The US government thought that this town was dead so didn't even bother to help out. We're turning into the town of Detroit. Good people are dying, everyone who isn't white or American, even if your a European Dominican you're considered a mistake by this hell on earth! And good people are dead, because of one man. One lying snake of a man, Michael Rose." 

"My uncle did all of that?" Jeff asked, waking up from a long nap. Alex nodded, "Jeff, how are you even related to him?" "It's a long story. But my dad never even knew that his own brother was a gang leader. A deadly one at that," Jeff added. "I can't believe all this. How are we gonna stop this?" Isaac asked. "All that we can do Isaac is just wait and see. Maybe some day we'll get out of this hell hole. But for now, we're kicking some Bloody Rose ass," Alex said, stopping the RV at a small diner made out of an RV. "Okay, since we're low on food and money, all that we can do is live off of diner right now," Alex added, before hopping out of the RV. Bailey walked out of the bathroom with her hair up in a towel and in a long rob. "Is Marceline still asleep?" she asked. Clancy nodded, "Yeah I think?" Bailey walked into the bedroom and saw Marceline looking out the window. "Hey Marceline," she said, sitting down on the bed across from her. Marceline shrugged, "Hey." There was an awkward silence until Bailey spoke up, "Hey listen uh, sorry for overreacting yesterday morning. I just didn't realize how, what's the word, how much you didn't care. I mean, you get what I mean." "I really don't. If you don't like me that's fine. I don't really care. Plus not many people like me because they think I'm a crazy loud Irish person. Which I can be loud but only if I'm happy, angry, or have too much Root Beer," Marceline said. "Oh, wait you're not happy right now?" Bailey asked. "Bailey, I'm calm. I'm not happy nor sad. I'm just, calm right now. Or I'm just tired and not into this conversation," Marceline said, locking eyes with Bailey. Bailey shrugged, "Yeah, Clancy told me you were still asleep but I came in anyways. Sorry." Marceline rolled her eyes, "Don't worry about me, I got plenty of sleep last night. Also I heard the conversation with Alex and the boys from here. Walls aren't sound proof. I learned that last night because I sleep right next to Clancy's bed." "Oh yeah, just ignore Clancy at night. He stays up... uh..." "Bailey I lived with Jeff in Japan, I know what Clancy does at night," Marceline joked. Bailey smiled and walked out of the room.

"So... what's she like?" Clancy asked. "She's pretty nice, she's just tired. Also she's pretty smart, doesn't take shit from anyone, and she's also really funny and sarcastic. She's not very sassy but that's not a bad thing. Also I can tell she shows her flaws quite often. She's frail, has slight dyslexia, and doesn't do well in positions like kidnapping or... worse. But I can tell that she'll protect and attack. She's a lot like Samantha and K.C. put together. But less snarky," Bailey explained, brushing her long lavender hair. "Bailey, how long have you had your hair lavender?" Isaac asked. "Three years, my mom hated it but I didn't care. It's fading a bit so it looks more pink than lavender," Bailey explained, closing the bathroom door to change. "So Jeff, what would you describe yourself as?" Clancy asked. Jeff shrugged, "I'm a sarcastic, snarky, perverted little bastard, if that doesn't answer then I don't know what else you want." "That's all. You're a lot like me. But I'm not as snarky," Clancy began, "What about Isaac and Samuel?" "Isaac's an average Joe, but he's got a big heart for people. He's smart, a little timid, makes a lot of dad jokes, that's why we nicknamed him Father Isaac in seventh grade, and he's a hopeless case half the time. Samuel's heart is bigger than his brain, he always tries to help people out, he's very generous, very smart, but he's also changed a bit into a much more controlled version of me. He's made a few dirty jokes here and there, but he's overall a nice pretty boy. And he'll do anything for us, including little miss Ireland," Jeff explained. "He like's Marceline. I mean shit, she's pretty hot," Clancy said. "Okay, real quick, she hates being called that. Unless you're dating her, don't call her hot or sexy. She'll slap you, and Jesus Christ does it hurt," Jeff explained. "I had a crush on her in sixth grade so.... yeah," Jeff added. "Cool, have you ever dated anyone before?" Clancy asked. "In Japan I made out with one of my lady friends, it wasn't Marceline because I'm over her at this point. Isaac had a girlfriend for six weeks before she was killed in Germany. And then Isaac was sexually harassed by some chick that I despised in Japan," Jeff explained. "If my friend Johnathan was still here, I bet Marceline would be his. He was very handsome, acted like a free spirited wolf, and was really nice," Clancy explained. "He would've been really attached to her, Clancy. Remember with K.C.? He would never leave her alone. It was really strange," Bailey added.

 Alex spoke up, "Jonathan was obsessed with K.C. I'm glad that he didn't go too far. But... long story short, Marceline would be freaked out by him! I have nothing against the man, I just... he was just too attached to people he loved, one of those people was K.C. and Samantha. He loved Samantha like a sister but K.C. like his girlfriend, even though the poor girl didn't like him at all because he was always stalking her!" "Alex chill out," Clancy mumbled. "I'm sorry, it's just that, Johnathan did something that I can't forget. Something that I can't tell any of you because you'd be like me and want to murder him," Alex said. "What'd he do? Did he like, try to molest you or something?" Clancy asked. "What, no! Something I don't want to tell, it happened to someone else that we knew," Alex yelled. "Alex... everything okay?" Marceline asked, walking out of the bedroom with tired eyes and her hair mangled into knots. "Marceline, need a comb?" Bailey asked. She shrugged and went into the bathroom to fix her hair. "Look, what happened was in the past, I don't want to talk about it," Alex blankly stated as she drove.

"What were the others like?" Samuel asked. Alex shrugged, "Samantha was to me the three S's: smart, sexy, and sassy.  She knew how to get out a crazy situation because her dad was in the military. Isaiah was smart, shy, and energetic. He loved people but also feared people because of what his governor did to his once great town. K.C. was kind, smart, and really sweet. But like Isaiah, she was also scared of people. And Johnathan was hard to read. He was very handsome but he seemed, off. Like his emotions took over more than his smarts. Mainly because he had PTSD and was severely sexual towards people. But they were all great people, Isaiah and K.C. were the main people I bonded with, Johnathan was Clancy's best friend, and I was Samantha's girlfriend. The funny sting about Samantha was that she had pale purple eyes. Nobody knew why but when she was ten she remembered having pale blue eyes.  But once she turned thirteen, her eyes went from blue to purple and nobody knew why. But hey, we've got new people to mess around with." "Cool, but let me tell you one thing, we're too much to handle in one piece," Jeff said with a smirk. 

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