Chapter 23

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"Johnathan, you've got some explaining to do!" Alex yelled, seeing Johnathan at the creek, skipping stones. "About what?" he asked looking ahead at the creek. "I think we both know what," Alex said in a stern voice. Johnathan skipped another stone and lied to Alex, saying, "I have no idea what you're wanting me to explain, so just do whatever." "Johnathan I'm not playing these games! I know how you feel about Marceline, and I know what you're doing to her. The exact same things you did to K.C.," Alex said, grabbing Johnathan by his broad shoulders. Johnathan scoffed, "What do you know? I know K.C. didn't love me, so I made her love me. And if Marceline is the same way, she'll get what she deserves, and what I haven't enjoyed in two, fucking years." "But why are you doing this?!" Alex asked, about to slap him. Johnathan grabbed Alex by her hands, tightly, and pulled her close to him, causing her to trip over her own two feet and fall to her knees. "Alex, since I was a kid people were scared of me because I was never all there in the head. And I know that I'm not. During Mass, people would be afraid of me because of how attached I was to a girl that always sat next to us in the pews," Johnathan began. "Let's just say, it didn't last long. As in, she killed herself because of what I tried to do to her. What I did to K.C. wasn't by accident, and I don't regret it. I enjoyed it, and even if she left this world too soon, I wonder if I'll see her one day. But the bottom line is this: this isn't my first rodeo, and it won't be my last. And you can't stop me. So don't even try, because it'll happen to you if you're not careful." "Why did I even trust you?" Alex said, gritting her teeth. Jonathan smiled, "Because you felt bad for me, and Isaiah did a good job trying to warn you. But now that he's gone as well, good luck with trying to keep me from her." Alex regained her strength and punched Jonathan in his jaw. "If you ever, ever, think about her again, you're getting the living shit beaten out of you with a bed post," Alex called, walking back to the house. 

The night came soon, and the entire house was silent. No one fought, no one got into trouble, it was oddly quiet. That is until, Samuel walked into Marceline's bedroom to check up on her. "Hey," he whispered, as he nudged her shoulder. Marceline rolled over to face Samuel, and asked, "What is it?" "I saw you crying and walking upstairs before dinner. Are you feeling alright?" Samuel asked as he knelt down next to Marceline's bed. Marceline looked down at the cold floor, then back up at Samuel, and said, "I need to speak with you, privately. Do you mind locking the door?" Samuel nodded, got up, and walked over to the door, and locked it. "Now what?" he asked as he stood in front of the now locked door. She patted her hand in front of where she was sitting, and said, "Come here. I need to speak to you for a while." Samuel nodded and walked over to the bed, and sat down in front of Marceline, who still had tear marks on her face and under he chin. 

"What made you cry this afternoon?" Samuel asked as he picked at the soft blanket from under them both. Marceline bit her lip and said, "Please don't tell anyone, I've already told Alex, and I hope she didn't get hurt by Johnathan in anyway. But, Johnathan he-" Marceline paused, and just stared up at Samuel, who was all ears. She then threw herself onto Samuel and said, "He did it again! I don't know how to stop him, Samuel." Samuel wrapped his arms around her and asked, "He groped you again, didn't he?" "No shit Sherlock," Marceline whimpered as she felt more tears begin to roll down her cheeks. Samuel looked Marceline in her light blue eyes and said, "I don't know what to tell you but this; if he does it again, come to me. I'll try to reason with him, or beat him up." Marceline looked down and said, "That won't work, Samuel. He's a strong man, he's eighteen you know. The oldest of us all. And he could snap any of us like a twig if he wanted to." Samuel didn't know how to respond, so he used the sheets to wipe away a few of her tears. "I'm sorry," he said. "It's alright, you know, I never thought that we'd make it like this. But we did, somehow," Marceline said, as she began to lie back down. "You going to sleep?" Samuel asked. She shook her head, "No, I'm just resting myself. That's all." "Oh, alright then," Samuel said as he began to get up. But instead of getting off the bed, his long legs slipped on the soft and slick blanket, and he fell face first onto Marceline. 

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