Chapter 8

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As Alex drove the RV down the long highway, Bailey went in her room to take a nap, Clancy kept staring at Marceline in a weird way, Samuel was playing cards with Isaac, and C.J. and Jeff talked about life while they lied on the cold tile of the RV. "Hey guys, I'm making a food supply stop here, if you guys need anything then come with me," Alex said, parking the RV in front of a large gas station. Alex hopped out of the RV, along with Samuel, Marceline, Jeff, and Isaac following her. "Clancy, keep an eye on C.J. for me, okay?" Alex said, before she closed the door. Clancy nodded, "No problemo amigo." "Você não consegue falar espanhol corretamente. Por que você mesmo tenta?" Alex mumbled, rolling her eyes. "I don't speak Portuguese, Alex," Clancy called from the couch. Alex peeked her head in and spoke in a fast tone, "É por isso que falo em português, porque você é tão maldito idiota que não sabe o que estou dizendo metade do tempo. Por que você acha que Jeff e eu falamos assim quando você está por perto? Desgraçado." and she slammed the door. Clancy looked at Bailey's door and knocked several times, she opened the door and Clancy kissed her several times and slammed the door, leaving C.J. in the passenger seat of the RV asleep with his hat covering his eyes.

"So... what was that all about?" Isaac asked, nudging Alex's broad shoulder. Alex shrugged, "The little desgraçado can't understand what I say to him. Even in English." "I'm not a Portuguese expert, but did you call Clancy a little bastard?" Isaac asked, snickering. Alex nodded as she oved her choppy dark hair out her amber eyes, "Hell yeah, he is one. He always wants to hang out with Bailey and it annoys the shit outta me. All I have to say is don't piss off a Latina. Things don't turn out okay." "Believe me, Jeffery's half Brazilian, I've had my share of pissing him off and getting a huge red mark on my face. But sometimes it's the other way around," Isaac said, opening the store's doors. Everyone walked in and walked through the shelves of food, candy, cigarettes, beer, and soda. "So Samuel, what's your all time favorite weird food combination?" Marceline asked as they scanned the shelves. Samuel shrugged, "Don't have one. I've never really had time to have one because, you know, I've been on the run for eleven fucking years?" "All I'm gonna ask is if you like Oreo's," Marceline said, grabbing a large package of Oreo's. He nodded, "Yeah." "Well then, you'll love this," Marceline said, grabbing a large container of peanut butter off the shelf. "Tonight you're trying one of the best food combinations I've ever had. It was Isaac's idea at first, but he used almond butter," she said, paying for the food. Everyone climbed into the RV and Alex started the engine and drove off. 

A few hours passed until Alex went to the bathroom and screamed, "Merda! Merda! Merda! Por que essas coisas só acontecem comigo?" "Alex, you okay in there?" Samuel asked as he kbocked on the door. Bailey peeked her head in the door and asked, "It's that time of the month huh?" "What do you fucking think Bailey!?" Alex yelled. "She okay?" Samuel asked. "Samuel, you know what a period is, right?" Bailey asked. He shrugged, "Yeah... she on it?" "You think, pretty boy!" Alex yelled. "Okay, Alex, you're lying down. You're about to punch me just because I'm handing you a pair of sweatpants," Bailey said, throwing a new pair of clothes in the bathroom. Alex walked out of the bathroom, only wearing a cherry red bra and black sweatpants and red fuzzy socks. She grabbed  a few apple slices and a small container of caramel, and walked into Bailey's room. "I'm chilling out in here, don't talk to me, don't mess with me, and above all, don't come in here and piss me off," Alex said, before slamming the door. "Yeesh, it get's the worst of her huh?" Jeff asked. Bailey shrugged, "She's always stressed, this is just more weight on her shoulders." "Oh... who's driving?" Jeff asked. Bailey looked at Samuel and asked, "You know how to drive?" "Yeah," Samuel said, sprawled out on the couch. "Then drive," Clancy said in a stern voice. Samuel nodded and sat in the drivers seat and turned the key. "Samuel, don't be a grandma driver is all I ask of you," Bailey said, sitting next to Clancy. Samuel stepped on the gas peddle and drove down the highway. He drove for a few hours until he saw it was nearly eight at night. He looked in the back and saw everyone was asleep, but Marceline, who was looking out the window. 

"Can't sleep?" Samuel asked as he looked at her from the front seat. Marceline shrugged as she looked out the window, "Yeah I guess. Have you eaten yet?" "Nope," Samuel said, looking in the back. Marceline smiled and got up from the booth seat, and walked over to the top cabinet of the small kitchen area. She stood on the ends of her toes as she opened the top cabinet and pulled out the Oreo's and peanut butter from the lowest shelf. "Stop the RV for a second," she said, sitting on the table. Samuel turned off the engine and walked over to the booth and jumped on the table and sat in front of Marceline. "Okay, grab and Oreo and dip it in the peanut butter. You don't have food allergies, do you?" she asked. He shook his head, "No, just seasonal. That's why my voice sounds really raspy." Samuel grabbed an Oreo, dipped it in the peanut butter, and popped it in his mouth. A little smile appeared on his face as he mumbled, "That's so good!" "I know, Isaac introduced us too it in seventh grade," Marceline said, eating one of the Oreo's. "I feel like I've eaten this before but I don't think I have," Samuel said, eating another Oreo covered in peanut butter. "Funny story about this morning, Samuel. Once you left the room to take a shower, Bailey whispered to me saying, "Damn Samuel has a pretty sexy voice when he's sick." I died laughing. Because, I mean, she's not wrong?" Marceline said as she looked Samuel in his fair eyes. Samuel's large blue eyes grew wide, "You think I have a sexy voice?" he asked in a flattering way. "That's not what I meant," Marceline said, burying her face in her hands realizing what she said. "Don't be embarrassed, Marceline. I'm taking it as a complement," Samuel said laughing. "Oh, okay thank god," Marceline said. They both laughed it off and talked about life for a while. 

"Hey Samuel, ever been to any museums before?" Marceline asked out of the blue. Samuel shrugged, "Don't think so. Why?" Marceline smiled as she bit her lip and said, "I find it weird that my first actual crush took me to an art museum for an art assignment he needed help with. It was on Greek and Roman arts, and he needed my help on how to get the style of the statues bodies correct. I let him borrow a few of my anatomy and biology books to look over how each arm, leg, torso, head, and eyes were set on the skeleton. But he also wanted me to follow him to an art museum that had lots of Greek statues. So I agreed and once we got there, he looked at me and said, "That statue of Athena looks a lot like you." I just rolled my eyes, since at the time I didn't really like him that way, but you know, I miss him. Even though I hate him for what he tried to do to me. But Samuel, if all of this ends on us surviving at the ages of fifteen and sixteen, then I'm taking you  to an art museum, where you can see what I see when I look at people. They're all like, you, a piece of art that needs to be loved. Because Samuel, you don't deserve to be treated like shit. Because you've never done that to others." "Whoa, that's deep, Marceline," Samuel said with an astonished look on his pretty face. Marceline shrugged, "I know it's random, but I just wanted to share that with someone that I can talk to that I know will listen." 

The night ended with the two lying on the tiled floor, eating Oreo's and talking about random things that happened in their lives, like a sleepover without the sleep part in Marceline's eyes. But to Samuel, it was the first time since Japan that he'd talked to the girl he loved more than anything, face to face, heart to heart, and soul to soul. And to him, he never wanted it to end. 

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