Epilogue (Extras)

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June, 2012

"Hey, hey Marceline, wake up," Alex whispered, as she opened the bedroom window. Marceline rolled out of bed and asked, "What?" "Samuel's here to see you, also I'm heading to work. So you two are going with me," Alex said, as she fixed her hair in Marceline's small vanity mirror. Marceline quickly got out a pair pale, high-waisted jeans, a peacock green t-shirt, and her old white tennis shoes, and ran a comb through her short hair. "C'mon Marcy, we're losing time!" Alex called from the front door, as she grabbed her car keys from the small ash tray that had it's place on the coffee table. Marceline ran out of her small room and asked, "Are we taking the grandma car again?" "No, we're taking the old piece of shit car that my pot dealing friend Danny has. He said for us not to crash it, but it's seen better days so, yeah," Alex said, as she put on her name tag and walked out the door with Marceline. Samuel was out on the front porch, wearing a blue and black stripped t-shirt with blue jeans and brown tennis shoes, as he read "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and sipped his black coffee that was in a small canteen."We ready?" he asked, as he stood up from the old lawn chair he sat in. Alex nodded, as she pressed the button on the car key to unlock the car doors, "Yeppers peppers, let's fucking go!" They all ran to the car and hopped in. 

Samuel sat in the back as he continued to read and drink his coffee, Marceline dug in the glove box for her neighbors Florence and the Machine CD. Once she found it, she placed it in the CD player and chose the song "The Dog Days are Over" as Alex drove to the boardwalk to work. "Hey Samuel, you liking the book I recommended?" Marceline asked, as she looked behind the seat to face Samuel. He nodded cheerfully, "Yeah, I can't believe that I got dragged into old literature, but hey, it's a good book." "How's your dyslexia treating ya, Sammy?" Alex asked, as she turned up the volume on the radio. He shrugged, "Same as always, I can't pronounce large words, but I can read them just fine." Marceline smiled and said, "Well once you finish that, we're watching the Disney version. I played it for Alex and she fucking bawled. Like how Isaac cried when we watched "Dead Poets Society." Samuel laughed, "Alex, you cried at a Disney movie?" "Hey, you cried when you watched "Pinocchio", fucking "Pinocchio," Samuel!" "But that's a sad movie," Samuel remarked. "Uh so is "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," Alex said. Samuel rolled his eyes, "Whatever Alex." Marceline laughed, "You two are really childhood best friends." "Yep, though it sounds ass backwards, we are," Samuel said, as he laid across the long back seat. "Samuel get up we're here," Alex said, as she slammed on the break, causing Samuel to fall of the seat and onto the narrow floor. "Alex, you need some parking advice, I'm not kidding you've given me so much whiplash," Samuel said, as he sat up in the car. Alex laughed, "I do it on purpose to annoy people who I have to take to places." "Yeah, Marceline's told me all about it," Samuel said as they got out of the old car.

Once Alex walked inside the bowling alley to clock in, Marceline ran over to the speakers and turned them on, blasting old songs by Kenny Loggins. "Well, at least you know where the speaker is," Alex said as she walked up to the front counter. Samuel laughed, "Yeah, she's like that." "Well Samuel, it's like I said, she's a keeper," Alex remarked as she unlocked the front doors and turned on the neon OPEN sign.

About four hours later, Alex was nearly knocked off her feet at the sight of a gorgeous Italian woman. She looked around nineteen, and looked like she could beat the living hell out of someone in a fight. She had tan skin, light brown eyes, and long fluffy hair that was died pink. She also was a very muscular woman, as in her arms and legs were very fit and in shape. She came up to the front counter and said in a chill, soothing deep voice, "Hey, I'm heading out, here's my shoes." Alex nodded and placed the shoes under the counter, but also looking astonished at the pretty lady. "Hey uh... whats your name?" Alex asked. She looked at her phone as she answered, "Rosalie." "Wow, I didn't expect to hear a sweet name come out of your mouth," Alex joked, trying not to sound rude. The woman laughed, "Yeah, people always get the reaction." "Are you, by any chance, single?" Alex asked, leaning over the counter on her tip toes, despite her being 6'2. Rosalie laughed and nodded, "Yeah you a lesbian or some shit?" "Ding ding ding! We've got a winner! But yes, I am," Alex said, as she repeatedly slammed her hand on the front counter bell. "So you're trying to ask me out?" Rosalie asked. Alex shrugged with a cheeky smile, "Maybe..." Rosalie laughed, "Well be glad I think you're cute, Alex, right?" "It's on the fucking name tag sweetheart," Alex joked, as she waved her hand over her name tag. Rosalie smiled and paid for her lane, then left, calling out, "I'm bisexual by the way! And I work at the Vinyl store down the road!" as she closed the door. Alex smiled and looked at the clock seeing that her shift was over. 

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