Chapter 2

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"Samuel you about done in there?" Isaac asked, knocking on the bathroom door. "I can't find my shirt, Isaac!" Samuel called from the bathroom. "Found it," C.J. called from the boys room. Samuel cracked open the door and took the shirt from C.J. and closed the door again. "Hey, any of you guys like 80's music?" Alex asked as she parked the RV on the side of the road. They all shrugged, "Sure why not." Alex pulled out a CD from the glove box in the front seat and put the CD in the CD player. "Anyone here like Guns and Roses or Blue Oyster Cult?" Alex asked. Isaac raised his hand, "Yep! Also if you like 90's music I would suggest a few Green Day songs or a few Santana songs." "I got 90's music for days, Isaac," Clancy said, heating up the small stove. "Wait, you have working gas?" Isaac asked. Bailey nodded as she sat on the couch across from the small kitchen space, "Yes, and we have a lot of canned food like soup and beans and shit like that. If you don't like Campbell's then too bad for you." "So... is Alex like your leader or something?" Jeff asked Clancy. Clancy nodded, "Yep, but we used to have another leader. That's a story that none of us like talking about though. We lost a lot of good people after what happened." "What happened?" C.J. asked, looking out the window. "I think Alex should tell it," Clancy said. "Clancy, you sick bastard you know I hate talking about what happened!" Alex yelled. "They don't know, Alex," Clancy added. "And they don't need to know! Listen, what happened in the past is behind us. After all, its only been four months since Jonathan left," Alex explained. "Yeah but he chose to leave Alex. It's not because he hated you it's because he thought it was for the best since Isaiah died two months before. And K.C. killing herself out of grief, and then Samantha getting kidnapped and us trying to find her-" "SHUT UP CLANCY!" Alex yelled. The entire RV went silent, Marceline walked over to Alex and asked, "Alex what happened?" 

"Fine, I'll tell you. There used to be more of us. But before them, I was alone. I was only fourteen when all this happened. My neighborhood had fallen apart, and many people had moved. My parents were going on a vacation to Puerto Rico, but I knew they were leaving me here all by myself. But when I heard about their death on the news I knew that I wasn't safe anymore. I hid out in the RV and taught myself how to drive. Then, that was when I met her, Samantha Evans when I was in an old Five N Dine to get some food. Samantha was sixteen when I met her, I was about to turn fifteen myself. Samantha was around 5'5, she had fair skin, violet eyes, and long eyelashes. Her hair used to be blond, but she shaved part of her head and cut the rest of her hair in a fluffy, boy-short hair style, then she died her blond hair blue. She had this 90's grunge vibe to her also, and she always were this old Crush Soda t-shirt with jean shorts and yellow Vans. She had several ear piercings as well, but they were pretty cool.

"Fast forward about a year, we met Clancy and Bailey who had run away from home. They weren't a thing until later on. Samantha and I had become close, so close to the point of me going for her pansexual ass. There was just something about here that was, special. Besides her being smart, sexy, and sassy, and really good with people, she had this look in her eyes that was hard to figure out. But she loved me too, and we became a thing. Later on we met Isaiah, a sweet gypsy boy who was around Samantha's age, K.C., a biracial girl who had light patches on her skin, and then... Johnathan. He was a really weird French guy that I'd heard had issues. He was very bipolar and would act out around Isaiah. But to K.C., he was as sweet as sugar. 

"Later on, we had decided enough was enough and we wanted to get Michael in prison and sent to death for what he'd done. But our plan went to shit as soon as it came into view. We had tracked down his hideout which was an old light house on a promontory, but something wasn't right. And I wished we listened to Isaiah when he told us that he felt like Michael was one step ahead of us. So, once our plan went into action, Michael he... he... he sent his men on us, but Johnathan scared them off by shooting at them and he even killed one of the men who tried to kill K.C. But once Michael left, Samantha was no where to be found. 

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