one .

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Fashion does not only make a woman beautiful but also gives them confidence.

Valentine Avery swivelled in her thousand dollars heels and swept down the curved stairway,her long manicured fingers trailing the polished Bannister and made her way into the elegantly decorated ballroom.
A smile plastered on her beautiful face, She stood at the landing riveted by the sight of a dozen men and women .
She had on a strapless gown of white satin, the bodice clasping her tightly at her waist. Huge diamond drops hung from her ears matching the great clasp of her diamond necklace that caught light from chandelier scattering it in blue white flecks.

The roaring party was at full swing. Snippets of conversions and peals of laughter carrying across the room and assailing her senses mingled with the sweet scent of lilies and expensive perfume.

She pushed and threaded through the crowd getting kisses and hugs as she made a beeline to her husband.

"Darling! It's about time"

mark Avery kissed her on the lips, his face alight in merriment.
His handsome face flushed partly due to the alcohol.

He was handsome man and coupled with his charm ,killer smile, athletic well built body and grey calculating eyes he was everything a woman needed. At least physically.
Because all things considered he was shallow as they came when she wanted. Needed something deep.

He barely scratched the surface. Her needs he could barely comprehend let alone start to sate.
She had long lost hope on him.

The sad fact of it no longer broke her heart anymore

All the more shame he didn't affect her that way. At least not anymore.
She wasn't the guileless, innocent, naive damsel he had married. And it should serve him well to realize that.

Time and experience did that to someone.

He reached out and snatched a flute of sparkling champagne from a passing waiter and handed it to her.
Valentine smiled as she sipped from her glass and studied the crowd over the rim of the glass.
Her latest movie breathless had won the best major motion picture of the year and brought great accolade to her husband studio and was still showing all over the world raking millions.
A reason enough to throw a big lavish party so Mark with his bloated ego would show off and get his fifteen minutes in the spotlight.

He had the cocky looks of con artist with his grey steel hard eyes and his long sleek deep brown hair greying on the edges intensifying his hard looks. Noted Valentine watching him charm his guest.
He was a charmer and the life of a party if nothing else. A few of his good points.

"Lighten up sweetheart this is as much my party as it is yours"

interjected mark a question in his eyes giving her a hard look. She couldn't argue with that since she had also won the Oscars for the best female actress of the year. But who cared. She thought nonchalantly. A bored expression marring her delicate face.

She could feel she was already souring his good mood so she turned and scrutinized the crowd with an appraising critical eye before she smiled at Mark. A phoney smile that didn't fool him one bit.

"yes we couldn't possibly argue with that"
she answered smugly enjoying his anger rolling off him in waves as crew men producer,directors and other influential powerful people in Hollywood approached to congratulate her.

They carried a casual flirtation as they twirled together to the sweet slow song from a live band well hidden from view.

After twenty years of marriage ,mark was sure of his wife devotion and she let him harbour the illusion.; Acting the supportive wife she stayed glued to his side fulfilling her wifely duties with meticulous perfection until they left the prying eyes of the public.

His mere presence was intoxicating. A drug she only took in small doses if she could help it.

Meanwhile, the alcohol buzz in her system kept her grounded and sane lest she went crazy.

. ... .

Getting ready for bed was a calming ritual for Valentine. A task she enjoyed and went through without rush.
She slowly wiped her light make up inspecting her reflection in the mirror before she begun brushing her long raven hair untangling it from her trademark chignon. She could hear mark preparing for bed outside her bathroom. He was a poor schmuck and she loathed him. But she mostly felt pity for him. forced to marry her when she was barely nineteen years old because of her money. Money he couldn't touch because of the tight trust her dad had locked it in which was as tight as nuns legs. The little fucker; her dad who didn't trust her enough to protect her own inheritance.

Admiring her reflection and dismissing her long dead dad and her money issue ,she let the long gown whoosh to the floor and pool at her feet. All her life no matter how many people told her she was beautiful she never experienced that inner fulfilment. Reality alluded her and she longed for a realise. A reprieve. She only felt real when the camera is rolling. When she is on set. Impersonating a character. Being someone else hiding behind the masks and costumes. But eventually the camera had to stop leaving her empty and bared.
An inescapable shell she couldn't break free of, a dark cloud always hovering over her. Her need to create even the smallest fleeting sense of peace and selfhood which was as evasive as a ghost, bound by the chains of narcissism. At thirty eight she looked like a woman of twenty five.
She ran her hands over her supple lithe well toned body mesmerized by her own prettiness. Her features small and delicate and well sculptured. She eyed her flat abdomen,her long shapely legs and her full breasts and felt a rush of pride. She arranged her hair so it highlighted her baby face.
A face that only money could create and maintain at its perfect state without wrinkles and its high cheekbones. She inspected it with a critical eye searching for any telltale signs of creeping inevitable passage of time and was satisfied she won't have to visit her personal plastic surgeon who she had on speed dial. She valued her beauty way too much. at least it didn't disappoint. It never crossed her mind it was vanity. To wither and rot just like anything of beauty such was the brevity of life.

Pulling on her nightgown she padded back to her bed her feet sinking in the plush carpet.

Tomorrow was a big day she thought a certain young actor hot body coming to mind as she kissed her husband goodnight and sank in her own bed.

Unbridled memories flooded her mind and lulled her to an elusive sleep.
She did her best to ignore the yawning black hole where her heart should be.
Long, cold Nights like this the loneliness and emptiness all came rushing back with a startling force leaving her breathless.
The emptiness feeling like another presence in her cold bed.

Her life was empty and she sought fulfilment where she could.

Anything to fill it.

author's note:
Thanks for reading the first chapter of glamorous. Any comment and advice is highly recommended and appreciated.
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Glamorous (#Watty 2017) [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant