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Attitude is Everything.

Valentine was pregnant. Not just late for her unpredictable period - most probably due to the drugs - but P.R.E.G.N.A.N.T. Four months according to the private clinic she had just stumbled out dazed and in shock.
And the funny part she hadn't noticed until her costume fitting with Blythe that afternoon, when she couldn't fit in her dress. And even then it was Blythe who had pointed the fact out, joking she was pregnant but true to form she had dismissed the claim with blasé laughing off the ludicrous idea.
But the seed had been planted. The idea swirling in her brain all through the fitting until she couldn't ignore it anymore. So dismissing her chauffeur later on she had visited the small clinic. The ridiculously expensive price ensuring secrecy.
She must have known most of the afternoon, Valentine thought, from the moment Blythe had brought up the idea. For if she hadn't why had she wandered about postponing the inevitable? Why was she numb after the shock and novelty of it all had worn off?
She turned it over and over in her brain refusing to come to terms with the truth.
She would be lying to herself and she had made a point in her life never to lie to herself if she hadn't noticed the tenderness in her breast and other telltale signs she had steadfastly ignored.
The mere thought that Valentine Avery was pregnant was laughable in the least. And at thirty eight at thirty at that.
In her books she was already hitting menopause and the damages pregnancy would do to her highly maintained body would be irreversible.
She pulled her double- breasted, dark mink coachman's cashmere coat with antique gold buttons tightly around her body.
The coat whirled to her mid- calf where her high, black seude, low heeled boots started as she walking briskly among the loitering crowd that was oblivious to her troubled soul.
On her peaceful day she would have enjoyed a stroll, the brilliant day and the scenery but today wasn't just any day. Her mood at odds with weather.
She came to a standstill at a deserted street. Outside the flower shop, brilliant, multicoloured flowers backed by potted plants spilled onto the street.
She enjoyed the beauty and the subtle intoxicating scent but she quickly moved on remembering she was allergic to flowers. A fact that never sat well with her. How could she be allergic to that kind of beauty?  Was that even normal or morally correct?
The big question she was avoiding was how to break the news to her husband. The baby was definitely his there was no question about that but will he believe the news at face value?
Mark was a cynic by nature and she couldn't see a way to break through him.
Would he even want a baby?
Weren't things complicated as they were already without bringing a baby in the mix? 
Without bringing her baby to the cold relationship that was her marriage. The thought was sobering. When did she start referring to the bundle of cells growing in her as her baby? Did she even want to keep it? It would be so easy to abort it without even having to tell her husband. Moreover the idea another Mark gracing her life was scary. What if the little thing took after its father.
She shuddered.
The risk was too great.

" I am gonna get rid of it "

She declared with a coldness and cavalier ness that shocked her. As if she was deciding to throw the trash out. Was she that cold hearted. Had life with Mark made her that hard?
All the more reason not to doom the  baby with life with its dad. A voice suggested.

Without her knowledge she had ended up at the park. Maybe it was destiny warped sense of humor that led her there. She thought darkly.  The last place she wanted to be with children all over the place.
A shiver raced up her spine.

She whirled around ready to escape only to bump into Michael and Sasha daughter. Emma or Amy someone she wasn't sure and she didn't care. The cherubic pretty face reminded her of Sasha and she still loathed the lady. She had never gotten over always being second best to the beautiful, rich and independent Sasha.
Even Michael her once passionate lover still put her behind Sasha. And a woman could only take as much.
Her pride had led her to break things off with Michael and in the process loosing a friend. And right now she desperately needed a friend.

Glamorous (#Watty 2017) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now