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There is beauty in everything. What normal  people perceive as ugly you can always find beauty in it.

Michael Prince and Sasha O'Neill sat at the Le Train Bleau, a newly opened, expensive French restaurant waiting for Kelvin Josh, the richest of the top American fashion designers.
As always he was late. His tardiness preceded him.
Sipping her white wine, she contemplated the man sitting across from her. Studying him over her wine flute discreetly.
Sasha had known Michael  for Years.
Five years to be precise. All matter considered he was her best friend. He was among the few people who weren't intimidated by her vast wealth. Treating her like a lady,a sister without the high pedestal others put her on. She craved his refreshing company but Erected barriers of playfulness to keep his attractiveness at bay because above all she was still a woman with Wilder needs than most who appreciated beauty; His manly masculinity, his rogue energy dripping with sexual juice that made him popular with women. A man who made women feel safe and protected in his company. Charming his way past their guard and into their hearts and finally into their bed. With his worldly simplicity, clear green eyes flecked with splashes of blue, gentle generous heart, disarming smile, his messy dirty blonde that made her want to run her fingers though  it and his understanding of women needs and wants having grown up in a home full of women she couldn't help but find him sexy and irresistible in a primal level but there were lines she couldn't cross and anyway she valued him too much to reduce him to just a conquest. Another  notch in her bed post. Another name among her lovers. Because that is all there would be. A headboard breaking wild romping between the sheets. A moment in heaven but what would come next ? She didn't care to walk down that road. And anyway with his sublime taste he was very much a player. A seducer, a charmer who knew sensuous secrets of hundreds of women and she wasn't ready to join the parade. Moreover, he was still a big kid even though they were nearly the same age.
Sasha sat composedly  with a blank look on her pale face betraying nothing of her thoughts.
" His Highness is late"  the object of her thoughts remarked twirling his glass with his long fingers.
" Here he comes. Stop complaining and Behave" she added shooting him a serious glare before she untangled her tall curvy body from the table to receive Kelvin Josh.
" I hope you haven't been waiting for long. I got held up but better late than never. Right?" Kelvin drawled in his easy southern accent before planting  a kiss on her rosy cheeks and shook Michael's hand who just grumbled something unintelligent before he flopped back on his chair. Sasha laughed at his obtuse manners as she took her own seat.

" Well... what do I owe this pleasure  of meeting with the beautiful miss O'Neill,"
Kelvin was a charmer with his dyed red hair, easy smile and a baby face clad in an oddly perfect shirt covered with a checked jacket partnered with a taupe twill trousers and finally his trademark Italian loafers.
Dressed as the Duke of Windsor if not better. Sasha thought with a small smile.

"Something worth your while I can guarantee Darling" Sasha laughed signalling the waiter hovering about.
Michael just made a gagging sound covering it well with a false cough making Sasha questioned her decision to have him tag along but as her partner he was as much a part of this as her.
He was photographer and with an instinctive knowledge about women fashion therefore, top women bred in money and high life valued his perceptive advice on new treads. In short Michael was indispensable. A major factor to the success of glamour.

But let's order first" 
she gave him a dazzling smile her eyes sparkling in teasing mystery as she reached for the menu, skimmed through it and placed her order.

"I see what you are playing at, "kelvin twirled his fork at her - later after their orders had been served and the waiter had scurried away disappearing in the backdrop of the lavish restaurant - A smile playing on his thin lips, "OK since you have managed to pique my curiosity put me out of my misery and spill it. I just  hope my curiosity won't kill me like the proverbial cat" . he said good naturedly giving her a smile that could have made a lesser woman swoon.
" okay just don't explode until you hear me out. "She took a bite from her salad, chewed slowly distracted momentarily as she counted the number of calories she was ingesting and  eyed him speculatively before she said, " I need to hire you to design for my new moderate priced line"
The suggestion was followed by a tense silence before Kelvin shattered it with his raucous laughter too big for his small body.
" let me get this straight you want me to design cheap clothes? "  his voice was laced in shock dripping with disdain at the preposterous unimaginable idea.
The idea too absurd  to even contemplate seriously. This must be a sick joke he thought dubiously but Sasha serious look made him second guess himself.
" Yes. But not cheap"  Sasha shot back in her silky cool business like voice while she met his gaze and held it.

"He doesn't care which adjective you use Sasha dear. Let's go" Michael put in pushing back from his seat as if to go.
"Not so fast Mikey " she placed a restraining hand on his, smiled at him her eyes telling him to cool off and let her do her thing.

" why not?" She said with her usual aplomb swinging her gaze back to Kelvin, " we are talking about clothes bought twenty percent of the time but worn ninety percent of the time."

" Do you hear what you are asking? I design for a certain group of women. The rich ladies. My lovely high class ladies. That's what my brand is all about. People will be appalled with me going against the grain."

Sasha repressed her exasperation. Reigning in on her anger at kelvin self righteous indignation.
Getting kelvin to design for her new cheaper brand for the majority of the population was worth any amount of persuasion. Her resolve hardening she launched into her argument. Selling her new ideas to him with the occasional support from Michael.

"  I understand a woman like you never learns to take no for an answer."

Sasha smiled good naturedly
" Never" she replied with no sense of modesty or hesitation.

" she also love putting her money where her mouth is." 
Piped Michael winking at the passing blonde waitress making Sasha  roll her eyes when the waitress blushed, batted her eye lashes and thrush her full breasts forward.

She was a lady who clearly knew her worth and how  to  use to her advantage.
" there are millions of young women out there who won't even consider your designs but with your new cheaper designs they will all be streaming to stores to purchase. You can feed your legend like nothing else"

" A rather compelling argument" Kelvin remarked sipping from his wine. Deep in thought weighing the pros and cons.

" You are a good natured intelligent guy don't let this pass. Jon prince will quickly jump at the opportunity" Michael put in. Referring to kelvin competitor.
Sasha would have kissed him then.
A look of wry anxious contemplation crossed the young designer face before he arranged his face to impassivity. Masking it well but not before Sasha got the wimp of doubt. Hesitation. A crack on his  facade.

" And don't forget the money. The loot. You can have much much more" drawled Michael falling back to his predilection  for dramatic.

" How much are we talking about?"

" Your guess is as good as mine bearing in mind what I touch turns to gold" she wicked sly driving the final nail into the coffin.

Victory was hers again she thought smugly forgetting Michael altogether.



" You are totally evil"

A wicked smile stretching her red full lips,her teeth flashing like a vampire's fangs she went for the kill.
she reached out leaned in conspiratorially and patted his hand.
" I know sweetheart. I know. Now let's talk"

author's note:
Thanks for reading the new chapter of glamorous. Any comment and advice is highly recommended and appreciated.
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