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There was every chance things could have been worse. Let's face it she had walked away from her marriage she had heavily invested in, she was slowly giving up her social life, acting had lost its lustre, she had little if any real friends Michael an exception and she had no relatives to speak of. She was alone in this world more or else with her seven months pregnancy.

Life hadn't been fair to her but she wasn't about to complain, her strict dad had seen to that. If anything she should be grateful. She had lived a luxurious, sheltered life with everything served to her on a silver platter. With servants at her beck and call. In fact in all her life she had never had to work for anything. Everything was given except maybe for love which in hindsight she now realized was absent all through her life. A life that millions of people out there would give anything for in a heartbeat for. But they only saw one side of the coin. The other darker half overshadowing the good life.
What she couldn't give for peace of mind, love and happiness. She could easily trade all her money for those mundane things that others took for granted. But on the plus side things were looking up for her.
She had a real friend with Michael their past non withstanding. If anything their past helped strength the bond between them. He knew everything about her from her past,secrets and fears but she still had to share him with his other best friend;Sasha O'Neill.
And then there was the baby growing in her and her personal publicist who surprisingly she had became fond of and grown close to.
Sam Elliot the twenty eight year old who was warming his way into her heart and she loved it even when It went against her nature to open her heart.
May be it was a case of missed youth since with her tight-assed, prim, upright parent wouldn't have allowed her stupid childish endeavours like harmless courtship and all.  Any way she enjoyed his visits. Loved his easy temperament and loving disposition. She found she laughed a lot more when he was around. Her pregnancy didn't seem to bother him. If anything he seemed fascinated by it all,  he even joked he had a fetish for pregnant women.
And until that time she hadn't experienced insecurity and doubt. First, she was almost a dozen Years older, secondly the difference between their lives was like raging floodwaters way too deep, wide and dangerous. She was out of her depths, her element and more than once she felt like a cat that has been rolling in a field of catnip all day. Yes she was very adept in seduction but their courtship was more than just the chemistry and attraction.
She even found herself questioning her beauty and thinking she was making a fool of herself for thinking he could take her seriously let alone want to date her. She was too broken in way too many places for him. She wasn't an innocent girl and she had done despicable things that she knew would scare him. Could he handle the truth ? And will he still see her in the same light again?

" Hey, a Penny for your thoughts?"
Sam shook her from her stupor.

" Nothing really just wondering if I made the right decision."

"You have nothing to worry about."

He took her hands and squeezed, the action full of love and adoration it made her heart swell. She scooted closer into his embrace, his essence giving her a sense of peace.

She was just from a shoot for the new realise of the glamour  magazine. Then she had had an interview with Nora sparkles and it was there that shit hit the fan. She had finally announced her separation and told the whole world she was filing for a divorce. She wasn't sure why she did that but she felt it was because of the man holding her so reverently and lovingly in his arms.

Valentine burst out laughing.

"What's funny or is it your mood swings because of your pregnancy?"
Sam asked a smile playing on his lips. Lips valentine wanted so much to kiss until she was dizzy.

" I still can't believe Michael got a tattoo."

She giggled as she remembered the morning tirade. She had even called Sasha their animosity forgotten to make fun of Michael.

Glamorous (#Watty 2017) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now