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Reality had hit  him hard Mark Avery thought while Prowling around in his bungalow - where he had been staying for months now after the divorce when Valentine had kicked him out of their palatial home which turned out to be legally hers - like a lost soul. Years of bad spending and bad planning had seen that he was left with almost nothing when valentine left.
He had hit rock bottom and broken even after Valentine had threatened to leave him with a shell company. The bitch was fierce and ruthless to say the least but at least she had faith in his leadership at the studio and let him run things but it was small consolation price.
But He was now focused on the production of Breathless 2.
After the problem with casting, taking in mind Valentine had walked away, he had had to find a stand in and double for her which wasn't a small feat but he had managed to get a off Broadway actress who fit the bill but the delay caused a set back on the realise date and after the shooting location problem that had seen the budget blow out proportion placing him between a hard place and a rock with Valentine breathing down on him.
Anyway he had overcome  all and with little luck the movie was set to hit the theatres three days after Christmas.


After days locked up in her home and trying to act like nothing was wrong when her nosy mom called with her talks about finding for herself a decent man like her little sister and putting up with her crazy theories and 'nuggets of wisdom' like she was so fond of saying about women with cats Susan had had enough.
She had tried calling Mark who appeared to have fallen off the face of the earth to tell him about her pregnancy but he proofed elusive as her sleep. At least on the bright side she had lost weight.
Getting back with him wasn't an option anymore she would have soon put a stake through her heart. She had dignity and enough self worth to know when she deserved better.
The realization was like a breath of fresh air. Balm to her wounded pride and heart. She had milked Mark of all he was worth and it was time for her next adventure. She regretted nothing and she wasn't about to start even if it was her biggest mistake but who didn't ? And after all it was a good learning curve.
She had missed Christmas and  probably would  never hear the end of it opting for a quiet time with her cat.
She was planning for a quick visit to her mom's when her phone buzzed.
It was Mark.
She had had heard about his big movie realise that was now the talk of town and he probably thought he would have a good time with her. The jerk. What did he take her for? A puppet on a string? He better think again.
But she was definitely meeting him and watch his face as she broke things off with him.
A plan in mind, she rummaged through her closet and unearthed her killer blue dress that clung to her body, highlighting her curves to the fullest.

She breezed through the restaurant minutes later like a goddess her head held high and went straight to Mark's table. The jerk didn't even bother to get up and pull a chair for her.
He gave her a lingering appreciative look. A look that would normally melt her but it only made her shiver in disgust, bolstering her confidence.

" You look beautiful I could just imagine ripping the dress with my teeth."
He winked at her and she nearly gagged.
Refusing to order would have been the first red flag but judging from the gleam on his eyes he thought she couldn't wait to get him in bed. Without fanfare she dropped the bomb and wasn't prepared for the look of malice that marred his handsome face. His eyes grew hard and his hands gripped the table edge in a white knuckle grip.
He gave her a malicious smile that had her shivering and recoiling and the next thing she remember was stumbling out dazed,shocked and hurt like an injured dog but desperate to die at home.
His evil laughter echoing in her brain,  his hurting words slashing at her heart.
How could she? Her innocent little sister of all the people. All this time acting like she hated him when she had slept with him behind her back  least of all when she was engaged.
The image Mark had painted of her sister didn't sound like her sister but she knew it was the bitter truth. Call it woman intuition.
She had even forgotten to tell him about her child but that seemed inconsequential in light of the shocking new information.
Did Blythe husband even know the whole truth?

She stumbled into her apartment reeling in shock and was awakened by severe aches in her abdomen.
In the haze of the excruciating pain, her befuddled mind registered the door bell insistent ringing .
In the darkness of her room, she abruptly woke and rushed to bathroom, slapping the light switch on the way.
A flood of fear and dreaded washed over her when she saw the blood on her pajama bottom. Another cramp hit her sending her reeling and stumbling against the wall.
She screwed her eyes shut and leaned against the wall hands protectively over her tummy, waiting for the pain to pass.
The sound of her front door being banged loudly and someone calling her name registered at the back of her mind.
She needed to get to the hospital. And quickly.
Stuffing tissues in her panties she pulled on her nightgown and  made it to the front door in small measured steps.  Stopping from time to time when a bout of pain hit her.

" Susan! Ooh God!"

Blythe let out a loud gasp when Susan opened the door and nearly send them both falling  down.

"I am loosing my baby"

She cried out realizing just then how determined she had been on keeping the baby.

" Lean on me"

"No. I don't want you to touch me.  I have hurt others for less. Don't let the little incestuous bond  between sisters fool you after all we are natural enemies."

Susan said stubbornly pushing herself from her sister's arms.

"I would love to see you try, your body size doesn't scare me, "she couldn't help give her own gibe after all she wasn't one to take anything lying down, " anyway Let's put our difference aside for now your baby needs help and   the least I deserve is fair treatment after you listen to my side of story."

" Are you saying you didn't sleep with him?"

Came the scathing retort full of anger making Blythe wince.

" I... didn't say that."

"Then we have nothing to talk about"

Another bolt of pain hit her and this time she didn't protest when Blythe led her to the elevator.

" This doesn't mean we are OK."

" Will you shut up and let me take you to the hospital."

Blythe snapped as she peeled off the parking lot and shot into  traffic getting angry shouts and honking in the process. But all she cared now was for her sister and her baby. She drove with Blithe disregard to everything but her sister.
She floored the accelerator and curved a sharp left turn through an intersection sending Susan hitting the door window and let out a a groan, " At this speed you will get me killed even before we get to the hospital."
The small car tore through street like nobody's business, " your licence should be revoked."
Susan shouted over the squeal of tires as the car skidded to a halt outside the hospital.
Susan promptly opened the door and vomited.

Within hours news of Susan's miscarriage were reported to Blythe.
Susan was too tired and spent after the harrowing day. To some extend she was glad her sister was there with her.
" Why?"

" it's normal but if you like it's nature way of correcting a mistake."

Blythe supplied when they were left alone.
" What will Zack do when he realize he lost his young sibling. And wasn't that a mistake too?"
Susan said  referring to Blythe's eldest son nonchalantly but the undertow of emotions wasn't lost to Blythe who hung her head in shame.

" You wouldn't believe it but I prayed that this would have happened to me when I found out..." Her voice broke, "You wouldn't know how sorry I am."

Hot burning tears welled up in Blythe big brown eyes so much like Susan's as she told her sister her big secret she had kept to herself for years. Her voice quivering with the magnitude of what she was saying she told the heartbreaking truth that until that moment she hadn't realized just how much it had cost her to keep it hidden and still maintain her sunny personality.

In the end, some things were better in the open so as to give room for better things and healing.

Glamorous (#Watty 2017) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now