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In a machine age, dressmaking is one of the last refuges of the humans, the personal, the inimitable.

Blythe Brown sat at her work station going through her latest designs at glamour , sipping her strong French coffee.
At thirty she was content in life. She was a wife, a mother of three strapping boys and above all happy.  Entirely and irrevocably happy. What more could one ask for?
Another appointment in two minutes she thought sourly.
Sasha had asked her to design costumes for Valentine Arvery  for the sequel movie of Breathless.
She would have refused but among her qualities for lack of better word she was weak hearted and a sucker for wooing.
Nevertheless, she loved  a challenge and designing for the heights of fashion in the medieval era of Dietrich was nothing if not a challenge.  And anyway she wasn't ready yet to retire from the fray of life.
Loving the exhilaration, the blood rush of designing even if she got too caught  up in it all and lost track of time.

Valentine Avery arrived as Blythe Brown drew herself from her musings and covered herself in a white working coat.
The first thing that she noticed was that Valentine carried herself like a Queen and with her delicate beauty coupled up with her entourage; her executive producer/ husband, fairly handsome young publicist and  two secretaries she could easily pass for a one. Her only flaw was the hard look in her eyes,grim set of her lips and her haughty air of superiority.
Here is a woman who would stop at nothing to get what  she wants Blythe thought judging from valentine confident posture; head held up, haughty chin stuck out standing there rigidly in her shimmering flowing dress that accentuated her small waist where her husband laid a protective hand without a care for the world.

Valentine maintained an air of bored indifference her eyes taking everything in  in Blythe's little cluttered office while the others introduced themselves.
" well, I didn't expect the whole team"

Mark Arvery laughed easily with the confidence of a man accustomed of getting his way, the sound grating at Blythe nerves.
It looked like mark had something in common with Valentine Blythe thought. Two peas in a pod. A match made in heaven but Blythe knew better. There's was only a marriage in papers only. Merely a business contract.

Her eyes swivelled back to Valentine who was running her fingers over the bolts of fabric that leaned against her desk. Lightly touching panne velvets, melting cashmeres, the icy satins.
Her eyes shot up and met Blythe accessing gaze.
" I admire your office, Mrs. Brown.  Chaos with the undertow of order"
A smile lighting her eyes Valentine said in her infuriating sweet cadence voice.
" please  call me Blythe. We are all friends here aren't we?"

Blythe shot a scathing look at Mark. He was a hard man, conniving, cruel and as bad as they come. She still couldn't get what her sister,Susan Cooper saw in him. Yes, the man was hot, his greying hair giving him an handsome profile she thought grudgingly giving due where necessary but his cold eyes gave her the creeps making him unattractive and repulsive. The thought of her sister in his arms made her want to retch and gag. Her stomach roiling.

Unrequited  love.
There was no doubt her sister loved the jerk but he only used her to get what he wasn't getting at home from his frigid cold busy wife. Using her and discarding her when he had his fill.
She only felt pure hatred for the man. Emotions too strong she didn't trust herself to have a decent conversation with him let alone breathe the same air.
" I regret that you aren't welcomed  here. " declared Blythe in a frigid tone, "but as we all know all I need is miss Valentine"

" I should remind you the costumes of the new movie are too important for 'miss Valentine' to choose alone"

" yes but..." 

Glamorous (#Watty 2017) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now