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You can have everything you want in life if you dress for it.

Sasha was seated with her grumpy, surly lunchtime companion at Polo lounge's indoors main room, for only tourists were basking in the December sunshine.
She sipped from her red wine glass and waited to see who would cave in first and break the oppressive silence that blanketed their usually fun lunch. But this wasn't a normal lunch by any standard because they were meeting with Billy de lioncourt who apparently loved to make an entrance hence her tardiness.
Sasha had been in Chicago overseeing the renovation and the new construction of the new branch a ploy to get out of the line of fire between Michael and Lena if she was honest with herself. As much as she enjoyed their batters and fight she knew she could easily be a target to their fight and she was too dignified to join in. However, she could enjoy it all from the sideline. Enjoying way too much someone putting Michael in his place for once.
And anyway their competitive nature and disagreement over the smallest thing was also good for business.  The brainstorming match bringing new ideas to the table although everyone gave them a wide berth and was wary of them in the same room.

" Why are we meeting this woman?"
Sasha asked dryly.

Michael grinned savoring his small win. Taking his time before answering.

" We can use her. She has connection and knows everybody worth knowing. On our last dinner she was most pleasant and charming."

" Aside from Charming you and we both know that ain't much of  a challenge, what else can you tell me?"

" I can't believe you have such a low opinion of me?"

He hedged as he schooled his face into an expression of hurt.

" Why do I have feeling you are up to no good?"

" Jesus, Sasha you have to learn to trust me. Do you think I would get back at you for what you did to me by sabotaging a business that I have given my life to build ?"

" I wouldn't put it past you. Your hurt feelings are very dangerous don't forget I have a crazy child at home. "

"I don't like you comparing Emily's childish tantrums to my well thought out plans."

"So you do agree this is one of your revenge ploys?"

" Mrs 'O'Neill, ask me a question I can answer."

Sasha groaned in frustration ignoring his Happy, sensuous grin.

The woman in question breezed in just then and sure enough several eyes swiveled to watch her sashay towards their table with long, fluid strides.
She was a strange striking lady Sasha thought reserving judgement until she got to know the lady who had warmed her way into Michael's affection but for some reason only that made her hate her already.
Michael did the introduction as the two women sized each other.
Billy was in a starkly elegant dark green skirt that showed off her good pair of legs and a simple, pale green silk blouse that complimented her grey eyes.
Her hair was waist length flowing and silky with a  richness of color of a mink coat giving her a compellingly pretty look.
She possessed a finished, polished perfection that Sasha envied, admired and hated at the same time.
Yes. She definitely hated her. 
Her charming, bubbly personality that didn't fool Sasha for a second didn't impress her either but that couldn't be said for Michael who seemed to be taken by her.

" She is also a collector and her apartment is  to die for."

Piped in Michael like an eager child opening a present.
Sasha had to use all her willpower not to do a major eye roll.
Michael was already wrapped around the French Lady's small finger and probably eating from her palms. She wondered when that had happened. She hoped it didn't take  one dinner. With her looks Sasha wondered what Michael could be seeing. Shallow but who cared. The only plausible conclusion she could come with was she was very good in bed. And the key word was very good. Out of the world good.

" Not very marvelous," interjected Billy trying to be modest about it and doing a bad job at it, "Do you collect things: antiques, objects that kind of things" she added on seeing Sasha blank look.

" I accumulate junk over time but I won't categorize it as collecting."

"Then you have to visit me sometime and let me convert you."

She said indifferent to Sasha bored nonchalance.

" I would sadly have to take a rain check on that."

"Definitely just say when and I would be ready."

This would probably be harder than she thought but she wasn't one to back from a challenge especially when her life hood was in question.

"And just the previous night she came up with the most brilliant idea. What do you think about a fashion show?".
Gushed Michael oblivious to what was going on between the two ladies.

" I don't know," she said slowly Wondering what else they had discussed and why Michael was just dropping the bomb on her in the presence of the older lady. " I would never have thought of it."

" That's why I think her help would be invaluable. Don't you think so?"

" Not off the bat but after things pick up of course."
Supplied billy in between bites of her salad.

" I don't want to snatch the wind off your sails but I would have to sleep on the idea and mull over it."

" What is there to think about? It would be good for the publicity together with the opening party."

Finally the other boot had dropped.

" What party? We never discussed any party?"

" well, we talked about it-"

" We certainly never discussed it."

Shot back Sasha heatedly and hating herself for losing her cool.
So much for the poker face and a united font she thought sullenly picking up her wine glass and taking a big gulp.

" I meant Billy and I."

Michael said sheepishly. Of course they were on first name basis with her. She forgot Michael for all his faults  was a fast worker. It won't surprise her if they slept together.

" Of course you did. Why aren't I surprised?"

Michael opened his mouth to answer but Sasha cut him shot.

" I believe that was a rhetorical question dear."

Billy whispered  loud enough for Sasha to hear.
When did they start using endearment for each other?
Anyway at this point nothing surprised her anymore.

"I hope my presence here isn't counterproductive  and I am not making you uncomfortable and driving a wedge between you two. Believe me I only have your best interest at heart.".

Her thick French accent was now very pronounced.
Charming but flattery won't get her anywhere with her.

" It make sense and I have to agree your ideas have a lot merit. So you are going to help?"

" Only if it's necessary.  The decision after all is yours."
Came the gracious reply.
Another shot at modesty and a poor performance at that.

" okay when do we start?"

Sasha asked smiling.

She didn't know why the French lady had showed so much interest but she was going to find out. A party would definitely cause a fortune but it would be good publicity.
And anyway she believed in putting her enemies closer and in order to pill off the layers of mystery to get to the true intention of Billy's sudden interest she would need her close.
Her money had made her a target of opportunist over the years and she had learnt to handle them. And the charming Billy fit the description of an opportunist to a T albeit a charming clever one.

Filing the mystery of Billy for later, she now needed to know how Valentine had ended up living in Michael's place. She knew about their little past but she  never would have pinned Michael for a home wrecker.
She couldn't wait to know all the sordid details.

Glamorous (#Watty 2017) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now