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Valentine didn't know what life decision had led her to this particular foggy, drizzling day. May be it was the taxi she had taken, the alignment of stars or may be it was fate. She wasn't sure which and at this point it didn't matter. What had happened had happened and  the only thing she could do was to make the best of it all.
She was trying to create a sense of balance between the good things that were to come against the act of pissed off karma that had graced her life lately. The gloomy foul weather reflecting her inner turmoil and mood.
In her experience, she had learnt never to let anything get her down. And anyway she had a baby to consider.

Her hands went to her swelling tummy reflexively.

Today, she was dressed for Battle in a crisp white blouse, a grey Armani jacket and a skirt with seams so sharp they could cut. The invincible look finished by black LK Bennett pencil heels. Her Valentine Herburn kick ass look in full armor she thought, unconsciously reverting to her maiden name.

Her hair was pinned up, her serene face exuding power and confidence, she stood at the foot of Avery studios  - A twenty first century fortress jutting prow of glass- and took in the beauty of it all . The thought that she owned the lion share of it all did nothing to brighten her moods but at least it tempered with her trepidation and calmed her turmoil.
Without lingering  to enjoy the prized view, she briskly strode into the marble lobby flashing a grim smile at the security guard without breaking her stride. Oblivious to the eye catching decor and the curious onlookers watching her with interest.

She took the stairs to the thirteenth floor too impatient to be contained in the elevator  and went straight to the boardroom.
The office was decorated in corporate cozy style; plaid wing chairs, large oval mahogany desk and a lot of major motion pictures hanging on the walls.
Eighteen eyes swivelled to her, Surprised by her unexpected appearance. At the head of the table at the place of power sat Mark in an insolent relaxation posture an arrogant expression on his face.

" isn't it against the code of conduct to hold a board meeting without the largest shareholder?" She took a seat taking her time to get comfortable ignoring all the eyes watching her intently , " But continue by all means."

" And what's the meaning of this?"

A Heartbeat of silence followed his sharp tone that normally sent people scurrying for cover but Valentine barely twitched.

" You better check your tone Mark you wouldn't want to loose your lucrative position after all we all know who is the real boss around here."

" That's still to be seen!" Murmured mark to himself.

" That was uncalled for."

He suppressed his anger with great effort taking a minute to breathe in deeply.
His gentle tone bellied his fierce scowl and frothing mouth.
The others caught in cross fire, sat holding their breath fascinated by the unexpected turn of events.

" Have it your way."

" That was the idea and anyway i wouldn't have it any other way."

She shot back sweetly enjoying the occasions too much than it warranted for.
Normally she avoided office politics since she had very low tolerance to the dirty business but exception had to be made. He had it coming sooner rather than later. The jerk was leech. Taking advantage of her generosity. The prick enjoyed free reign way too much since she was always too busy with her demanding lifestyle. Not anymore. He would have to be accountable. Answering to her.

Dan the old executive cleared his throat to try and ease the mounting tension and got the meeting underway to everybody's benefit.

Mark maintained an indifference to it all taking the embarrassment in stride.
Watching her piss on his cornflakes.
He had once heard never to underestimate a disgruntled hurt woman and he was learning the consequences first hand.
The stupid bitch was hell bent on taking everything. Stripping him bare and to leave him to hung.
He was in the doghouse after pissing on his own porch and had himself to blame.
He had lost the lofty delusion of getting on her good side and there was no way he was accepting that little brat growing in her.

Above all else Valentine was a stickler  for old fashioned ideals and misplaced sentimentality no matter how much she denied it so their marriage was still important to her no matter what they had gone through and he doubted if she would file for a divorce. At least he was safe on that forte but the studio is where he drew the line, after all it was his by prerogative. No matter how much Valentine had stake in the studio it was still his. At least by birth. His rightful inheritance. But if he was critical that didn't have much weight.
He could probably throw his weight around and see what gave but one thing was clear he wasn't letting her win without a fight. She might have won the battle by shooting down all his upcoming movies he had approved and planned to produce but the war was far from over.

After the brilliant performance Valentine felt invigorated.
Men must suffer especially Mark. Some things were just plain wrong and he needed to pay for all his sins.


Up in the boardroom, she surveyed the city which was spread before her and for one giddy moment felt on top of the world, the mistress of everything beneath her.

When the going gets tough a woman goes shopping she thought wondering where she read that.
With hours to spare after lunch she joined the mish-mash of shopping throng. Driven by a need to possess something. To blow some cash away on something extravagant and glittery.
After all money had never been a problem to her because when everything is said and done she was still ruled by the same needs of shopping like other women.

She enjoyed the harmless lingering foreplay  with very expensive dresses and heady flirtation with silk and satin; The chase as good as the purchase. Who ever said money couldn't buy happiness either didn't know where to shop or had poor taste.
She browsed around before she caught a glimpse of gorgeous Leather boots that she knew she had to have.

A brunette girl made to take them but Valentine beat her to it.

"Excuse me but I was picking those." Come the petulant peevish aggravated voice.

" Got them first."

She smirked with a sly glimmer on her eyes as she retreated.

Five minutes later she burst out of the store with gleaming bags and boots that weren't her size but she was past caring.

She was already heading back home after a quick visit to the children store and buying a pair of socks that were to die for when  Sasha's merrily laughter caught her attention. She was seated at a cafe with a rather hot younger guy.

"Well well what have we got here."
She murmured to herself as she approached the Happy couple.

" Sasha? fancy meeting you here. may i join you and who is your lovely date?"

She was already pulling a chair and dropping her still petite body on it.

This day was getting better and better she thought on seeing Sasha's perplexed expression.
Lady luck must surely be smiling on her.

Glamorous (#Watty 2017) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now