Twenty Five.

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The burning fire at the marble fireplace added to the charm to her presidential suite of her second floor suite at Ritz but nevertheless it was still a hotel atmosphere.
Without the personal homey ambience that her home afforded.
The elegance and the luxury. The Depth of extravagance. The worldly grandeur and opulence that a picture of Emily placed at the nightstand couldn't elevate.
The stiff impersonality too deep ingrained in everything from the flowers to books adorning the five rooms suite.
Sasha who had always been tough for the class on everything interior design had a laser keen eye on the stifling aura of the place. But then again it was the best money could buy. Since a night she was bleeding a whooping a thousand dollars. But she didn't even feel the pinch after all money had never been the problem.

After all it was always a bliss to spend too much money like she did with château vilette.

She wasn't bad looking and was absurdly rich. She was still young by any standards and convection and had  a body no one will mistake of a mother.
She had lived in Paris years ago which felt like a lifetime ago when she was divorced and pumped for action. Under normal circumstances she would have planned to meet the right people, Fuck the right men or wrong kind; the line between the two was always blurry for her on the best of times, own houses in the right places, be photographed in the right places and attend the right parties.
With her money and the power it gave her she was in a position for all the above but with her daughter in tow and Michael forever in her mind some options were off the table.
For a woman who lived to satisfy her desires and indulged herself. Never resisting any temptation the action was telling.
She lived by the seven deadly sins: greed, lust and pride or in her case just the three.  And not necessarily in that order.
There were worse things in life and a woman needed one or two vices.
As a child after the death of her parents she had relished on the presence of a deity. An  All loving and all knowing God to look after her. As an adult she preferred the all loving God than the all knowing one. Reassured by His remoteness rather than His close proximity at every aspect  of her life for one reason or the other.
The thought of a God startled by her wild antics and for him shaking His head in Wonder and shock and muttering, "Jesus! what is she up to now." Never failed to please her.

She may burn in hell for it but there was always time to reform. After all had she learnt she lived in an era where you committed a sin and later asked for forgiveness. Instead of praying and waiting on God.

In the end despite her fantasies and musings she had settled for tours with Emily as her guide and attending lavish parties at night.
With lust off the table she had only one more thing to do. The house and that's when she had fallen for the château villete.
In more ways than she cared to admit it reminded her of her family home.
Old,warm and regal.
It was located outside Paris a couple of hours ride from the splendor and glitz of Paris.
A crumbling private gated estate that had just been put up for sale.
It was three stories tall with course facade that stood in contrast with the lush landscape and glassy ponds.
She walked up the hand laid cobblestone toward the double doors past the grilled gates.
Pulled forward by a force. The house appearing to be calling out to her. Striking a chord in her.
A Union that had waited for centuries and it had finally captured her.
She eyed the peeling off shutters and didn't see the rot and neglect. Its rustic charm enchanting her as she prowled around.
This was home she thought.
Hundred of years of history manifested with every creaking board, reflecting the intrigue and the intimate atmosphere. The old that had weathered years of storms over span of years to stand regally at a modern day era.
She didn't care if she had to replace all pipes to  make it habitable  but she was getting it.
With frenzied desire to  posses she had signed the whole payment of ten million without even bargaining, giddy with excitement oblivious to everything else.
And so with Emily they had begun to work on their new home in earnest.
Loving the thrill of buying antiques for every room and Emily reveling at designing her home making sure to put her mark in every part  of the place.


A month before they left for California Emily had insisted on sending Michael a letter to brag about her new home.
They didn't know where he was geographically so Emily the ever inventive type had put her letters in bottle and tossed it into the ocean and watched it drift with the current believing it would find Michael where ever he was.

Such  innocent gullibility Sasha had thought watching her.
Images of her childhood had flashed in her mind with a sharp pain.
She had been a neglected child she realized. She had always repressed her childhood or that part of it and at times like this memories flooded her mind. Reliving every moment in vivid clarity.
She had always made a point of thinking about her parents in the best light but there was no escaping the harsh truth.
In a flash she was in another place at a different time.
In a park nine months pregnant and just divorced. Watching the children playing  merrily with no care for the world.
Pain and bitterness wrecking havoc in her.
She was rich yes but she was lonely as hell. Her unborn daughter her only company and source of energy.
She always wondered if she hadn't been there at that moment if she would have met him.
Michael still much a player had approached her with his sister's baby he later confessed he was planning to hit on her the baby a perfect excuse to strike a conversation.
She had been rock bottom and he had obliviously made her laugh shamelessly hitting on her.
She had never known when he had turned and become her friend but she had fallen in love with him then and it had taken Years for her to realize that.

In the grand scheme of things, things had worked out the way they should have and because of it or despite of everything she was a better stronger version of herself.

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