8: A Promise

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Shisui covers her eyes " who am I?"

"Hehe. Shisui!!" She take off his hands and turns around. She hugs him " you're back!!"

Shisui: um. What does my wilful risei want to do today?

Risei: oh oh! I want to try the new ichiraku ramen !! My teammate said it's really nice.

Shisui: ok. Let's go.

They had passed by a rich merchant's house who was doing a marriage ceremony. He watched her as she was fixated on the bride. He decided to give her a little shock by kissing her on the back of the neck.

" Shisui!" She turned around " I know I'm taking a bit long. You don't have to be like that!" He pulled onto her hand " let's go. I'm hungry."

Risei: um.

Shisui: you like the bride? Thinks she's beautiful?

Risei: um~

Shisui: or is it that~ you just can't bear waiting anymore~ you just want to get married to me and be mine?

She blushed real hard " shisui!! Meanie... " 

Shisui blushes a little " you look beautiful."

Risei: arigato. Hehe.

Shisui: alright then

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Shisui: alright then. Let's go to the festival.
Risei blows to the takoyaki and munches it " hehe... Yummy... "

Shisui: anything else you want to eat?

Risei: um!! Dango!! 

Shisui: ok. Wait here for me for a while.

That's when Itachi walked over " risei."

Risei: oh. Itachi. Aren't you on duty today?

Itachi: how come you know?

Risei: I saw the duty roster. Mine is tomorrow. Hehe. I guess minato made you take my place for today. Arigato!

Itachi; no. It's ok. Are you having fun?

Risei: um! Shisui is treating me lots of things to eat! He went to get dangos for me. Are you looking for him?

Itachi: no. I'm on duty. I'm about to pass over my shift. I've been given another mission.

Risei: oh...  Hardworking itachi. I know! I'll buy something for you in exchange for helping out for me.

Itachi: it's ok.

Risei: wait a while ok.

She goes to the stall to pick up something. Shisui had came back and realised that risei was shopping at another stall. He saw itachi at risei's spot and walked over " jealous of me?"

Itachi: shisui... It's not like that.

Shisui: I... Have decided. I'm going to make her a promise that will make her mine.

Itachi: ... Shisui.

Shisui: gomen Itachi. Maybe you're a better match for her because both of you are more similar to each other. But since she's decided the one to be me. I don't intend to just let go either.

Itachi turns around " you think too much shisui. It's because it's you , that's why she's happy. You need to believe that. " And he body flickers.

Risei returns to shisui's side " shisui. Oh! Dangos."

Shisui: oh. What did you buy?

Risei: a protective charm. For Itachi. Cos he covered my shift. He said he was going for another mission. Did you see him?

Shisui: um. He left already.

Risei: oh... Then... I guess I'll give it to him when he comes back.

Shisui: give it to me. I'll pass it to him.

Risei passess it to him " ok. "

Risei yawns " time to go home."

Shisui: how about the fireworks?

Risei: tired... I have a mission tomorrow. My shift was cancelled. My taichou insists that I go home before the fireworks.

Shisui laughs " your taichou sure treats you like a little girl."

Risei: he's just being nice. He's... Going to die too though... He just insist on missions.

Shisui: what do you mean?

Risei: he has cancer....

Shisui: risei...

Risei: no talk about him. Let's go home.

Risei : good night shisui. *Kissess cheek* I had fun today.

Shisui: risei

Risei: hm?

Shisui: I want to give you something.

Risei: what?

He takes out a ring...

She blushed " arigato

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She blushed " arigato."

Shisui: a feather of an angel. I will protect you. I'll make you happy. This is my promise to you, to marry you when the time comes.

Risei: the time comes?~~ no running away. Which time?

Shisui laughed " you're not even shy about it. When you're legal to marry."

" Um!! Accept!" And she takes the ring " I'll keep it until that day comes." He hugs her in his embrace " arigato. "

Risei: ...mmmm.... Arigato. Shisui aishteru. ( I love you )

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now