29: Seeing Kurama

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Naruto vs orochimaru

Risei body flickers to behind Naruto " Yamato!!! Chain him down!! "

" What do you think..." He grabs Naruto's arms and legs and pull them towards the ground " I'm doing..!!!"

" You're so troublesome. Sighs. So unlike..." She puts her hand onto his body and spreads a seal onto his body and it connects to the one onto his belly " your parents..."

Inside Naruto's body~~

Kurama : oh ho. Isn't this risei? Long time no see.

Risei: what a pain in the ass. Long time no see. Kurama

Kurama: let me out. Then I won't mess with this boy.

Risei: someone's going to capture you. It's safer inside here.

Kurama: huh?!! You think I can't fight some measly humans?!!

Risei: and yet you're locked in here.

Karuma claws against the prison " RISEI!!! "

Risei: listen to me. Stop messing with Naruto. He'll feel really guilty after this.

Kurama : it's not my business!!

Risei: you know me. You think I'll harm you?

Kurama: you think it feels good to be locked in here?!!! Huh?!!!

Risei: I know it's horrible. But I don't want you to get caught. Just some time more. I'll promise to free you when akatsuki has died ok?

Kurama: and if you die before that?

Risei: then pray I don't. If they catch you, everyone will die.

Kurama: find a damn disciple. Annoying little girl.

She smiles " arigato. " And Naruto's body floats to the surface of the water. Risei picks naruto up and slaps him " ooi. Wake up. "

Naruto starts to open his eyes...

Risei: I'm leaving. Be well kurama. I'm going to be nice and not tighten the seal.

Kurama: um.

Risei: ooi. Daijobu?

Naruto: what... Happened...?

Risei takes her hand off and releases the seal. Yamato releases Naruto.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now