CHAPTER 1: Just Like Any Other Day

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When I woke up this morning, I winced as I slowly sat up in bed, as I remembered of the events from last night and the beating I got from my drunk parents. Mostly my dad. My mom was more of the standby kinds of people.

Both my parents and sister had come home late from celebrating my sister's 26th birthday.

Like usual, I wasn't invited. Not that I cared. In fact, I haven't cared about them and they haven't with me neither since I was born. So it's mutual hate.

Which I'm sure you're wondering why I'm still here with them and haven't moved out yet, especially at the age I'm at now. It's honestly a pretty long story. Though I guess I can sum it up a little to give you an idea.

From the time I was five, all the way until I was sixteen, my grandmother lived with us. Grandpa had just died and she couldn't afford to live on her own, so she moved in with us. She was my best friend.

Then when I turned eleven, she got sick. And since we couldn't afford a nurse to come help her out, I looked up information in how to help take care of her. I figured since I was already my family's 'Fat Cinderella', it wouldn't be any different. Well, other than the fact that to take care of her, I would spend more time with her than my family.

It was hard watching my grandmother go through chemo. Though she was a fighter. I didn't have any friends really. Mostly cause my sister started a rumor in sixth grade that I was a slut and had an abortion (after she said I was pregnant, then before anyone could find out I was just fat and she lied, she told them I had an abortion). So soon, I was known as the fat ugly cow that killed babies.

So badly, I wanted to do home school, cause I thought maybe it would keep me from cutting myself. And I would only need to put up with my family's bullying, not school's also.

My grandma and I used to talk about going someplace better. Escaping from this hell. But looks like she got to escape before me. On my sixteenth birthday, my grandmother passed away. The cancer finally won.

Though before my grandmother left, she wrote me a letter and had snuck it into my schoolbag, a few days before she died.
The letter read:

To My Angel,

Sometimes in life, things happen that we cannot control, explain or prepare ourselves enough for. However, that's what journeys are all about. It isn't so much about your destination, but the things that brought you there. I had a beautiful and an AMAZING journey for my life. Though one of the best joys and favorite part of that journey, was being your grandmother. I may not have done the best job with your mother. But you are the reason, I was meant to have her. You are destined for great things and never let anyone tell you different or stop you from becoming what you want to be. You are beautiful inside and out. I love you and will be waiting to see you again.

Love Always,

Grandma xoxo


In my Will, I have left everything to you. Which all I really have left, is $500,000. When you turn eighteen, you take that money, and you leave.

After my grandma died, I wasn't able to get a car, but my sister did. I tried getting a job, to mostly help me get out of the house, but my parents kept me as a maid and told me if I wanted my money when I was eighteen, then I would have to do everything they asked from me.

However, once I turned eighteen and went to the bank to withdraw money, I wasn't able to. My parents forced my signature years ago and was able to withdraw the money. So my account has $0 in it. They invested it all in their cleaning business. Which basically has me as their only employee.

Even to this day, because since they are in charge of my pay stubs, I don't see the money I make.

I had promised my grandmother that I would never cut myself again. However, I still kept my emotional eating habit. I always found ways to have a secret stash or to hide food for later. Plus at school, during lunch, since I was being ridiculed anyways, I always would buy a lot of food, then take it to the bathrooms and eat by myself while watching Netflix on my phone. Which was the only thing my parents ever bought me and it was always for their benefit so they could call me whenever to do and or get whatever for them. But it still came in handy for me always to my benefit also.

Anyways, back to right now in this moment. I am getting ready to go to the store to pick some things for dinner.

I swear, I need to just runaway. That would be a lot better. Or....

Before I could finish that thought, my bitchy sister interrupted.

"Hey Lardass! I'm going with you to the store." She says to me.

No! I thought to myself. This was the only time I could be alone with myself and where I was happy. Also, the only time I could get more stuff for my secret food stash.

"No. I'm going real quick. You can tell me what you want, but I'm going by myself." I tell her.

"The hell you are! Unless you want me to tell mom and dad about how you always use whatever's left to buy foods for your secret stash." She smirks while crossing her arms as though she knows she won.

I just roll my eyes. "Fine. Let's hurry up. I still have to come back and cook."

"Whatever." She says, while heading out towards the car.


After arriving at the store, she grabbed a basket and I grabbed a cart. Then she told me she was going to grab her stuff and come find me when she was done.

So we split up and I first of all, go and get things on the list. Then, since like always, there's money left over, I begin getting things for myself for my 'Secret Stash'. Though I was pretty slow the whole time, seeing as to how my back had still hurt from after being pushed by my dad into the door handle to my room last night.

Right as I get done and still haven't seen my sister, I begin looking for her. Then after heading towards the fruit section, I notice her flirting with a guy.

Of course she would be. Though we had to get home.

Then right as I began to walk towards her, that's when out of nowhere, someone bumps into me from behind, causing me to accidentally bump into the booth of oranges and made them all begin falling down onto the ground.

"I am so sorry." A male's voice said as he started to help me pick up the oranges from the ground.

"It's fine." I tell him.

Though I don't know what made me do it, but I looked at him and noticed he was really hot as well as also looking at me with a smile? Why is he smiling at me like that?

Before I could say anything, my sister came from behind us and we both stood up.

"What did your fatass knock over this time?" She says to me. Making me of course feel even more embarrassed than I already was.

"I accidentally bumped into her, causing her to bump the cart into these oranges. So it's my fault." The hot guy says.

"Well, doesn't matter. It's still her fault. My name is Amy." She says, holding out her hand.

"Will. And it wasn't her fault." He insisted again. "And your name?" He asks me.

"I'm Kristy." I reply.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Kristy. Maybe I'll see ya around?!" He says.

"Yeah." I shrugged. I figured I would just say that, since I knew the chances of us seeing each other again was highly unlikely.

We all then went our separate ways and we headed back towards the house to get dinner ready before our parents got home.

I can't wait for this day to end already.

New chapter will be posted soon! :)

HIS Curvy Luna!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat