CHAPTER 10: I'm A Wolf!

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"The reason I claimed you as mine and as my queen, is because you are. The reason you are is because I'm a wolf and you're my mate. I'm the Alpha in the pack that lives in the house." I start to tell her.

We are quiet for a brief moment. Then I hear her chuckle a little bit.

"Really? A wolf? And me, a human, is your mate? Is this some kind of a sick joke? Did my parents or my sister put you up to this?" She began asking.

"No. Of course not. I swear, I'm a wolf." I assure her.

"Prove it." She says to me.

"Not in here." I tell her.

"Why not? Are you afraid I will see you naked?" She teases.

Which I understand this all seems unreal, but she's starting to upset me. And to make matters worse, Jay, my inner wolf, is pushing for me to show her. To which I finally give up and cave in.

"Fine! You really wanna see? Then follow me." I tell her while getting up then taking her hand and leading her down towards the backyard, towards the trees.

"You're walking too fast. I'm still in a lot of pain." She reminds me. In which I truly did forget.

I then stop a few feet away from her and start taking off my clothes and then as she starts checking me out, she watches me as I form into my wolf.

Once I'm done, I just stay there on all fours, looking at her. Though she looks scared.

"I-it's true? You really are a wolf." She says as I then see her face go from a little scared to sad.

I then see her turn and walk inside the house. Which I really never meant to scare her.

So I quickly form back into a human again, putting my clothes back on and then start heading inside the house.

Before I could go into her room, Cynthia holds up her hand to stop me.

"Move Cynthia!" I tell her.

"No can do Alpha. You need to give her some time." She tells me.

"But how much? I can't wait too long. You know that." I remind her.

"Trust me. The Moon Goddess never lies. And she'll come around. Just give her a couple more days, alright?" She looks at me as if I better behave.

"Fine! But as soon as I can see her. I want to see her." I tell Cynthia.

"Of course." She says with a wink.

As much as I hated not being near Kristy and scaring her, I knew I had to give her some time and space and Cynthia was right, I needed to not question the Moon Goddess.

So I headed downstairs towards my office and ended up sleeping on the couch for the next couple of days.

Then finally after the third day, while everybody was gone for a few hours, I heard the bedroom door open up.

I get up from the couch and walk towards the stairs where I see Kristy walking down.

"Hey." I tell her.

"Hi." She says.

"Are you feeling okay? Can I get you anything?" I ask her.

She shakes her head and bites her lower lip nervously.

"Well, Cynthia has been explaining to me about the mating and the wolf pack and how this all works. But, I'm not sure I want to be a wolf. Or your mate." She says to me as my heart just sinks to the bottom of my stomach.

"Kristy, I understand that this is all new and crazy, but please, just think about it." I tell her with pleading eyes.

"I know what will happen to you if I don't accept your proposal by a certain time. And I don't want to be responsible for that. But.....I don't know if I can be with someone who doesn't love me and who only wants to be with me because they have no choice." She says as she begins to fight back tears.

"Oh, Kristy. It isn't at all what you think. In fact, in a way, it's just like fate." I begin to tell her as I walk up to her closer.

"But we don't even know each other and I.....I've never.....I've never done IT before." She says.

Which not that she needs to know this, but it makes both my wolf and I very happy to know we would be the first ones for her.

"Why don't we get to know each other? Why don't you and I go on dates and do whatever else couples do together? In fact, let's go out tonight." I suggest as I have nothing else to do.

She starts to blush a little and smile.

"Okay." She agrees.

"Okay then. Why don't we get ready and go out and have some fun." I tell her with a smile.

"But I don't have any clothes." She says.

"Don't worry about it. We can get some while we're out. Though in the meantime, Cynthia did grab some clothes for you to wear." I assure her.

"Thanks." She says with a smile.

"Don't mention it. Noe, how about you go upstairs and take a shower first and get ready, while I get ready in the other bathroom?" I suggest.

"Sounds good. Meet you here in twenty minutes?" She suggests.

"Perfect." I tell her with a smile. Then I lift her chin up with my finger and give her a long passionate kiss.

We end up having a full make out session as I gently push her up against the wall as we don't break away from kissing still.

Jay, my Wolf, starts getting all worked up and I quickly take a step back.

"I'm sorry." I tell her under my breath. "But I'm afraid if I go any longer, I might not be able to stop myself." I confess.

We look into each other's eyes and she smiles as do I at her. Then we head upstairs to start getting ready.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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