CHAPTER 16: Damien & Amy

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        It's been years since I last saw Cam and his family.

         Ever since his parents kicked my parents out of the council, we have been forced to live in isolation and shame. But now, I plan to get my revenge. Especially now with his Luna being a filthy human. This will be easy.

         What makes this all more enjoyable is that her sister wishes to get rid of his Luna as well. So I have made a deal with her, along with making her believe that I like her and am dating her. When the truth is, I'm using her to get to her sister. Which will let me get to Cam.

          For years I have been looking to find his weakness. Now he has one.

         The fact that I killed Kristy's parents and that her sister has threatened to frame Kristy for it, Kristy will have no choice but to do as I say and do whatever I want her to. Even if that meant to help bring Cam to me so that I can get rid of him once and for all.

         Then after I get rid of Cam, his parents will be next.

          They will pay for turning the council and most wolf packs against us. Making everybody treat us as though we were rogues. Which by the way, caused my parents to be killed.

          Everyone see's Cam as the newest Alpha whose parents are highly respected as well as feared. However, I wonder what they will think of their new leader, once they find out what his Luna really is. And what she has done to her poor innocent parents.

          On top of everything else, despite what his parents say about a human turning into a wolf and how supposedly it can make the wolf pack undefeated. They forget the biggest consequences that can occur because of it and how much it can put everyone, including the council, in danger.

           Though soon they will all pay and see that my parents were meant to be the head of the council.

          I plan to make my parents proud by  avenging them.

         For years, my family's name has been tainted. Has been ridiculed.

        Well soon, that will all change and soon they will all be bowing down to me.

        When people hear my name, they will grow fear and tremble at the mentioning of it.

        All I can say is, that revenge is the sweetest taste in the world.



        After the night my parents were brutally attacked, I have wanted nothing more than to kill whoever killed them.

        Then, when I finally found out who did it, and that not only it was a wolf, but the person happened to hate the boyfriend of my little sister, whom I hate, I just had to join in the fun.

        You see, when my sister was born, I knew I would no longer be my parents' number one priority.

        Then when I saw my grandmother begin to favor my little sister more, that was it. It was in that moment when I realized, that Carrie needed to be taken out. I needed to be the princess again that I was always destined to be, before she came along.

         I never understood why my parents kept her when they could've put her up for adoption. Let her be someone else's burden.

         I mean sure, the money welfare was paying us for her and everything was worth keeping her around and helped pay for all my beauty pageants and for anything else I wanted, but still, to look at that fat ugly cow everyday, I just couldn't stomach it anymore.

        Now soon, I get to have what I've always dreamed of. I will soon get rid of Kristy forever.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
And sorry for the short chapter. I'm just not wanting to write too much about these characters. Bottom line, these are disgusting people that were born with so much hatred in them that it just grew inside them as they got older. But if I think of anything else to add I will later, but for now, this is what it is. :)

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