CHAPTER 19: If It's A Fight He Wants....

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        Will has been busy making sure the perimeter to our territory is protected from Damien and Amy.

         Everything had seemed to be going okay as Kristy has been distracted lately with planning the baby shower and when we aren't together, we've been mind linking with each other. Which so far, I have been lying to her about things being okay, when in reality, they aren't.

            It seems that Damien and Amy have somehow gotten through our perimeter's and are trying to find a way in getting to Kristy.

            I know that I should probably let her know about what's going on and everything, but I can't. I don't want to cause her more stress than there needs to be. And I especially don't want her to worry about anything.

            I have however, told my mom about what's going on and luckily she likes to do party planning and everything cause she's helping me out a lot by distracting Kristy with the shower and everything.

           Today, Kristy wanted us to have some alone time together since it's been a while. Cause usually, by the time we've gone to bed, we literally have been too tired to do anything but sleep.

            My cell phone began to ring and as soon as I answered it, I heard his voice, it was Damien.

           "What do you want?" I ask him while trying not to break my phone.

           "Well now, we both know what I want." He says.

           "I told you, I don't have the authority or position in the council to do that." I tell him.

           "I know not yet. But you will. And I can't let that happen. You don't deserve that position, neither do your parents. It's because of them my parents were shunned and banned forever from the council."

           "My parents didn't make yours be dishonest and have the heads of the council from before, murdered. So do not DARE put your parents mistakes on mine." I tell him.

          "Do you think it's wise for you to make threats towards me, right now?" He asks.

          "What is it that you want, I mean really, want?!" I demand from him.

          "I have come to the only solution to this problem. A solution that turns out to be the only way." He tells me.

          "A fight? That's what you've ways wanted was a war. Fine. You want one, you got one." I tell him.

           "Wow. Do you really think it's that easy? Or that it's going to be?" He asks.

           "Just tell me when and where?" I demand.

          "You'll get my message soon of when and where. Until then, enjoy your final days with the one's you love." He says sarcastically, it sounded. Then hung up.

          Which was perfect timing as Kristy and everyone came walking into the door with bags of stuff, including stuff for dinner.

          I quickly tried hiding the worry and all the fear I had from Kristy. 

          "What's wrong baby?" I hear Kristy ask me as she walks in the room up to me.

           "Nothing. I just have had a long day. I'm just a little tired is all." I lie to her.

           "Okay. Well, why don't we eat some dinner and then go to bed early tonight?" She says.

          "Yeah. Okay." I tell her while forcing a smile on my face.

           Throughout dinner, I couldn't stop looking at Kristy as though it might be the last time. I know it's stupid and crazy to even think about it but, I'm so scared. More scared than I've ever been in my life.

           My mother, on the other hand, she knew something was wrong. She mind linked with me that after dinner was done that we would talk.

            So then after dinner was done and everyone was playing a game while my mother and I went into my office and closed the door behind us.

           "Alright. Tell me what's wrong." She tells me.

          "It's Damien. Both him and Amy are trying really hard to go after me and Kristy. Damien has these demands that he wants to have met, in order to protect Kristy and everyone in my family." I begin to tell her.

          "And what is that?" She asks me.

          "He claims that you and dad are the reason why his parents had been shunned and banned from the council. He wants you both dead, including me too. He wants my position, as well as yours and dad's and said that he will stop at nothing to get that. But I told him no. So now, I believe we are going to fight." I just blurt out.

           "Son, there is something you must know about Damien and his parents. Why they were shunned and banned from the council to where then, your father and I took the titles." My mother tells me while taking a seat across from me at my desk.

          "Okay?" I reply though unsure of what she was going to tell me.

          "Well, both Damien's parents were rogues. Neither one were born into a werewolf bloodline. So, they could not become the head councilmen. Or part of the council in general. They both became werewolves after being bitten one night when they were teenagers. Their parents disowned them and kicked them out of their houses at the age of sixteen. Then that's when they were bitten. One night, on a full moon and were left for dead. though the wolf that bit them had plans of their own. They chose the two of them cause they were strays. After finding out that one of our enemies wanted to take down the council, we had to find them and kill them. Which after we did that left the rest of the rogues on their own to fend for themselves. Since then, they have wanted to do nothing more than to take us down. They were always jealous of your father and I cause we were pure bred. It was in our DNA and in our blood to be werewolves. And now, he wants revenge. Which if that's what he wants, then  let's give him and his dogs hell." She says to me in a way that I have never seen her be before. It was kind of cool but also a little scary.

           It reminded me of how I should never piss off my mom.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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