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Today after getting ready, I was about to head out the door when I saw Will, sitting down at the table, eating some cereal.

"Morning." I greet him.

"Morning." He says with his mouth full.

I start looking around and notice that Kristy isn't here.

"Where's Kristy?" I asked.

"Miss her already?" Will says to me with a wink.

"Dude..." I tell him.

"I'm just messing with you. I gave her the day off." He tells me as he takes one last bite and heads towards the sink.

"What do you mean you gave her the day off?"

"Exactly what I said. I gave her the day off. It's Friday. She deserves time to herself too." He tells me.

"Ok. Whatever." I tell him as I begin walking out and heading to my car to go to an important meeting.


Since tonight's movie night and everybody seemed to be inviting someone, I decided that also since I'm horny as hell, I would bring Tina to join us, despite what everyone thinks about her.

Though when Tina and I walked out back to join everyone, I noticed Zac was sitting down next to....Kristy? What the fuck? Did I not kick him hard enough the other day?

Will then approaches me and Tina and doesn't even acknowledge her there.

"Hey Alpha. It's about time your ass shows up here. We're getting ready to start the movie." He says.

"Let me talk to you for a minute." I tell him as we head inside real quick.

"What is Kristy doing here? And why the hell is Zac sitting next to her?!" I demanded.

Will looks behind real quick as though he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"Oh that. Yeah, I invited her. And both Cynthia and I thought they would get along pretty good. Why does it bother you so much?" Will asks me with a raised eyebrow.

"It doesn't. I just, want to make sure she doesn't get mixed up with a player like Zac." I say, hoping Will believes the lie I just told him.

"Dude, seriously, you sound so pathetic." Will says.

"Excuse me?" I scowl at him.

"You heard me. This whole, pretending like you don't want her. And also, you need to grow some balls and grow the fuck up since she's your mate. Cause honestly, I don't know how you fight it. The moment I met Cynthia and found out she was my mate, I couldn't help but be around her. But you, I don't know. I feel like you've changed. In ways that are not good. And you know that to be a good Alpha, you need also a mate." He says.

"Wait, how did you know?" I asked him.

"Your mom told me. Her and your dad both asked for me to help you. But I don't know if that's even possible." He tells me as he shakes his head in disappointment and starts walking back outside.

Meanwhile, I first need to take in a few deep breaths before heading back out. Just so I can keep myself from killing Zac.

Once I get back outside, I grab Tina's hand and we take a seat down on the blanket. Which I put my arm around her shoulder, while looking over at Zac and Kristy.

I see her laughing and smiling at him. Which makes me mad, then I immediately start kissing Tina while looking out the corner of my eye and notice Kristy looking at me.

Then during halfway into the movie and I see Zac start to kiss her. Then that definitely sets me off to where I'm about to get up and beat the shit out of him. That is, until I notice the movies done with and for the last ten minutes of the end, I saw Kristy get up and head into the house and hasn't come back out again, yet.

So I get up and head inside while Tina still stays sitting while playing on her phone.

As I walk into the house, I start to follow her scent.

Which it leads me to the bathroom downstairs. So I wait outside the door for her and right as she opens up the door, I quickly grab her wrists and place them above her head as I pin her back against the wall.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"What the hell are you doing, flirting with Zac and letting him kiss you?! Huh?! Nobody, and I mean nobody touches you, but me! You are Mine!" I tell her.

"B-but you don't like me. And besides you have Tina." She says sounding a little scared.

"I'm your Alpha! You are mine and nobody else's, You got that?" I tell her again.

She just nods her head. "Yes." She says while fighting back tears.

"Good." I tell her. Though I start leaning in to kiss her but we get interrupted by Will.

"You ready to go...." he stops. "Woah. My bad."

He says while me and Kristy both look at him. Then I let go of her wrists and she then walks towards Will.

"Yes, I am." She tells him.

They both then leave. Which, I can't believe that I almost kissed her just now.

I then head back to Tina and after what just happened just now, I'm horny as hell. Except, that I don't want Tina, I want Kristy. She is my mate.


After Tina left, I was sitting down on my bed, watching TV when I hear the front door burst open.

"Cam! Alpha, we need you down here now!" I hear Will yell out from downstairs.

I quickly sprung up out of bed and started running downstairs.

Though when I got downstairs, the site I saw was so unreal, that it seemed like something you would see in a movie.

It was Kristy. She was covered in blood all over her face and Will, along with Cynthia had blood all over them from carrying her inside.

I immediately ran to her side.

"What the fuck happened? Who the hell did this to her?" I said with so much rage.

"Her fucking parents and sister. They've been beating her. That's why she's been cutting herself." Will says.

"She what? How do you know she cuts herself?" I ask.

"Remember that night I told you about that girl by the tree? That was her. She was begging me to finish killing her. Cause she had just cut herself." Will says though it was tough with what he said towards the end to get out.

"Oh my god." I say under my breath. I forgot he told me about that. I begin to fight back tears and start wondering why she would ever hurt herself. She is so beautiful. Though not that I have helped or anything. My god, I'm so fucked up.

Please, if anyone can hear me up there, please let her live. If she does, I promise I will love her and protect her the way she always has needed it. Though I can't say the same for her parents fate.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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