Chapter Nineteen

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Zara's POV

Hafsa and Ayesha are very excited at my decision to get married, and they can't stop planning my wedding. It makes me really happy, too, seeing everyone so happy because of me. I want to get married, soon. I really do. I want to move on with my life, I don't want to be stuck in the past for the rest of my life.

I spend all day with the two girls at university on Monday, and on Tuesday, we head to the shopping mall after our lectures finish. We're really lucky that the shopping mall is so close to our university, in the city centre. First, we have lunch. We go to McDonalds and quickly eat. Then, we head to the main shopping mall and we all buy lots of things.

Hafsa and Ayesha each buy a lovely dress for me, even after I refused to let them buy anything for me. They argue saying that this is nothing, and they want to buy so much for me. They're so happy of my decision, and so am I.

Hafsa buys me a turquoise formal dress which is floor-length and so beautiful. The dress is fitted from the top and the bottom part is flowy. I can't wait to wear this dress, it's so pretty!

Ayesha buys me a sparkly gold dress. This is also a floor-length dress, and so beautiful too. I love how sparkly it is with all the sequins. I have just the perfect gold shoes at home to go with this dress!

I love both dresses so much, and I can't stop thanking the girls.

'You guys are so sweet! I don't even know why you did this! I mean, if I got engaged or married then I expect gifts, but why now?!' I joke.

They laugh. "We're both so happy for you! That's why we bought these dresses! We want to always see you happy," Ayesha says, hugging me. Hafsa hugs me too. I feel slightly emotional. My best friends are so amazing and perfect. I love them both so much.

'I love you both so much,' I say, smiling at them when we finally break the hug.

"We love you more!" They both say, grinning. I chuckle. They're too cute.

We have a great time shopping. I buy some makeup items, and also a pair of shoes. There's no way that I would ever leave a shopping mall without buying at least a lipstick and a pair of shoes.

It's nearly 6pm when Hafsa drives us home. 'Zara, have fun at work tomorrow!' Ayesha says, smiling at me.

I smile back. "I will, sweetie. I like working there."

'Guys, I don't know what's up with Zaid bhai these days! He just..doesn't seem like himself at all! Whenever he's sitting with us at home, he seems completely lost. Zara, ask him at work tomorrow, babe. He might tell you what's up,' Hafsa says.

I start blushing as soon as I hear Zaid's name. I think it has something to do with the embarrassing situation of yesterday morning. How could I ask him for a kiss?! I really had lost my mind! I need to make sure that I get enough sleep tonight, because I will be at the office with him all day tomorrow, and I really don't want to embarrass myself again.

I nod. "Why, Hafsa? He seemed fine yesterday morning," I say, remembering.

She laughs as she remembers the same incident. She tells Ayesha all about it, and the two are laughing like crazy.

'Really, Zara?! You're such a crazy girl, what was his reaction?!' Ayesha asks, giggling.

"Erm, just the usual. He smirked," I mutter. Hafsa and Ayesha again burst out into a laughing fit. I blush deep scarlet. That was, hands down, the most embarrassing situation of my entire life. Even more embarrassing than the coffee incident! I don't think I'll ever forget about it.

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