Chapter Sixty-Four

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Zara's POV

My eyes flutter open, adjusting to the bright morning light peeking through the curtains. It's way too early to be awake, the voice inside my head is telling me, as I nuzzle my head deeper into a hard, warm curve. My fingertips touch the heated, hard as rock surface I'm lying on as I try to make myself more comfortable. I'm lying on Zaid, with one hand sprawled over his chest and the other in his hair. Our legs are tangled together. How I managed to fall asleep in this position is crazy.

Zaid is fast asleep, with his arms around my waist, holding me close. The thin, white sheet is covering our bodies and it reaches my mid-back. I smile, glancing up to meet his face. God, he's so handsome. To call Zaid hot or handsome is an understatement. How I'm his wife, I have no idea, but he loves me. He showed me exactly how much he loves me, last night.

My cheeks heat up as I recall the vivid memories of last night. It definitely wasn't anything like it's described in the books or movies. Sweet, enjoyable, amazing. It was definitely not. It was painful. Super painful. Last night, I went through the most pain I've ever experienced in my entire life. But Zaid held me through it all, kissing away my tears and constantly apologising. I felt bad when he kept apologising to me, for causing the pain, because I'm the one who had asked him for it. He kept asking me if I wanted to stop, but I shook my head and pulled him closer to me. He stopped so many times, and I would plead him to continue. He rained kisses all over my face, to make me forget the pain. After a couple of minutes, it started to work.

It was super painful, but last night had been perfect. The closeness I felt with Zaid, I've never experienced that before, and I love it. I felt so emotionally and physically close to him, that it made me so happy. I'm very happy now, although I am feeling extremely sore. I wonder how he feels now. A blush makes its way onto my cheeks as I touch my swollen lips.

Zaid hugs me closer to himself, I can feel his whole body on mine. I'm wearing his shirt, which is open. How is it open? I'm sure I buttoned it up, at least the first few buttons, before I fell asleep last night. My blush intensifies, and I bite my lip. Ouch. Even my lips hurt right now.

I snuggle closer to my husband, smiling contentedly. I feel so comfortable, so at peace in his arms. I want to stay here and not leave. I brush the lightest kiss on his shoulder, before pressing my cheek deeper into the curve of it. I sigh with happiness, again recalling the memories of last night. Zaid definitely had made it the perfect day for me. I trace his muscular chest and stomach with my cold fingertips, his body warm to the touch. Then, I rest my right hand on his chest, watching it rise up and down under my touch. I can hear and feel his steady heartbeat. I've never felt so close to Zaid before. Today, I feel complete.

A few seconds later, I place a gentle kiss at the side of his neck, and another at the hollow of his neck. I know how much he loves it when I kiss him here. I smile to myself as he holds me closer, and I start to trail my fingers down his hard chest, and then down the ridges of his toned abdomen.

Suddenly, he flips us over so that he's above me. My head crashes into the softest, plumped pillows, and my heartbeat increases. He holds both my hands above my head, and looks at me with a mischievous smirk. He was awake. My cheeks heat up, and my eyes widen in shock.

' were awake all this time?!' I mutter, glaring at him.

He smirks again, before looking down towards my body. Damn. My (his) shirt is unbuttoned, and it's the only thing I'm wearing, with my underwear. I squeal, trying to cover myself up but I can't, as he's holding both of my hands in his huge ones. I try to cover myself, but don't realise that I'm raising my body to meet his.

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