Chapter Thirty-One

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Zaid's POV

"I need to tell everyone something," I say to my parents and Hafsa after we have finished having our breakfast the next morning. Mum and Hafsa are clearing the dishes from the dining table. They quickly return all the dishes to the kitchen, and then turn to me. Dad also puts down his newspaper, looking up at me.

Mum and Hafsa have taken a seat back at the table, and they are looking at me questioningly. I don't know how they'll react, but hopefully it'll be a positive reaction?

I pace in front of the table, causing everyone to look at me with confusion.

'What's the matter, Zaid? What do you need to tell us?' Dad asks.

I can't believe that I will be saying something like this to my parents. I can't believe that I am about to tell them that I want to marry Zara.

"I want to get married," I say, clearing my throat. I see that Mum's eyes widen, and she cautiously takes a seat next to Hafsa. Hafsa stands up from her seat, looking at me with shock in her eyes.

'You said what?!' She asks loudly.

"Yes, Zaid? I didn't get that either, I think I'm hearing things. This can't be my son right now. Tell me, are you my son? And please repeat what you just said," Dad says dramatically. I control rolling my eyes.

My family is possibly the most dramatic family ever.

'I want to get married. To Zara. There, I said it. I want to marry Zara,' I say clearly. This time, the glass of juice which Hafsa had been holding slips out of her hands and falls onto the floor, shattering.

Mum looks like she's about to have a heart attack.

I'm not kidding.

And that's when my sister starts screaming. At the top of her lungs. No one stops her.

It feels like no one's said anything for over five minutes, when Mum speaks. "Zaid? Are you being serious?"

I frown. 'Of course I'm being serious. I haven't ever been more serious in my entire life.' I say the last part in a whisper, but they all seem to hear.

Hafsa runs to me and jumps on me, hugging the life out of me. I don't know what to do. Should I laugh? Hug her back? I place my arms around my sister, and that's when I notice. She's crying.

"You're the best brother in the whole world, do you know that?! You're an idiot at times, but I love you so much, bhai! I can't believe this! You want to marry my best friend?!" Hafsa asks, in shock. She lifts her head from my chest and looks up at me. I nod.

"Oh my god! This is honestly the best news ever! I love you so much! I love both of you more than anyone! Mum? Dad?! Can you guys believe it?! I'm sorry, I can't go to university today. I'm not going. Bhai! You're the best! I'm so excited right now, oh I can't believe it!" She grins, wiping away her tears which just keep running down her cheeks.

I knew that Hafsa would react this way, that she would be the happiest person in the entire world. I honestly feel so happy right now. I feel so much lighter, so much happier, now that I've told my family.

I look away from Hafsa, at my parents. Mum is now standing with Dad, who is wiping away her tears. Her, too!?

'Mum? Why are you crying?' I ask her, going up to my parents.

She smiles at me, wiping her face. "I'm crying because I'm so happy! I have never felt this happy before! Ever, Zaid! I'm so glad that you told us this, I can't believe it but I'm so happy! I love you so much." She starts crying again. I smile and hug her, kissing her forehead.

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