Chapter Forty-Three

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Zara's POV

We reach the venue twenty minutes later. When Uncle parks near the front of the large, glass building, my heart starts to beat frantically. Why am I suddenly starting to feel so nervous? My hands start to sweat. We get out of the car and turn towards the huge building, which towers over the city. This venue is usually for holding the largest and most expensive wedding parties. It is one of the most elegant and most popular venues in the city. Of course Zaid and his parents would choose a venue like this one.

Hafsa walks forward, but I grab her arm. She looks at me, concerned, giving me a small smile.

'What's up, babe? Is something wrong?' She asks me, worried.

I shake my head. "I don't know, Hafsa. I'm suddenly starting to feel so nervous, I have no idea why! Am I looking alright?" I ask her.

She chuckles, her eyes glistening. 'You look stunning, Zara. I'm sure that you're looking more beautiful than any other girl here tonight! I'm telling you, so many girls will be envious of you tonight!'

I laugh, shaking my head. She's crazy. "That's not true! I feel so...out of place here. I mean, look at this venue! Everyone entering looks so famous and rich, and I'm just so...ordinary."

She smirks slightly. 'Babe, I promise you, after tonight, everyone will know exactly who you are. They'll be jealous of you. You're more beautiful than any other girl here, and everyone will see it! Now come on, bestie. Let's go! Before Zaid bhai sends out a search party for us!'

I chuckle, nodding. "Okay, let's go."


My parents and Maryam have already reached the venue. I quickly spot them when we enter. They are seated at a table near the front of the venue, with Ayesha and her family. I of course knew that a party of the Malik family will be amazing, but I didn't think it would be this good. The decorations are absolutely stunning; light pink and gold. All the tables are draped with gold and pink tablecloths, and the napkins are also matching the colour scheme. The chairs are draped with gold silk, and have a light pink ribbon near the top. The cutlery on the tables is sparkling silver and gold. Everything looks so expensive, and perfect. The ceiling of this hall is similar to a marquee, lined with pink and gold fairy lights which give the hall a stunning look.

We are in a great big hall, which is lined with tables and tables. At the front of the hall, is a large stage which is also decorated beautifully, matching the pink and gold colour scheme. I've just noticed something. The colour scheme matches so perfectly with my dress. Such a coincidence!

I chuckle, shaking my head lightly. All this for a party to celebrate the end of our first year exams. Crazy. Everything the Malik's do, though, is over-the-top. I love them no matter what, though. Everything today is perfect.

Just then, Hafsa's parents come to us. They both hug me and kiss me gently on the cheek.

'How am I looking, Aunty?' I ask, after greeting them both.

She smiles, her eyes shining brightly with happiness. "You look beautiful, Zara. You're the most beautiful girl here, and everyone can see that!"

'Aww, Aunty! You look so beautiful too! I love how you and Uncle are matching!' I say, laughing, pointing to the blue tie Uncle is wearing, which matches Aunty's clothes. They're so cute.

"Thank you, dear! How do you like the decorations?" Uncle asks me, smiling.

I look around, grinning. 'I love the decorations, and everything! It's all so amazing! I just noticed how perfectly the colour scheme matches my dress!' I laugh.

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