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She rushed towards him, throwing her arms around his neck. His strong arms wrapped around her, lifting her off the ground with ease.

"What are you doing here?" she leans back in his arms, taking in the sight of his face.

"I got given a weeks leave-"

His words are cut off as her lips collide with his. With her eyes shut, her hands run up the back of his neck and along his tapered hair line. The kiss is hungry and Jack stumbles back slightly, still lifting Ali in his arms.

An awkward cough from behind them break the two apart. Ali slides down from Jacks embrace.

"I'll leave you two to catch up, I will see you in a day or two," Emily blows a kiss towards them both before turning out of the path.

"Am I dreaming? I can't believe you are here right now," Ali grins, her eyes fixed on his face.

Jacks eyes are bright as he picks his duffel bag up from the floor "You have no idea how much I've missed you Ali," He touches a delicate finger to her cheek.

She cradles his hand against her cheek before kissing his palm sweetly. "Come, let's get inside before it rains again,"

Jack sits in her father's armchair in front of the fire. His injured ankle is propped up on the footstool in front of him. He has removed his heavy navy blue jacket and set it on the back of the chair. He has pushed the sleeves of his pale blue shirt back, revealing his strong forearms.

"Here," Ali leans down and offers him a cup of tea.

"Thank you," he smiles politely taking the small cup from her and sipping quietly "Ahh that's good. Just what I need after travelling,"

Ali sits on the arm chair beside him, tucking her legs underneath her. "You didn't tell me you were coming,"

"I wanted to surprise you,"

"And what an amazing surprise it is!" She beams "Will you be home long?"

Jack sips some more of his tea "Until the week is out, then I must return,"

Ali nods, her eyes still fixed on him.

"What?" He eyes her cautiously.

Ali shakes her head, clearing her thoughts "What?"

"You, you can't keep your eyes off me," He laughs lightly.

"I don't know Jack, you look so different to me,"

Ali's eyes are filled with wonderment as she takes in the sight of the man before her. His face remained the same, but gone is the floppy blonde hair that framed his face. Whilst the top remained somewhat long, the back and sides are shaved short and his once narrow frame has been exchanged for broad shoulders and strong biceps. The shirt he wears is tight across his muscles and Ali's eyes struggle to turn away. The top button of his shirt is undone and the navy blue tie hangs loosely around his neck. The uniform looks good on him, that much is clear. Her eyes meet his and in that moment she is reminded that underneath it all, he is still her Jack.

"You look so handsome my love," she stands from her seat before leaning down and kissing him tenderly.

His hands tangle in her long hair as he pulls her deeper into the kiss. Butterflies turn in his stomach as heat flushes his cheeks. He pulls away suddenly, his eyes fixed on her face. Quick shallow breaths escape him and his heart races as he follows her figure walking towards the kitchen.

His thoughts are interrupted by the opening of the front door. Ali's mother and Katie walk inside, gossiping eagerly amongst themselves.

"Jack!" They both exclaim in unison.

A bright smile appears on Jack's face and he does his best to stand easily.

"Mrs Dawes," He leans down to hug her warmly.

"What in God's good name are you doing back?" she asks touching his cheek affectionately.

"A week of leave ma'am. A minor injury I assure you,"

"Their loss is our gain," she smiles and pats his cheek lightly several times "Sit down dear, rest your foot,"

Jack does as he's told and retakes his seat in the arm chair. Katie sits opposite him and the two chat idly for a few moments.

Ali joins the two of them and perches on Jack's lap. He snakes his arm around her waist as she leans back against him.

"Jack love, will you stay for dinner?" Mrs Dawes calls from the kitchen.

"I'd love to!"

After dinner Ali helped Jack outside. The two of them perched on the swing bench, rocking slowly backwards and forwards. The evening was drawing to a close and the night sky loomed over them.

A few stars were becoming visible overhead and the faint buzzing of crickets in the long grass could be heard.

"I've missed this," Jack inhales the fresh country air and closes his eyes.

A moment of content silence falls over them. Jack slowly rests his hand over hers and opens his eyes.

"Me too," she turns her hand in his so they are clasped together, resting on the bench between them.

The two of them sit together outside until the night has closed in around them. All of the stars were shining brightly above them, but they didn't notice. So entranced by each other, they had no idea of the time that had passed until Mrs Dawes stepped outside.

"Darlings, it is so late out. Finish up your talks, you can reconvene them tomorrow,"

Ali offers her mother a small smile before she steps back inside.

"It looks like time escaped us, I had no idea it was so late," Jack flips his wrist, eyeing his watch "I should go,"

"You will return tomorrow?" Ali asks as they both stand, more of a question really.

Jack takes both of her hands in his and kisses them warmly "Of course,"

Taking her hand in his, he leads her through her house and towards the front door. Stepping outside he lingers on the doorstep for a few moments.

"Until tomorrow my love," He slips his arms into the sleeves of his uniform jacket and fastens the buttons.

"Will you be safe on your walk home?"

"Do not fret sweet one, I am perfectly safe," He leans up and kisses her softly on the cheek.

"Tomorrow," He whispers, lingering his lips at her ear.

His words send a sweet tingle down her spine.

"Tomorrow," she repeats as she watches him take a back step away from the front door, before slowly turning on his heels and heading down the path, turning right onto the country lane.

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