Flight Of His Life

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The shrill ringing of the bell sent them all into a frenzy. Jack pushed his way through the barrage of men as he ran in the opposite direction to them. Sweat dripped from his brow as he sprinted towards the medical building. He could hear men shouting all around him but he ignored them as the door to the building closed behind him. He sagged onto his haunches as he caught his breath for a few moments.


He looked up to see Erica standing in front of him wearing her baby pink and white nursing uniform. The apron was tight against her abdomen where the swell of her stomach had grown. Her white hat was crisp and poised and her dark hair was scooped into a low messy bun. A few strands escaped the bun and framed her petite face. He smiled at her before standing up and walking towards her and taking her forearms into his hands.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" 

There's a desperation to his voice and Erica nods before the two of them step outside. The bells are still sounding and men are still racing back and forth. Jack and Erica turn the corner and stand to the side of the building. Erica pauses, a delicate hand resting atop her small bump. Jack paces up and down the grassy verge clicking his fingers in frustration.

"You're going aren't you?" Erica's voice is flat.

Jack stops pacing and looks at her with a sadness in his eyes "They're sending me to patrol the Channel," 

She steps towards him and takes a hold of his hand. She goes to speak but can't find the words. Thoughts whirl in her mind at the very real possibility that her baby might never know their father.

"I'll come back to you," Jack whispers as he cups Erica's face in his hand. She leans against the softness of his palm and squeezes her eyes shut.

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Erica lifts her head and takes a step back swiping the un-fallen tears from her eyes. 

Jack watches her carefully with hands in his pockets before stepping towards her "How's this for a promise," he takes his hand from his pocket and holds out his great grandmothers engagement ring. The diamond sparkles in the sunlight as Erica's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Jack-" Erica breathes.

"I know it's not the perfect engagement you dreamed of, but if you'll have me I promise to return to you and our child," Jack steps towards her and takes her hand in his.

"So will you have me?" He asks with a playful smile.

Erica nods before a chuckle escapes her "Yes,"

Jack slides the ring onto her dainty finger before lifting her hand and kissing it delicately. The shrill call of the bells are still sounding high and loud. Jack frowns and shakes his head.

"I have to go," he says flatly.

Erica nods "Be safe and come back to us," she pats her stomach lightly.

Jack looks between her face and her stomach nervously before gingerly stepping towards her and placing his hand on her stomach. The warm small bump against his hand makes his heart leap and a tingling runs across the surface of his skin. He steps back and tips his head towards Erica before turning and racing towards the aeroplane hangers.

Up in the air the familiar sound of the Spitfire's rattling metal comforted him. The leather of his aviator hat covered his ears drowning out the roaring sound of the engine. It was a clear day and the sun was high and bright in the sky. The light glared off his front window and he squinted into the sun. He looked to his right and saw the other two planes from his squadron. Farrier was to the far right of the formation and Smith, a more senior pilot, was the lead for this mission. The three Spitfires gracefully flew low in a perfect uniformed formation. 

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