Auld Lang Syne (Part 1)

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"Are sure my dress looks okay?" Emily fussed with the hem of her emerald green dress.

Ali knocked on the large heavy door before stepping off the step and brushing Emily's dress "It looks great Em, stop worrying," 

Emily smiled weakly as the front door swung open, releasing a wave of loud music and laughter.

"Ladies!" James grins widely with his arms out stretched "I'm so glad you could make it, come in, come in," he waves them into the house. The warmth of the house envelopes Ali and Emily and the music and laughter are louder and clearer now.

"Oh this is for you," Ali hands a small bottle of port to James "Happy New Year," 

He takes it gingerly "Why thank you Miss Ali, can I get you a drink?" The two of them walked through the crowded rooms and towards the kitchen. Emily had already found her way into the main room and was mingling with some familiar faces from the village.

"Champagne?" James hands a tall dainty glass to Ali.

Ali nods, smiling politely as James carefully pours the fizzy liquid into her glass. He pours himself a glass also before raising it up into the air.

"To a wonderful evening," 

Ali grins and clinks her glass against his "A wonderful evening," she agrees.

As she takes a sip, she eyes James over the top of her glass. His dark hair is tousled up and pushed back off his face. His blue grey eyes glint in the light and delicate lines crease the edges as he smiles. When his eyes meet hers he smiles a brilliant white smile, and she watches the strong lines of his jaw as he starts to speak.

"You look very beautiful tonight Ali," 

Ali blushes and casts her eyes down, feeling the heat rush to her cheeks. She takes a shy sip from her drink and smiles sweetly. James chuckles before placing a hand against the small of her back and leading her into the main room.

"Where is Jack tonight?" 

Ali found herself standing with Jed the village vicar and his wife Nancy. James had disappeared a few moments ago to get them more drinks.

"He's back in London," she smiles.

"You must miss him," Nancy says "Oh but you must be so proud. To serve his country, what an honour," 

"Yes a real honour for him," Ali replies with a slight edge to her voice.

"And to think you just became engaged. I'm shocked he left so soon-"

"It's not like he had a choice my dear," Jed interrupts his wife's rant.

Ali smiles at him gratefully. Nancy Langford, as kind-hearted as she was, had always been the village busy body. She enjoyed rooting around in other people's business and got a buzz from knowing the ins and outs of everybody else's life. 

"I know Jed but what man runs off like that after proposing, I mean honestly maybe he's got another woman-"

"Nancy!" Jed cuts in, his eyes pleading with her to stop.

Realisation floods Nancy's face as she remembers that she isn't in the confines of her own home but in the middle of bustling party with Ali standing right in front of her.

"Ali dear...don't listen to me. I'm just spinning tales," she laughs nervously before awkwardly walking away.

"Pay her no attention Ali, she lives for the gossip," Jed chuckles lightly and pats her shoulder before following after Nancy.

Ali is left alone at the far side of the room. The bustle of room happening around her, music playing and guests laughing. She hugs her shoulders as she stares out of the long window. The long rolling lawns are dark but she can make out the silhouettes of a few people smoking cigarettes outside. The smoke billows up in white plumes around them and one of the women throws her head back in laughter as the man beside her wraps his arm around her.

The sight makes Ali's heart ache. Nancy Langford's words ring in her ears and the thought of Jack being away suddenly becomes more real. How she wished that was her out on the lawn throwing her head back in laughter; with Jack wrapping his strong arms around her and pulling her against him. She would lean her head against his chest and inhale his familiar musky smell.

"Can I interrupt?" 

Ali snaps her head round to see James handing her a glass of champagne. She accepts the glass and he stands beside her looking out of the window.

"Don't you worry about Jack," James says quietly "He'll be back with you in no time," 

Ali looks at him, her eyes meeting his.

"I heard what Nancy said. Just ignore her," He reaches out and holds her wrist. His touch is warm against her and her eyes dart down to his hand then back to his face.

James clears his throat awkwardly. "It's almost New Years," he smiles "May I ask you to dance one last time?" 

Ali nods and James takes her hand gingerly in his. He leads her into the centre of the large room where other couples are already dancing. James pulls Ali close to him and rests one of his hands on her back and the other clasps her hand in his. They sway together slowly as the music plays softly. Her red dress splays around them as she twirls in circles. Pulling her back in, Ali rests her head against James' shoulder.

He turns his head so that his lips graze her ear.

"Won't you consider coming to London with me?" he all but whispers.

His words hover in the air around them before Ali slowly lifts her head from his shoulder. His blue grey eyes watch her longingly and her stomach lurches. He really was a beautiful man to behold.

"James," she breathes, lost for words. "I can't-"

"It's okay Ali, I just had to ask one last time," James forces a kind smile before pulling Ali towards him. His arms wrap around her shoulder and she tucks her arms underneath him, embracing him in a hug.

"Ten, nine, eight," 

The two of them break apart as the sound of the crowd chanting the New Year count down begins.

James grins at Ali as they stand side by side and watch the large grandfather clock ticking by.

"Seven, six, five," they chant with the rest of the crowd. 

Emily bustles over and stands beside Ali, taking her hand in hers. Ali smiles brightly at her as the time ticks down.

"Four, three, two....Happy New Year!" The crowd erupts in a joyous chorus and cheers, clapping and laughter sound out around the room.

Emily pulls Ali into a tight hug and the two of them jump up and down excitedly before Emily rushes off to wish other people a happy New Year.

Ali turns to face James who is watching her with adoration, his kind eyes soften when his eyes meet hers.

"Happy New Year James," Ali says sweetly wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly.

"Happy New Year Miss Ali," James leans down and plants a soft kiss on top of her head "I hope it brings you all you wish for."

A/N: Hi everyone! So sorry for the lack of updates in the past 15 days, I am desperately trying to complete my dissertation for my Masters Degree and it's slowly killing me from the inside out. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the 1K reads and all of your vote ups and comments, it means so much to me!! I will try to update more frequently again as I really love writing this story!       R.

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