By And By

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The wind blew softly. It rustled the leaves up in the trees, the greens and yellows dancing together as they fluttered in the breeze. The creek ran freely, rippling over the shallow gravel and splashing against rocks. The sound was peaceful and beautiful. It was quiet here, the sound of running water, the air whooshing through the trees and some songbird off in the distance. There was a stillness about her and Ali was grateful for the tranquility.

Recently her perception of time was warped. Her life, hurtling at incomprehensible speeds had come to a calamitous halt. Jack leaving, the engagement, Jack returning, Jack leaving, meeting James, the baby, loving James, marrying James and then, losing James. Even as she thought about it now, none of it seemed real.

A mere two weeks had passed since he'd died and in that time she'd buried her husband and buried life as she knew it, leaving it all behind in the crumbling ruins of the city. Initially in her grief she had expected to return home to her mother and sister but as the saloon car crested the horizon of the familiar tree lined lane she instructed the driver to bypass the familiar cottage and carry on driving. Pulling up outside Ivy Wood Manor, her heart sank. Memories of the spring spent here with James came crashing down on her with such physicality that Ali actually sank to her knees on the doorstep. As she stared up at the emerald green wooden door the once warm and familial entity of the house gave way to a cold and empty hollowness. The Manor House was deserted. His Lord and Ladyship had vacated and were only expected to return back for the funeral. With both Henry and James now gone, there was nothing left for the family in Weymouth.

Ali's mother had pleaded with her to leave Ivy Wood and come home. Her exact words were "You ought not to be alone at a time like this, you need us," Ali had scoffed audibly, in truth she had wanted to be alone, being alone was how it was meant to be, what with James gone and Jack... God knows where; alone felt like her destiny and Ali was okay with that.

"Do you ever think about the last time we were here?" Emily's voice cut through her thoughts and instantly Ali was back in the present. The trickling cool water of the stream ran over her naked feet and Ali sighed.

"Every day,"

"How easy it was back then," Emilys eyes were fixed on the tree line on the opposite bank. "The four of us, we were just kids really. I'd give anything to go back and stay there forever,"

Theres a long silence before Ali speaks "Maybe one day we'll have it again,"

Emily slows turns her head, her expression void of emotion "If you believe that then you're a bigger fool than I though Ali Dawes,"

She flinched at Emilys words but collected her thoughts quickly "They might come back-"

"They're never coming back Ali!" Emilys voice carries high above the trees and echos along the stream. "They're gone," she sobs "He's gone and he's never coming back," Emilys lip quivers and she lifts her hand to dab her cheeks and sniffs sadly.

Ali watches her for a few short seconds, concerned about her sudden outburst but then stark realisation washes over her.

"You've heard from Charlie?" her voice is quiet.

Emily shakes her head "Not exactly," she digs into the pocket of her skirt and pulls out a folded letter. "His parents gave it to me,"

Ali takes it from her and opens it out, her eyes scanning the words before her.

To the parents of Private Charles Samuel Day,

It is with deep regret that on this day, some Twenty-Seventh August 1940 Private Day was shot dead by firing squad for crimes against his regiment. Private Day was found guilty of Insubordination and Desertion and was duly sentenced to death by firing squad. He declined his right to appeal and his right to contact family. His body will be returned to you at the earliest convenience. My condolences for your loss, may your son live on in your memories and prayers.

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